8 Posted July 28, 2012 On 7/28/2012 at 12:20 AM, v1ktor said: You must have down syndrome/dyslexia so I will keep this simple.Clan A) hides all vehicles at campsite A)Player B) does not find any vehicles due to clans hiding them allThe.Fucking.End.You're a clown. I don't even know where to begin with you, lets start with the whole immersion factor that you kiddies seem to cry about on a daily basis. If this were real life (as a lot of people like to think it is) then in all actuality this is exactly what would be happening. People who banded together would scavenge all the workable vehicles in an area to their own camp/town so that they could better their own odds, keep other possibly dangerous people from having them, etc. Next let's go with the pretty simple point L2P, it's not hard to stumble onto a camp with a vehicle or two there. Especially after the patch that respawns them if they're outside of the boundaries.The entitlement of this community has been coming increasingly unbearable as of late. When you don't have something that you want you work for it. That's the way the world works, stop expecting everything to be giving to you. If a person/clan is hording vehicles on a server you frequently play on then stalk them and find it. It honestly isn't all that hard. I'll end this by saying the world owes you nothing (in this case Day Z) work for it or quit.Tl;Dr Stop whining... 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sausagekingofchicago 4711 Posted July 28, 2012 It just seems like vehicles should be used to get somewhere... not for storage. Thats just my opinion. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
perestain 33 Posted July 28, 2012 On 7/28/2012 at 1:41 AM, SausageKingofChicago said: 2 days wont be enough. Any small group could get into a vehicle, start it, turn it off and hop out and we'd still have this pokemon hoarding problem.I mean,If people really lack self reflection on such a basic level that they don't get the idea that it might be a strange thing to sit in front of the computer all day working on accumulating virtual car representations that have no actual value and will not even be used inside the game,then their problems are probably more severe than my troubles finding a car to do shit with it. I found a lot of vehicles lately, so whatever, so I guess I am less pissed of by that right now.Its probably this roleplaying thing, where people believe they live in this world and fantasize about their life and how it is important to aquire objects that represent value instead of having a good time.Maybe make vehicles explode when they cross the map border. That way people looking for them would actually find them. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
perestain 33 Posted July 28, 2012 (edited) double post, sry Edited July 28, 2012 by perestain Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
40ozcasualty 6 Posted July 28, 2012 I think there needs to be vehicle spawn zones scattered throughout the map. (75+ to make it harder to camp a spawn) When the server starts/re-starts the vehicles should be randomly distributed among these spawn zones, when a vehicle has LEFT a spawn zone and has been inactive for one hour, it should re-spawn at a random spawn zone. This should increase the chances of stumbling on a vehicle and make it impossible to hoard the vehicles in far off parts of the map. Thoughts? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 8 Posted July 28, 2012 On 7/28/2012 at 12:22 AM, SamSpam said: Location A is next to noob spawn. Noob needs that bike to get to his friends in a reasonable amout of time.Location D is next to some veteran's collection on the other side of the map. Veteran needs that bike so he can masturbate looking at his collection.Is that unfair? you tell me.So you're saying every noob who spawns at the coast needs a vehicle. I honestly can't even tell if this is trolling it's that laughable. If you need to get to you're friends walk like everyone else does what makes you so special? I think you should read my last post about being entitled, why do you need a vehicle more than a clan with 10 members, (just a random number) when in all actuality they probably would use it for far better uses than driving around Cherno honking the horn and getting shot at.Tl;Dr Stop whining...P.s. No i'm not in a clan, i play by myself and sometimes with one or two people. I have no problem stealing vehicles from hoarders whether when they're offline or not. L2P... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CrashB111 2 Posted July 28, 2012 Alot of this came from when people would do this for shits and giggles:Player 1's clan finds all the vehicles on the map and moves them to a central location near the edge of the map,They then proceed to drive all the vehicles the maximum distance they can off the map until they run out of gas.Since nobody can get to these vehicles now (the end of the map goes for hundreds if not thousands of kilometers) the offending people suicide and respawn back in the map. The vehicles will stay outside the map for + - 7 days since they don't auto explode/reset till they have been idle for that long, so if 1 person stays with the hoard (alternate accounts quite possibly) they can keep all the vehicles off the map indefinitely. This was fixed since things don't save off the map now, but it was a serious concern. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nexus545 13 Posted July 28, 2012 (edited) 'Cause people expect to find cars where they are said to spawn on maps they find on the internets... So when nothing is ever there people get mad. I find the online maps kind of cheating anyways. Edited July 28, 2012 by Nexus545 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bonesnap 75 Posted July 28, 2012 (edited) MAKE VEHICLE SPAWNS RANDOM.Problem partially solved. Good day. Edited July 28, 2012 by bonesnap 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
