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Why is there so many pussy's on DayZ

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Why are there so many dicks on Day Z?

Why do people have to just kill people on a GAME? I don't understand why players are such dicks with DayZ that killing people, they say, is actually the only way to play this game. I have read numerous posts where players have said how awesome it was to blow that noob's face in and how great it made them feel, shooting someone for no good reason. Not even bothering with their gear cause they have everything they need already. Personally, I believe this is extremely sad and they need to stop playing DayZ if it's having the asshole effect on them... it's a computer game where you think "Hey, I'm friendly, so other people may be friendly too right?" grow up and stop being a douchebag. These people seriously need to take a break from the game and re-think what they're doing with their lives , being such dicks online all the time.


I used to never kill people unless they actively engage me but after a while it's gotten me killed way too many times. Now I try to avoid others but if we cross paths then I dont take chances. Hopefully in the future some things are implemented to allow for more incentive to not just kill everyone you see.

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I used to never kill people unless they actively engage me but after a while it's gotten me killed way too many times. Now I try to avoid others but if we cross paths then I dont take chances. Hopefully in the future some things are implemented to allow for more incentive to not just kill everyone you see.

trust me I know. We all have stories of some asshole who killed us for no good reason, Especially after I've helped them :)

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I used to never kill people unless they actively engage me but after a while it's gotten me killed way too many times. Now I try to avoid others but if we cross paths then I dont take chances. Hopefully in the future some things are implemented to allow for more incentive to not just kill everyone you see.

That's why Bandit skins need to be brought back, if it's your mission to kill players there shouldn't be a veil to hide behind.

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I'd love bandit skins to be brought back. If me and my mate see a player 600m away. Its our mission to kill that guy.

Why, so you can tell if I will murder you from a distance?

They were taken out for a reason. In real life, how would you know if I was a "bad guy" or "good guy?"

Psst... there is no good or evil. There are just human beings with different ethical views.

This is a question of ethics, if you want to get down to it. My ethics are different from yours.

I know this is a game, and I am playing it as such. Whereas, you think this is an extension of you and take it personally. As if it were real.

The sun, misses you.

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I love this thread.

This thread should get stickied.


Not only do I not feel bad about "ruining" their "fun." I LOVE it.

Basically, you need us. Without us, you would be playing a SP game. Face it. We are what makes this game exciting.

You are just pissed cause you aren't good enough to be invited to the Bandit Coalition.

This really isn't the case.

Yes we need bandits of course, or the game would be borring. What we don't need is people who is only interrested in shooting every one. That's what has created this KoS attitude. Imagine the paranoia of not knowing if the guy you're looking at is going to shoot you? As it is now, you know what he'll do... Shoot you.

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Why, so you can tell if I will murder you from a distance?

They were taken out for a reason. In real life, how would you know if I was a "bad guy" or "good guy?"

Psst... there is no good or evil. There are just human beings with different ethical views.

This is a question of ethics, if you want to get down to it. My ethics are different from yours.

I know this is a game, and I am playing it as such. Whereas, you think this is an extension of you and take it personally. As if it were real.

The sun, misses you.


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Why do people have a problem with killing people on a GAME, I don't understand why players are getting so immersed with DayZ that killing people is actually affecting their personal lives I have read numerous posts were players have said how upset killing someone has made them and how guilty it has made them fell; personally I believe this is extremely sad and they need to stop playing DayZ if it's having the affect on them...it's a computer game, they're not real and you're not really killing people, grow a pair and get a life. These people seriously need to take a break from the game and re-think what they're doing with their lives if they're getting so worked up and upset over it.

Just because it's a game doesn't mean real feelings can't be felt from it, that is the whole point of a game after all. I would feel pretty bad about going out of my way to kill someone who wasn't a threat, it gives everyone a bad feeling to die and the longer you've been playing on a life the worse the feeling is.

People who spend their time killing other players just to be excited about the kill are Bullies. That's precisely what a bully is, someone who hurts others to feel better about themselves. Just because it's a game doesn't mean peoples personalities are left at the login screen, some people aren't completely pathetic humans and some are, whether it's in a game world or not. That's why DayZ is so popular.

Edited by Psychobob

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The bandit skin was good because it let you know what type of person you were looking at (the downside being that if 2 survivors engage in conflict then one of them will be labeled a bandit forever after). In real life a group of bandits will behave differently, they will have a specific attitude about them, but in this game you cant tell how people are behaving, you cant see their facial expressions. Thats why we need some sort of way of telling what type of person we are looking at. I would like to see some survivor groups occupying and enforcing "laws" in an area of the map. In real life survivors would form communities and would defend those areas from bandits. This would make things more interesting.

The great thing about this game is that it doesn't force you into any specific play style. The game doesnt designate a safe area because in real life it would be up to people to create a safe area. I just imagine that in this world of DayZ everything has gone to shit and people are killing everyone they see (which is what's happening). OK fine thats the situation we have been handed but it doesnt mean it has to be that way forever. And we dont have to wait for some gameplay mechanics to change it for us. The mod allows us to do it ourselves and I'm pretty sure this would improve gameplay for survivors and bandits because now the bandits are'nt just killing helpless survivors. Bandits would have to watch a roadway for travellers or something. it would make things more challenging.

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Why, so you can tell if I will murder you from a distance?

They were taken out for a reason. In real life, how would you know if I was a "bad guy" or "good guy?"

Psst... there is no good or evil. There are just human beings with different ethical views.

This is a question of ethics, if you want to get down to it. My ethics are different from yours.

I know this is a game, and I am playing it as such. Whereas, you think this is an extension of you and take it personally. As if it were real.

The sun, misses you.

Empathy my friend, empathy. A Game or not, you do somthing to someone who you know it upsets, and for no apparent reason. That's pretty cold.

I play it as a game to, but a different game than you play.

Hope I don't sound like an ass, not my native language. If I do, I apologise.

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This really isn't the case.

Yes we need bandits of course, or the game would be borring. What we don't need is people who is only interrested in shooting every one. That's what has created this KoS attitude. Imagine the paranoia of not knowing if the guy you're looking at is going to shoot you? As it is now, you know what he'll do... Shoot you.

That fear is ever more present. It is just in different form. Now, 99% of the people engage because of that KoS mentality.

It is, what it is. If you don't like it, you can go play any other game that placates to the people that want to keep their gear/char for life.

I hear Korean Pay2Win games are poppin. =)

It is just sad, that this simple concept eludes even more intelligent (seemingly) posters.

You do need me... I make this game exciting. Without the banditry (poor choice of words - we are all bandits if pushed to a certain extent) this game would be boring as fuck after the first month or so.

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People spend hours getting gear, and depending on luck and skill, it can all be taken away by one shot. People would rather only fight zombies, but that would take away all the excitement and adrenaline you get from having to run through a field with no cover or hearing walking noises behind you, or those distant gunshots you hear ever so often. Realize what you have before you lose it please.

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Why do people have a problem with killing people on a GAME, I don't understand why players are getting so immersed with DayZ that killing people is actually affecting their personal lives I have read numerous posts were players have said how upset killing someone has made them and how guilty it has made them fell; personally I believe this is extremely sad and they need to stop playing DayZ if it's having the affect on them...it's a computer game, they're not real and you're not really killing people, grow a pair and get a life. These people seriously need to take a break from the game and re-think what they're doing with their lives if they're getting so worked up and upset over it.

I agree BUT!!!!! Its ok to kOS but that making a friend and chatting, then a few hours later you plug them for shits and giggles is just fucking retarded and down right nasty shit!!! >:(

So yes I agree some are pussies, but some are absolute shit heads!!! ;)

Edited by Itchy

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Empathy my friend, empathy. A Game or not, you do somthing to someone who you know it upsets, and for no apparent reason. That's pretty cold.

I play it as a game to, but a different game than you play.

Hope I don't sound like an ass, not my native language. If I do, I apologise.

This is a game. In real life, I bet I am more empathetic, than most of the ppl I kill. That is what cracks me up. I use my empathy in real life, to the people around me. I bet most of these people bitching are piddly lil fuckers that bully kids in school and when they come and play and get fucked up... they cry "wolf."

Heh...Wolf.. yes I am.

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They say the sign of a great game is one that actually makes you stop and think about a decision or feel/question an action in game.

For many DeusX:HR's final decision was a tough one they had to really agonize only.

Getting into a game to the point where you really feel things and think about your actions/consequence is a great release so don't think all people who post about things like that are nuts, it's quite common.

That said anyone who actually gets REALLY upset / Kicks their cat / punches their wife or rages for days about in game stuff probably does need help yes, but don't lump them together XD :)

I felt Guilty almost everytime I dropped a player even a couple of times when THEY were the aggressor and spent some time pondering on humanity and the roll trust/fear plays in our shallow veneer we call humanity.

But I'm not going to call in sick from work because I'm bedbound with guilt or punch my child because someone killed me ;)

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i really want to get involved in this again but i'm having difficulty summoning the energy....

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That fear is ever more present. It is just in different form. Now, 99% of the people engage because of that KoS mentality.

It is, what it is. If you don't like it, you can go play any other game that placates to the people that want to keep their gear/char for life.

I hear Korean Pay2Win games are poppin. =)

It is just sad, that this simple concept eludes even more intelligent (seemingly) posters.

You do need me... I make this game exciting. Without the banditry (poor choice of words - we are all bandits if pushed to a certain extent) this game would be boring as fuck after the first month or so.

One of the big problems is that almost every one (I think), goes from what Rocket has said about this game:

Sandbox (every one can do what they want), and that's happening right now. This suits the many who want's it to be pure PvP.

An Anti-game (a game that's not like all the others), that's not what we have right now, we have an Almost pure PvP.

And as I already said before, I do like the game, but It can (and most certainly will) be a great game.

It's not that we don't want PvP, but we want it to be more than that.

It is just sad, that those of you who love the game as is, can't/won't see it.

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Why, so you can tell if I will murder you from a distance?

They were taken out for a reason. In real life, how would you know if I was a "bad guy" or "good guy?"

Psst... there is no good or evil. There are just human beings with different ethical views.

This is a question of ethics, if you want to get down to it. My ethics are different from yours.

I know this is a game, and I am playing it as such. Whereas, you think this is an extension of you and take it personally. As if it were real.

The sun, misses you.

Sorry but this struck me as terribly hypocritical, Bandits skins are taken out of the "game" because they are not a realistic mechanic and would not be present in "real life", but in the next sentence you say that you are playing it as a game which you know it is and you disparage the person playing it as an extension of their personality "as if it was real"

You can't have your cake and eat it too, mate.

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Also if your bringing personal ethics into the discussion - I wholeheartedly agree, this game is meant to challenge your personal ethics, the question is - If one person is playing dayz actively telling themselves "It's just a game, nothing I do matters" and another is fully commiting to the reality of the game will their be any overlap in their ethics and actions?

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and to follow up, I really hope the devs remain true to the concept and resist the market pressures that the cod kiddies are exerting here... for once in a generation of computer gaming there is a chance to attempt something genuinely new here, and it might be getting crushed... Ideally i'd like to see the devs provided with some actual technological support so they don't have to code the bug fixes by themselves.... and could concentrate on the direction of the project...

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It still is that game, CLewis. You just have to be weary that you will die if you cross my sights.

You can still PvE. The thing is, don't BooHoo when you get killed by a player. In real life, the thing to fear in a Zombie Apoc wouldn't be the zombies... they would be atrophied piles of flesh that would be easily avoided if you adhered to strict rules. The thing you would have to watch out for, is the remaining human population.

They are smart, mobile, and can use tools (weapons, traps, etc). This game shows just that.

Once again, we aren't ruining your fun. You are ruining it, by taking yourself too seriously (if you in fact do do this). Also, my fun gets ruined with I get DC'd on, Meta'd or hacked.

All those things, are exploits and borderline cheating to full blown cheating. These are the things that should be addressed. Not... "Another player shot me in the PvP game... boohoo... fix this... I got my beanz stolen..."

My point stands and is on firm ground. As for your rebuttals, while thought out and sincere, they are shaky at best. Once again, I don't have to placate to you, nor you to me.

This is a game. Get over it!

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I'm going to repost what I wrote earlier because i really don't think its gotten through yet.... please read it, and consider it for more than two seconds before responding. For those of you that came here searching for a new interesting game mechanic, and are enjoying the mechanic as it exists, realise that there are those of us here who see this as an honest oppurtunity to break away from that model and genuinely invent a completely new genre of simulator software. It's not that we don't recognise your point, just that we're getting crushed by the volume of people and the gaming mentality being ported over from other "games".

whoa some thread. The core problem is that the OP doesn't get that this isn't a game. And was never intended to be a game. It was intended to be a simulator to explore emotional reaction. You can't bring game mentality into a simulator. That his "game"play is ruining anothers simulation just goes to show that there are truly two completely different communities and cultures here clashing at a truly basic level. They don't have the language to relate to each other.

I truly think that on a fundamental level, people involved in this experiment can be broken into two distinct groups. Players and Participants. And here I think the language is extremely important in defining the issue.

A player perceives the environment as a game to be won or lost. This allows for a style of interaction that would only be seen to be psychotic in any real world situation, and attaches or detaches by choice part of his natural persona.

A participant perceives the environment as an area to be shared for good or ill with it's population. This commits one to the environment on a much more emotionally basic level where one can't escape the emotional crossover.

I think the participant group are here searching for a more meaningful virtual existence and have transcended from regular gaming models. That the player group can't relate is a problem. One that's threatening, in my opinion, the goals of the development team.

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Sorry but this struck me as terribly hypocritical, Bandits skins are taken out of the "game" because they are not a realistic mechanic and would not be present in "real life", but in the next sentence you say that you are playing it as a game which you know it is and you disparage the person playing it as an extension of their personality "as if it was real"

You can't have your cake and eat it too, mate.

How is that hypocritical? I know this is a game but when I play I fully immerse myself into it because that is what makes me good at it. And, when I die, I may get irked for a second but then I move on and respawn. I know it is a game on a deeper level, but on a superficial level I treat is as reality. That is not hypocritical, it is tactical.

Also if your bringing personal ethics into the discussion - I wholeheartedly agree, this game is meant to challenge your personal ethics, the question is - If one person is playing dayz actively telling themselves "It's just a game, nothing I do matters" and another is fully commiting to the reality of the game will their be any overlap in their ethics and actions?

Yes, it would. And I hope for it every time I get dropped on by some newbie with an enfield. I hope they have a battle of conscience. All I need is that second of contemplation to put something in you.

I don't have that ethical dilemma. My ethics are straight. I keep myself and my teammates alive. That is it. If I am grouped with you (on vent) I will run into hellfire and back for you. If you aren't talking to me on vent you are a target.

In the end, it is a video game and you shouldn't take yourself so seriously.

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