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'Friendly * Nazar'

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About 'Friendly * Nazar'

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Somewere in Chernarus

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  • Bio
    My life story, eeh. Yes .. .. Oh! I'm a friendly survivor in chernarus, I have a camp at the NW Airfield and play a lot in Dutch server's. Im a sniper in a ghuili suit, and like to play with other people.
  1. 'Friendly * Nazar'

    Sleeping Bags

    Thanks for the replies, and I think you need to sleep like 5 hours ore something if you go offline in the evening. This is just a suggestion :P
  2. 'Friendly * Nazar'

    Wild Bears to Forests?

    I don't think this is a good idea. The forest is the only place where you are safe. Lot's of people have their camp in forests. Ofcourse, the mod need to be more difficuilt, but bears. I don't think it's a good idea, sorry.
  3. 'Friendly * Nazar'

    Sleeping Bags

    So I was thinking, to make the MOD more realistic, why we dont add sleeping bags? You need to sleep *...* hours, otherwise you do not have enough energy to run/sprint ore something. Maybe good for in the future! (I didn't found any kind of topic about 'Sleeping Bags' sorry if YOU can still find it, but ok don't post anything about that)
  4. 'Friendly * Nazar'

    Bandit Skin

    ^ Didn't used the search function .. :l I will check that the next time! sorry
  5. 'Friendly * Nazar'

    DayZ Screenshots!

    So I was in a server, called RU 93 and I was just in a apartment complex in chernogorsk. I tried to pick up a lee enfield, but instead of that I got a Coyote backpack, a Ghuilli suit and all this stuff what you can see in this image. I think a hacker tried to be nice ore something, but it was pretty weird.
  6. 'Friendly * Nazar'

    This might be a big ask.

    Not only poor people troll. Only kiddies that don't understand things, they want that people are paying attention to them. But, I like this idea, a bigger map would be great.
  7. 'Friendly * Nazar'

    Lee Enfield/Mosin Nagant

    Nop, there's not
  8. 'Friendly * Nazar'

    Building, Open World, Vehicles, Single Player, Bounties.

    Why u talk about Left for Dead? Fuck that <3
  9. 'Friendly * Nazar'

    Starting scenarios

    I actually like this idea. But then I think, Farmer: Common, Soldier: Rare, Hiker: Uncommon, Hunter: Rare, Police Officer: Uncommon Just saying, but I like it. Btw, what I mean with Common and rare etc. thats what the spawn thing is, idk how to say it in English, im from the Netherlands.
  10. 'Friendly * Nazar'

    Buildable Bikes

    Dont put this in the game, please. I dont want that in Elektro ore in Cherno (just 2 random cities) 10 people ore something, are driving around in their bicycle. Thats not fun, just let it how it is. :l
  11. 'Friendly * Nazar'

    Adrenaline Rush

    dont put too long text in a topic. i didnt read it. :(
  12. 'Friendly * Nazar'

    New Camo clothing

  13. 'Friendly * Nazar'

    New Camo clothing

  14. 'Friendly * Nazar'

    Remove the Player Killed message from chat

    Dont cry, but it's true. A little annoying yes. But just ignore it, just ask it nice over here if they want to change it, and they will think about it. :D
  15. 'Friendly * Nazar'

    An-2 Colt (Large Biplane)
