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THE Night is TOO DAMN DARK Thread. Others will be deleted etc.

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Not really seeing what your tyring to do here' date=' the game runs off the time of the server not my computer. So i dont see how changing the time at my end would have any effect on the server im playing on.


I mean it just need to change ingame date, so night will be a lot brighter and you'll be able to see at least w/o changing brightness/gamma setings. Don't know if date are sync with server date, but hosters may try it.

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Don't be scared of the black, its only a colour.

Once you tried black theres no going back

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Most of the people complaining about night bought arma2 just for this mod, if you're going to complain, at least get used to the game a bit more, sure it's hard to see without aid, but that's what chemlights, flares, compasses and maps are for.

It's not really that hard to keep yourself oriented at night, even if you just spawned in the pitch black on the coast, keep it on your right and you're either going east or north. It's no one else's problem if you decide to not use your flares or chemlights intelligently. If you hear a zombie, stop in your tracks until you can locate them. Then either sneak around or pop them in the head if you feel so inclined.

But, the easiest suggestion is just don't play at night if you don't like it. There are other servers in different timezones you know.

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I wasn't aware coldness caused Hypnotherapy.

Yeah sorry I meant hypothermia. I'm posting from my iPhone and it likes to auto correct to words it feels like an I didn't catch the error.

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Is there a trick to finding out which servers are playing it at night time? I can't seem to find anything on the server listings.

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I wasn't aware coldness caused Hypnotherapy.

Yeah sorry I meant hypothermia. I'm posting from my iPhone and it likes to auto correct to words it feels like an I didn't catch the error.

Only pointed it out as it made me chuckle. I pictured Paul McKenna suddenly appearing when it started raining. Scarier then any zombie :p

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Omg Im so tired of this bullshit DayZ community.

"Hey guys, this is clearly wrong we need to fix this a little".

Response: "Haha lolol fuck you idiot that will not be realistic, go play cod bf3"

People are so obses with this "realism" that they become stupid as fuck. If this keep up, we will be playing DayZ on a treadmill with plastic guns and real pepsi/beans.

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Is there a trick to finding out which servers are playing it at night time? I can't seem to find anything on the server listings.

The servers run on the same 24 hour period as we do in real life. The server time is most often around the same time as the server area. You most after guess where the sever is located because of the name of the server. So if it says uk1 then the server time more then Likely will be based in the uk. So if it's 7 pm in the uk the. It would be 7pm server time. Some servers have started to reverse the time so that way when it's night time were the server is its rally day time. Hope that helped an made some sense.

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such a bunch of whiney pubbie faggots

just go play cod or some other bullshit

Seeing that this game is mandatorily made to be public that would make you a "pubbie faggot" all the same wouldn't it? (rhetorical)


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its A GAME in ALPHA dude. give it time but i agree, its too dark sometimes but i still manage to survive.

little tip for you. if you havent allready. put HDR in the graphics options to very high and upo the contrast/brigthness little bit.

maybe there is a possibility for DAY only servers. for people who jsut are able to play in the eveneing or weekends.

that would also help that the russian dont inflate the european servers and we do not have to join us servers for this.

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So night is okay' date=' as long as it doesn't effect you and your nv's.


[/quote']Way over your head, what a surprise....

Why are you acting like you know me? You don't, so how could you possibly make a snap judgement like that.

Brilliant argument though. Realy well presented and thought out.

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Make NVG's use batteries that drain every 10 minutes. Problem solved.

Ten minutes is a bit harsh, but I do like the idea of needing to replish the goggles from time to time.

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Why are you acting like you know me? You don't' date=' so how could you possibly make a snap judgement like that.

Brilliant argument though. Realy well presented and thought out.

[/quote']Because what was stated obviously went way over your head, your comment went well beyond the night vision and you didn't even take into account what would happen if the game actually followed your logic.

Making a game hyper realistic in a way in which it makes a game strenuous and arduous to play is not exciting, it's an annoyance and makes people lose interest very quickly.

By your logic the flashlights would need batteries, the night vision would, the GPS would, the compass would, the watch would, the m4 cco would, the flashlight would again to read the maps at night.

Do you see what I am getting to here? There is a point where the line must be drawn. If I find a can of beans to eat I should not have to find a can opener, a spoon, a bowl and a pot to cook it in.

There is a generally and quite clearly defined line (at least to me) where the tedious and gimmicky shit must end.

So like I said a suggestion such as having to find batteries for the night vision is way over your head and not as simple as you make it out to be. Some things need to just BE regardless of if it's realistic or would work in real life, this is a game.

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Maybe night is unrealistically dark, maybe it isn't, we could agrue this (and probably will) from now until the end of time and still not come to an agreement, but the fact of the matter is it's not impossible, or even difficult to a degree that would warrent such hostility, to navigate through cities/towns or the wilderness at night. With one well-place flare and you can have enough light to make it through the smaller towns with little to no issues, and maybe two or three plus a chem light for the cities.

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Find Night vison googles. And when the moon is up, I can see clear without nv googles

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such a bunch of whiney pubbie faggots

just go play cod or some other bullshit

Not sure why people like you feel the need to act like a child. People can have a debate without insulting each other just no need for it. An for the most part people in this thread have given points on both sides with out insulting anyone. Wether you like the night as it is of not we are all here talking an debating about the game because we like the game not because we want to play call of duty. In other words you doing nothing to help either side of the situation at all.

god so butt hurt

There is no situation' date=' there is day and there is night

deal with it or gtfo


Maybe night is unrealistically dark' date=' maybe it isn't, we could agrue this (and probably will) from now until the end of time and still not come to an agreement, but the fact of the matter is it's not impossible, or even difficult to a degree that would warrent such hostility, to navigate through cities/towns or the wilderness at night. With one well-place flare and you can have enough light to make it through the smaller towns with little to no issues, and maybe two or three plus a chem light for the cities.



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Why are you acting like you know me? You don't' date=' so how could you possibly make a snap judgement like that.

Brilliant argument though. Realy well presented and thought out.

[/quote']Because what was stated obviously went way over your head, your comment went well beyond the night vision and you didn't even take into account what would happen if the game actually followed your logic.

Making a game hyper realistic in a way in which it makes a game strenuous and arduous to play is not exciting, it's an annoyance and makes people lose interest very quickly.

By your logic the flashlights would need batteries, the night vision would, the GPS would, the compass would, the watch would, the m4 cco would, the flashlight would again to read the maps at night.

Do you see what I am getting to here? There is a point where the line must be drawn. If I find a can of beans to eat I should not have to find a can opener, a spoon, a bowl and a pot to cook it in.

There is a generally and quite clearly defined line (at least to me) where the tedious and gimmicky shit must end.

So like I said a suggestion such as having to find batteries for the night vision is way over your head and not as simple as you make it out to be. Some things need to just BE regardless of if it's realistic or would work in real life, this is a game.

I think you seem to have me confused with somebody else.

I'm not for ultra realisim.

What I was refering to is the fact that you seemed to be for ultra realism and night time, as you have nv, but the minute somebody mentioned about handicaping nv with batteries, all of a sudden it's too realistic for you.

You can't have it both ways.

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I think you seem to have me confused with somebody else.

I'm not for ultra realisim.

What I was refering to is the fact that you seemed to be for ultra realism and night time' date=' as you have nv, but the minute somebody mentioned about handicaping nv with batteries, all of a sudden it's too realistic for you.

You can't have it both ways.

[/quote']You don't get it, waste of time.......

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The darkness of night provides more protection than any weapon you could ever find in the game. If you want to be able to see and don't mind breaking the immersion a bit I recommend jacking up the gamma and brightness, and setting your HDR to very high.

I spend much of my time on night servers, I feel far too vulnerable on daylight servers as if there is a silent sniper watching me, slowly squeezing back the trigger as the crosshairs fall on my head.

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I think you seem to have me confused with somebody else.

I'm not for ultra realisim.

What I was refering to is the fact that you seemed to be for ultra realism and night time' date=' as you have nv, but the minute somebody mentioned about handicaping nv with batteries, all of a sudden it's too realistic for you.

You can't have it both ways.

[/quote']You don't get it, waste of time.......

On the contrary, I get you, perfectly.

You can dress up your posts all you want but this is what it boils down to.

You want, and like night time because you have nv's, but the minute anybody wants to mess with that, to even the playing field for people who don't have nv's, it's wrong, and shouldn't be implemented.

I think that pretty much sums up your entitled attitude.

I get it, but you're right about one thing, this conversation is a waste of time.

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I reckon we just make the best out of what we got.

Maybe if its possible make it slightly less dark then pitch black, but depending on moonlight, not so light as u can easily navigate in the dark, so you still need some light source to see a bit more clear.

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So pretty much at night people who up the gamma or people with NVGS are at a much more advantage then people without that.

Yes. Obviously. In the same way that someone with a gun has a bigger advantage than someone without one. It's common sense.

It would seem much better if 5 meters in front of me i could see ok and make out who is around me and then every 5 meters or so it gets slighly darker till around maybe 50 meters it starts to get to dark to see. at which point i could throw some flares and see what is beyond my vision if i feel the need to. But right no on my screen at least all i can see if pitch black and i cant even see my own chracter when in 3rd person mode or the gun in my own hand. Like i said before if its like this i may as well be playing the game with my eyes closed or the monitior turned off.

This mod is supposed to be very very hard. It's what the owner of the mod is trying to make it. If that's not for you' date=' then it's not for you. Why carry on with something that's designed to be something you hate.

Omg Im so tired of this bullshit DayZ community.

"Hey guys, this is clearly wrong we need to fix this a little".

Response: "Haha lolol fuck you idiot that will not be realistic, go play cod bf3"

People are so obses with this "realism" that they become stupid as fuck. If this keep up, we will be playing DayZ on a treadmill with plastic guns and real pepsi/beans.

Realism is a part of the vision of the creator. It's what he wants it to be. People that turn their nose up at realism shouldn't be playing games that are designed with ultra realism in mind. It's that simple.

The reason people say 'go back to X' is because that game caters for what you seem to want. Where as this game does not, rather than change a game away from what it wants to be that suits you, instead play a game that does suit you.

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