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Crazy graphical glitches after updating to and 95389

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I set texture to low, then back to very high and it cleared it up for me. They seem to come back after a long while, though. Setting low then high clears it again for me when that happens.

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I was having the problem 2 days ago when i was using 95310. Not anymore is 95417.

Though I did change one setting which could be the fix.

Catalyst Control Center -> Gaming -> 3d App Settings -> Tessalation. Change from AMD optimised to Use App Settings.

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The fix is to set ur video memory in-game to default.

Same issue, HD 7870 catalyst 12.6

Changing memory to default reduced the problem but has not eliminated it.

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I have tried all combinations of my graphic setting, restarted the game and computer and still qhite/ gray / black shit everywhere. I am near no wire only trees. I move to an open field and still the same.

I used to get it some graphic glitches before patch but they were fixed with a restart of the game.

Edited by spawn

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That's me, near the Stary Sobor mil. Tents.


Yesterday, in Berenzino, turning off Vsync and restarting the PC helped. (turning off Vsync alone not).

But now, nothing works.

Luckily it's early in the morning and noone else plays :) Would be *censored* to get shot while you can't see anything

Edited by knallfix

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Video memory to default in-game fixed the issue for me :D

this is somewhat strange to be honest. i have to change the video memory 5-6 (and once around 10) times and then it works fine, but the glitches appear again somewhere else.

i had those glitches on balota airfield (looking at tower/hangar), nw airfield (tower), stary (tents), cherno (med. tents), elektro (can't recall where D: ), berezino (south).

system specs

intel i5-2500k

zotac gtx260 (+newest driver)

8gb ram

asus p8p67 motherboard

win7 x64

Edited by Senny

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Im getting it at military bases, but the problem is more severe on some servers. changing server helped with 1 area, then the next one was bugged.

Is it an engine issue or dayz issue? I assume an arma2 engine issue?

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me and my friend have been *trying* to raid the Stary Sobor Mil. tents for a while, but these glitches are a royal pain. We have been server hopping and changing our settings, but every time we have LOOKED near the place it glitches up and lags my friend. I am running a toshiba satellite with an i7 second gen, 8 gig ddr3, and windows 7 64 bit. He is running some shitty AMD core with a crappy ram. (thats why he lags near these glitches) We have been server hopping to try and find a server where this didnt happen to either of us, but it seems we will have to wait for the update. We both have and the beta patch 95417.

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2 of my friends and I have Nvidia cards and are having the same issue 2 GTX460 R2 and a GTX 560TI

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just wanted to add that these glitches also appear around green mountain (at least for me) since nobody else seems to recall seeing it around that area :)

again, because of dead soldier models :P

Edited by Morgothom

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I'm running the ATI hd rad 5770 and getting these problems.... but I just stay away from all the fore-mentioned areas like stary, NWAF etc at the moment and loot the more remote places.

Edited by Etnie

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i got a 5870 with newest driver.

Artifacts seen near Berzhino and NWAirfield - i had to back off - it was unplayable please rocket fix this and the duping thing and im totally happy :)

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