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Do you guys feel bad for killing people?

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I was running around cherno today and i had some zombies chasing me and i ran into the store and i saw this guy with a ak look at me for a split second so i aimed at him and unloaded on him i hit him with one shot and ran to the back and he was at the door when i put atleast 20 bullets into and looted him he had a bunch of stuff i feel bad for killing him because it took him along time to get that stuff does anybody else feel bad for killing people. (he fired before i shot..)

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Yeah, even when I kill a guy that shot at me, I don't like ruining people's days. Although, you have to think about it like this: most people don't take this game too seriously and won't go crying for hours because they died. All in all, it is just a game :P.

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Nope, the only thing I feel is the recoil of my rifle...

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Everyone I kill deserves it, no one is innocent. I deserve it, so I'll get mine sometime soon.

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Those who are likely to kill me I feel nothing. Those who have no weapon, I feel slightly bad, but they didn't lose much loot so it's not too bad.

There was one guy with a winchester and an alice pack. I had a hatchet on my toolbelt. I wanted his gun and his alice pack. He didnt know I had a hatchet. I ran to him with zombies behind me saying in the mic, help help, kill these zombies and il give you some stuff. He also talking in mic something like: "its ok its ok". I put something on the floor and said take it. He went over to it, as he did this I took out the hatchet behind him and killed him. His dying words were literally: "Oh fu- [uck you!]". I felt really bad about that one. xD

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I enjoy killing people that have a weapon and can stand a chance to fight back. I usually let the guys who have absolutely nothing live. I don't want to live forever on this game, I anticipate death so i can start fresh. Staying alive to long gets boring, especially when you have a nice loadout of weapons and accessories.

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I feel bad for every kill I make, with one exception.

Hackers dont bother me too much, I can quit and they will be gone.

But player spawn killers, I feel no remorse or mercy for them, I will gladly hunt them until the end of time.

I wonder how many people are put off playing for the night when they spawn and are instantly snipered (happened a few times to me)

In general I feel bad for shooting at people in this game (unless they fire straight from the word go)

But after a kill I feel like ive ruined their game. If they deserve it then I dont feel too bad, but theres always a little bit nagging at me inside that I could have talked my way out of it

Edited by thelonewarrior

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I was running around cherno today and...

Ehi EatMyDiciton1 so u kill me today? :D

I feel bad when I can't press the trigger first....

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I was running around cherno today and i had some zombies chasing me and i ran into the store and i saw this guy with a ak look at me for a split second so i aimed at him and unloaded on him i hit him with one shot and ran to the back and he was at the door when i put atleast 20 bullets into and looted him he had a bunch of stuff i feel bad for killing him because it took him along time to get that stuff does anybody else feel bad for killing people. (he fired before i shot..)

If someone is aiming at you it's a me or him situation. The game is a kill or be killed OK Corral theme going on right now.

But he never stood a chance. I'm assuming it's the K2 that has you too hyped to use a a period in any other place than the end of your paragraph. :)

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Ehi EatMyDiciton1 so u kill me today? :D

I feel bad when I can't press the trigger first....

eatmydiction i love him no homo :P

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So long as they are not defenseless and completely unaware. Otherwise I trust nobody and typically kill on sight.

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I feel bad for run on sentences. They make eyes bleed.

However most times no. Because its a shoot first think second attitude in DayZ for most players.

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Takes all of 30 min to get all your basic gear(Alice, Lee/AKM/ w/e, sidearm, map, food, drink.) Usually pretty fun doing that early gearup as well. Why feel bad about killing someone? They are going to be having fun while you're probably busy running someplace else. I don't hide bodies though, I'm fine with people getting some easy loot from my kills. Also makes for a good lure B)

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Nah I like to watch my murder count go up. In our group you can only get better weapons by getting more murders. So if you get 10 murders you get an AS50 and m4 Holo. If you get 25 you get your own car.

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Nah I like to watch my murder count go up. In our group you can only get better weapons by getting more murders. So if you get 10 murders you get an AS50 and m4 Holo. If you get 25 you get your own car.

Nah I like to watch my murder count go up. In our group you can only get better weapons by getting more murders. So if you get 10 murders you get an AS50 and m4 Holo. If you get 25 you get your own car.

Wow, sounds like a great group. Do you play Pokemon if your parents don't catch you staying up to late?

(j/k, j/k)

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Killing people in a DayZ, for me, feels something like I'm rocketing down a slide made of Cool Whip as I stalk them. When my bullet inevitably punctures their cranium, sending skull fragments and brain matter scattering through the air, it's as if I've reached the bottom of the slide and landed in a pool of delicious gummy sharks and banana pudding.

Edited by Cyric

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Killing people in a DayZ, for me, feels something like I'm rocketing down a slide made of Cool Whip as I stalk them. When my bullet inevitably punctures their cranium, sending skull fragments and brain matter scattering through the air, it's as if I've reached the bottom of the slide and landed in a pool of delicious gummy sharks and banana pudding.

Interesting... lol

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Totally depends on the situation. In a scenario that the OP described, no, I wouldnt feel bad. It was him or you. You won. Good for you!

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