batcaveslimer 12 Posted July 28, 2012 I think the problem is that when a group finds a vehicle, it makes it a lot easier for that group to gain even more vehicles by searching spawn locations (sometimes across servers) or to search for more hidden vehicle locations on the outer edges.Have any of you seriously tried to search on foot for hidden car locations? Exhausting, time consuming, boring, and you better take plenty of water as you risk dying of thirst. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 22 Posted July 28, 2012 (edited) Jesus christ, you people are idiots. The vehicles would be fucking useless if you lost them after not using them for a day. Some people log for a few days at a time, why should their hard work finding and repairing the vehicle go to waste because they're busy for a day or two? Shit, in that time someone else has probably found it anyway.Yesterday we found a motercycle at spawn up north. As there is actually little high value industrial outside of the 3 major cities, it took a few hours to find all the wheels, scrap metal, fuel tank and jerry cans to get it up and running and self sustaining. Most of which was me as my mate who ended up with it was watching it while I found all the parts. Are you saying neither of us deserve to have that motercycle for ourselves and not have it disappear when we log so some other wally can drive it around and get it blown up? Fuck you.Also, people are only upset because they're using online maps to try and farm vehicle spawns. You're just as bad as hoarders, fact. Edited July 28, 2012 by Drakezilla 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Deadcow 41 Posted July 28, 2012 I agree with many of the people in this thread. People who bitch about hoarding are people too lazy to put any work in to finding a vehicle. The vehicle is still on the map, just not in the spawn point with a giant arrow pointing to it.All camps are eventually found, no matter how well they are hidden. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
disorder 344 Posted July 28, 2012 (edited) I think this problem would be resolved with a 'save refresh' that is the vehicle times out and respawns if the user doesn't save every 3 daysAlso to alleviate the hoarding maybe only one vehicle is allowed to be saved per map grid, which means people would at least have to spread them out a bit. Edited July 28, 2012 by disorder 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 22 Posted July 28, 2012 On 7/28/2012 at 2:41 AM, disorder said: I think this problem would be resolved with a 'save refresh' that is the vehicle times out and respawns if the user doesn't save every 3 daysThe ONLY decent suggestion so far. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lin (DayZ) 22 Posted July 28, 2012 I just hate people who take a car, drive it off to the boondocks, then ever logs in again.Just make the re spawn timer a bit lower as in 3 days. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kin0 21 Posted July 28, 2012 On 7/28/2012 at 12:21 AM, Daddy said: And when player B) walks in to their camp? How is it different than finding the car from a random spawn location?One does not simply "walk" into a bandit clan camp. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Leaper229 3 Posted July 28, 2012 On 7/28/2012 at 12:20 AM, v1ktor said: You must have down syndrome/dyslexia so I will keep this simple.Clan A) hides all vehicles at campsite A)Player B) does not find any vehicles due to clans hiding them allThe.Fucking.End.u mad cuz u no have friends and cant get vehicles? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
batcaveslimer 12 Posted July 28, 2012 I'm not whining about the vehicle situation cause I'm lazy. I've done the hard yards of searching ON FOOT for days for hoarder's or anyone's camps on the fringes. Makes me think cars are still being held off-map.That is days and days of game-play of just running around living off the land and not finding squat! = BoringAs stated before, if I had a vehicle then my team could get more vehicles.Perhaps vehicles are being found and destroyed and are forever cycling in the 7 day respawn phase?Some actual statistics from Rocket concerning vehicles in play might be helpful. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rayth 12 Posted July 28, 2012 Here's what I'd like to see happen:Vehicles do not spawn at specific points, they spawn randomly throughout towns/farmhouses/on roadsVehicles have a 3 day rollover save timer instead of 7Most problems, if you can even call them problems, which I don't, would be solved with those changes. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aussiestig 681 Posted July 28, 2012 If a clan or player goes to all the hard work of finding vehicles before other players, then his/her hard work should not be undone, no matter how angry you are that you don't have a vehicle. Deal with it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
v1ktor 59 Posted July 28, 2012 On 7/28/2012 at 12:21 AM, Daddy said: And when player B) walks in to their camp? How is it different than finding the car from a random spawn location?Also, I appreciate the concern for my health you're showing, and I would feel better if you yourself took some tests, you know, just to put my mind at ease.Sorry kid, not everyone has countless hours to run through forests looking for hidden vehicles just to have the autistic admin lock the server and have you lose that vehicle you have just found.Plus admins appear to piss their panties and restart servers every time one of their many camps gets raided 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
U.B.C.S. Hops 128 Posted July 28, 2012 Vehicle hoarding is fair. Always was, always will be. People just want this game to be so damn easy and want things brought to them on a silver platter. That "Vehicle hoarder" spent just as much time fixing up those vehicles as any one else would have. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Entropic 5 Posted July 28, 2012 It's not the hoarding that pisses me off. It's the fact that large groups of 12 ~ 20 people gets ALL the vehicles, and they never play all together using them... What's the point of having a car if it's only gathering dust in the corner of the map?Me and my friends were looking for cars since the day we started playing, after a whole week we found a camp with almost every single vehicle parked in there. We stole it ofc but, we got chased and HUNTED by a large group just because we had 1 of their cars. They found the place we parked it, and instead of just getting the car back, they camped it for THREE days, just to shoot us with an AS50 and get a "revenge".It was pretty fun... But did they really needed that car? Bet it's back in the forest... 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
v1ktor 59 Posted July 28, 2012 On 7/28/2012 at 3:18 AM, Leaper229 said: u mad cuz u no have friends and cant get vehicles?The sad truth is... kids with mental illnesses like you are usually the ones who make worthless posts on internet forums which I guess make them feel happy.Own 3 servers, have a clan, own more vehicles than most of you in this thread; walk away please. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SystemiK 366 Posted July 28, 2012 Personally, I fucking love the vehicle hoarders. They find the vehicles. They repair the vehicles. They drive them all to one location. They fill them up with fuel and loot.I drive them away one by one. Fucking brilliant. I heart the hoarders and I'm willing to give them at least half of my beans (maybe more). 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites