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So exactly what update haven't I , Commander or SixUpdater applied?

Battle eye updated, installed 95389, playing on 95389 servers i don't see what else can be updated....

You dont have the ArmA 2 OA/CO Patch: http://www.arma2.com...=folder〈=en

Edited by Spider

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You dont have the ArmA 2 OA/CO Patch: http://www.arma2.com...=folder〈=en

Thanks for reply.


I am running (as I've said 5 times now) - I use six updater for arma2's updates so nothing is left out, i apply dayz version and i use commander as a back up i also can read and i'm not blind :)

Cant people just accept my experience of the m1911 has been 1 shot kills. (no not headshots, tested over 80 zombies as many body shots as possible and on 95839 serverS (3 different servers) with patch

end of.

Edited by Turk

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Thanks for reply.


I am running (as I've said 5 times now) - I use six updater for arma2's updates so nothing is left out, i apply dayz version and i use commander as a back up i also can read and i'm not blind :)

Cant people just accept my experience of the m1911 has been 1 shot kills. (no not headshots, tested over 80 zombies as many body shots as possible and on 95839 serverS (3 different servers) with patch

end of.

1shot kills means the player was already at low blood, or the 80+ zombies was just bugged (hey it can happen, i've seen whole towns of zombies just standing around OK).

Edited by Mr Zee

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1shot kills means the player was already at low blood, or the 80+ zombies was just bugged (hey it can happen, i've seen whole towns of zombies just standing around OK).

no, bugged zombies on all 3 servers over a 4 hour period? every single 1?

go on you can accept it, just say "i accept his experience, 12 hours ago, was that the m1911 killed in 1 shot"

try it it won't hurt :D

I killed almost 400 (79 headshots) zeds (not 1 murder i might add) on that char so i'd say i would know the difference - 300+ were pre 95389, the last 80 were &

The only explanation could be that because the m1911 was found pre update (as my char) it had not "gained" the new settings.

Edited by Turk

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From my own experience, I can confirm tents are still bugged.

I put down three tents with my squad and we filled them all up with a shitload of weapons, ammo and other survival gear we gathered.

A few hours later the server crashed (DE174), and restarted. After heading back to our tents to see if everything was still there, we came there only to find all three tents completely empty. Farewell to some pretty badass guns ^^.

Hope this issue gets adressed anytime soon. Anyone happens to know a way to work around this glitch?

I certainly do not feel like gathering that much gear once again, just to find it missing next time we check.

Guess the server gets hungry once in a while.

- Darkstra

Edited by Darkstra

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I dont know if it's just me not playing as carefully as I have been the last few days....

But since applying latest updates Zombie's seem to be able to see me from much much further away - one even seemed to pinpoint me from 200m+ away and made a beeline for me.

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I dont know if it's just me not playing as carefully as I have been the last few days....

But since applying latest updates Zombie's seem to be able to see me from much much further away - one even seemed to pinpoint me from 200m+ away and made a beeline for me.

Yes, its not just you, this was reported (and discussed to death, check the previous patch thread) when the random distant view zombie was added in patch (commonly know as eagle eyes).

Its nothing new for

The downside conclusion of this addition was it had as good as negated the need for stealth tactical play due to there being little point spending 15+ minutes stealthing past a horde of zeds when 1 way off in a field WILL eventually spot you regardless of how discreet you were.

Thus people were (are) abandoning the stealth aspect and just benny hilling (the term for running like a headless chicken with a stream of zeds following you regardless of gaining more followers) round and round and cheeseing zeds by running through buildings or other "cheesey" ways of loosing them that break the whole stealth mechanic of the game.

Edited by Turk

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no, bugged zombies on all 3 servers over a 4 hour period? every single 1?

go on you can accept it, just say "i accept his experience, 12 hours ago, was that the m1911 killed in 1 shot"

try it it won't hurt :D

I killed almost 400 (79 headshots) zeds (not 1 murder i might add) on that char so i'd say i would know the difference - 300+ were pre 95389, the last 80 were &

The only explanation could be that because the m1911 was found pre update (as my char) it had not "gained" the new settings.

I am sorry but I cannot accept your experience, though I'm not calling you a liar at all, I just can't accept it because it isn't happening to anyone I know, myself and friends were all playing last night until 2.30am, and it does take at least 2-3 shots, sometimes 4, to take down zombies with an M9, not one. It's been like this for us since a couple beta patches ago.

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I am sorry but I cannot accept your experience, though I'm not calling you a liar at all, I just can't accept it because it isn't happening to anyone I know, myself and friends were all playing last night until 2.30am, and it does take at least 2-3 shots, sometimes 4, to take down zombies with an M9, not one. It's been like this for us since a couple beta patches ago.

it happened, so if you don't accept it you are calling me a liar. sometimes fraps can be useful, i guess next time something unsual happens i'll remember to put it on youtube. (anyone think i claimed i walked on water :P ) Edited by Turk

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"* [FIXED] Infected cannot hear weapon firing (now they actually hear again)"

Does this mean they CAN hear weapons firing? You kind of said they can't and then they can all in one sentence.

It's like this -> Problem: Infected cannot hear weapon firing (FIXED)

He even added after that "now they actually hear again", so yes, it means they CAN hear a weapon firing now.

That's what i understand from the sentence anyway, lol.

This means: The bug "Infected cannot hear weapon firing" was [FIXED] - so now they actually hear again.

IMHO no, it's more like "zombies hear the bullets landing near them then magically find out where they were shot from"

I had zombies 30 meters away from me on one side and used winchester shotgun to shoot one of the zombies that were moving in pair about 150-200 meters away from me. The one near the zombie shot started running instantly to me while the others closer to me had no problem.

Also, the shot aggroed zombies that were behind walls or behind buildings .... already posted here with video : see first and last three minutes or so :


Edited by mariush

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mariush: I see no issue with the zombies behavior in your vid. The fact that the zombies are running toward where the noise is coming from is afaik as intended.

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Considering I don't use tents or choppers etc, the only thing I can confirm in this patch is THE GODDAMN ARTIFACTS D:

Seriously, not complaining because I know it's an alpha etc etc tec, but I cannot see ANYTHING other than stretched textures at military camps (NWAF, Balota airfield + deer stands etc)

Unplayable :(

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Hi Rocket

Played for most of last night with my regular group of friends.

Here are our observations;

Overall a great patch up.

Zombies see and hear better, they even run right at you. AWESOME !!!

I don't know if it was intentional but the combination of update and new Beta that nerfed the common guns has made the zombies a real threat again, Huzza !

All my group was bitching about ammo shortage and we spent a lot of time scavaging for ammo and getting back into the survival aspect of the game.

So much better than jogging around with FULL packs stuffed with everything.

[i still think that food and drink needs to be a lot more hard to come by, I felt that too about ammo, but the beta fixed that now because you need to use more ammo to take anything down.]

Somehow we logged into a server that, after a short time was only populated by our group !

This gave us a chance to see the Zombie spawning mechanic in action, and it was working very well.

We headed off to Stary (naturally) and as soon as we got within 500 metre we experienced artifacting. We all then changed our video setting back to default and the problem was solved.

The server eventually kicked us and then we experienced the only bad part of the night, trying to find the same server.

Some of us could see a server on the list while the other could not, using the Dayz Commander we eventually found a mutual server, but after 15+ minutes of trawling.

Other observations;

Animals working perfectly.

I found a camo suit at a chopper crash and when I put it on it reset my kill stats back to 0 in the debug monitor.

Keep up the good work mate. :thumbsup:

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mariush: I see no issue with the zombies behavior in your vid. The fact that the zombies are running toward where the noise is coming from is afaik as intended.

It's not realistic man. Have you ever been into a field or outside a city? There's stuff like echo and background noise that makes it hard to pick the source of a noise. Especially when it's ONE shot and you don't expect it, trust me, you'll have a hard time pinpointing where precisely the shot or any noise was made from.

At around 3 minutes, when I'm crouched behind a tree and I'm shooting a zombie near the barn, it's totally unrealistic that a zombie comes from behind the barn on the left running towards the tree. The noise would have been obstructed partially by the barn, he would hear the echo from the forest near the barn, he wouldn't SEE me as i'm crouched behind the tree and there's bushes near me. Two other zombies I think popped from behind the sand hill that was near the barn.

To aggreviate the issue, there's also the soldier that's running down to the barn from about 2-300 meters above where there's a deer stand. There was a bush on my right where I was standing in the video, I don't think he had line of sight.

I mean really, you can run crouched 10-20 meters around their back with one bar of sound, but the shotgun shows NO bars of sound when it's shot yet zombies 100 m away are aggroed.

Edited by mariush

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My question is, this patch supposdly once again just like .2.3 went under "closed" testing, how come these MAJOR issues such as the graphics glitches and tents STILL not working not be reported, the patch delayed and those fixed? It seems like "closed" testing doesn't mean much and yes yes I know WE ARE THE TESTERS blah blah BUT if they do a closed test on a patch before release all the major game breaking bugs should be ironed out before it's released. So just what exactly is this closed testing? Because it sure doesn't seem to be fixing any bugs, just causing more.

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I love it... the community is so fucking retarded that it reminds me of World of Warcraft's when anyone says anything bad about the game. A bunch of immature goofballs who think they are "skilled" or "better than others" because they enjoy running for 20 minutes instead of being able to spawn near a major city. It doesn't take skill to run around, and it doesn't make you better than me because I "bitch and whine" about an aspect of the game I dislike. If no one "bitched and whined" about things they disliked, chances are, the game would not have any community input... although, with the responses I received from my last post, I no longer believe that to be such a bad thing. You're playing a video game, not saving a family from a burning house or climbing Mount Everest, no one gives a flying fuck if you believe you are too good for shortcuts or things of that nature. If anyone disagrees that the game hasn't taken a turn for the worst, you apparently weren't playing it when it was first released to the public... the mod has become progressively worse as the patches continue, and just because you like to climb into the ass of Rocket and build a little shrine for him, doesn't make your Fanboy responses worth a damn. It's a video game, not meant to be realistic... if it was realistic, 90% of you asshat idiots would be dead, crying in a hole filled with piss and shit, or a zombie yourself. Stop acting like elite retards... big and bad "soldiers" with a headset on and mouse in hand... bet women LOVE how elite you are when you're playing your REALISTIC ZOMBIE APOCOLYPSE GAME. Get real. Realism is fine, but don't go overboard, bring back RESPAWN, fix the fucking bugs, and lets play nice.

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mariush: I see no issue with the zombies behavior in your vid. The fact that the zombies are running toward where the noise is coming from is afaik as intended.

Try this one then.. I made it last night:

There's definitely an issue somewhere..

Edited by Cyanyde

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I love it... the community is so fucking retarded that it reminds me of World of Warcraft's when anyone says anything bad about the game. A bunch of immature goofballs who think they are "skilled" or "better than others" because they enjoy running for 20 minutes instead of being able to spawn near a major city. It doesn't take skill to run around, and it doesn't make you better than me because I "bitch and whine" about an aspect of the game I dislike. If no one "bitched and whined" about things they disliked, chances are, the game would not have any community input... although, with the responses I received from my last post, I no longer believe that to be such a bad thing. You're playing a video game, not saving a family from a burning house or climbing Mount Everest, no one gives a flying fuck if you believe you are too good for shortcuts or things of that nature. If anyone disagrees that the game hasn't taken a turn for the worst, you apparently weren't playing it when it was first released to the public... the mod has become progressively worse as the patches continue, and just because you like to climb into the ass of Rocket and build a little shrine for him, doesn't make your Fanboy responses worth a damn. It's a video game, not meant to be realistic... if it was realistic, 90% of you asshat idiots would be dead, crying in a hole filled with piss and shit, or a zombie yourself. Stop acting like elite retards... big and bad "soldiers" with a headset on and mouse in hand... bet women LOVE how elite you are when you're playing your REALISTIC ZOMBIE APOCOLYPSE GAME. Get real. Realism is fine, but don't go overboard, bring back RESPAWN, fix the fucking bugs, and lets play nice.

The only thing awkward is the garbage you manage spew into a semi-coherent paragraph. Please go join a community that you feel meets your standards. There are other games you can play that have 99% of their bugs and kinks ironed out...

Thanks for the cool story, bro. :facepalm:

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I love it... the community is so fucking retarded that it reminds me of World of Warcraft's when anyone says anything bad about the game. A bunch of immature goofballs who think they are "skilled" or "better than others" because they enjoy running for 20 minutes instead of being able to spawn near a major city. It doesn't take skill to run around, and it doesn't make you better than me because I "bitch and whine" about an aspect of the game I dislike. If no one "bitched and whined" about things they disliked, chances are, the game would not have any community input... although, with the responses I received from my last post, I no longer believe that to be such a bad thing. You're playing a video game, not saving a family from a burning house or climbing Mount Everest, no one gives a flying fuck if you believe you are too good for shortcuts or things of that nature. If anyone disagrees that the game hasn't taken a turn for the worst, you apparently weren't playing it when it was first released to the public... the mod has become progressively worse as the patches continue, and just because you like to climb into the ass of Rocket and build a little shrine for him, doesn't make your Fanboy responses worth a damn. It's a video game, not meant to be realistic... if it was realistic, 90% of you asshat idiots would be dead, crying in a hole filled with piss and shit, or a zombie yourself. Stop acting like elite retards... big and bad "soldiers" with a headset on and mouse in hand... bet women LOVE how elite you are when you're playing your REALISTIC ZOMBIE APOCOLYPSE GAME. Get real. Realism is fine, but don't go overboard, bring back RESPAWN, fix the fucking bugs, and lets play nice.

This is the thread for patch updates. Lets keep it that way. Posting crap like this doesn't help anything your requesting be fixed. Now onto way more important issues. Tents are still not working correctly. They seem to be working just the same as they were in the prior patch. They will either continually dupe items on every server reset or they will just wipe the tent completely. I have also noticed some tents that I have placed in have disappeared now in There is also seems to be tents placed right on top of other tents that I had placed in They have the same contents but their position was off slightly.

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I can understand a lot of the complains, but I have to say that I like them!

-Gun nerfs (by BIS?):

That was a REAL surprise to see that my 1911 took more than 3 shots for a Z. I almost thought that the Zeds were bugged. I like some changes of the nerfs like the Enfield nerf. In my opinion the revolver and 1911 should be at least a 2 shot kill for Zeds or they are pretty much pointless. MP5 feels more useless now. Maybe it's just me...

I like the changes for the AKs. Now there is a reason or fact to switch to M4s, AKMs and M16. Before that a switch was pretty much pointless (beside iron sights).

-Tents and duplicating

At least fix duplicating. Item inflation blah blah. You know the deal.

-Zeds LOS

It kinda feels unnatural too me. It's not too bad though.

-Zeds audible range

This makes them a real threat. Before the update I had no problem at all when firing my M14 in a city. Now this gun can bring me into big big trouble! It makes weaker guns like the AKs or MP5 attractive for city raids.

Before the update Zeds were annoying. Because if you alert them, you might also alert other players. Now they are a threat again! That's good. I just feel that the respawn rate is a bit too high. Zeds should also spawn in a radius of 1000m to a player. Why? Right now you can easily tell if a player is a town, by searching for Zeds in the distance. This is way to game breaking to me!

-No respawn

Makes me value life more. Your friends are in Solnichy and you respawn in Kamenka? Bad luck! Might be more careful next time.

We're just used to respawning. That's all. We are used to it as much as I'm too much used to the debug monitor (and oh boy how much I will miss a blood status with numbers when it might be gone!!!).

-Graphic glitch

Sucks. Happened to me in every update (since two months so far though).

You spawn in Kamenka, but died in Elektro, want to take revenge and get your body? Not anymore! Happened to me and did it to a guy to test it's effectiveness. It worked way too good. Now it stopped. I hope this brings a lower deathmatch level to Cherno and Elektro.

BTW: Spawning in Kamenka is not bad at all! The city has some nice loot places and there are three deer stands next to it.

Spawning in Solnichy is spawning close to Berezino etc.

Take your time and explore the smaller cities and places. There is plenty of stuff!

I'm satisfied enough that I can respawn when I have a broken leg. That's very helpful. Big thanks for that option! I just hope that people don't exploit it too much, but if they really invest the time, they could've also take the time to friggin' walk the distance!!!

I noticed it by myself on how low I valued my fresh spawned character. Got killed? doesn't matter! Just press respawn for some time until you're back in the place you died. I hope this makes me value my char at a much earlier state of progression.

I would like to see some item spawns reduced. Right now I got almost everything that I ever wanted on my char (beside NVGs and Ghillie). So what`s left? Well at least me and a friend try to build a fort with sandbags, barbed wire, tents and steel hedgehogs... but let's assume that I didn't got the idea to do that! Well I would be left to try my first M107 on cows in 1000m distance. When I've mastered that, than I would be left with PvP and trying it on players. Yes it's a sandbox game, but I need more content and more stuff to do! PvP out of boredom doesn't feel right to me. There should be more in this game (as you hopefully planned). PvP is fine though. I just feel like we need way more purposes to live beside PvP and gathering loot. Survival isn't that much of an issue after some time.

Well I like the patch and like the direction the game is heading. This game gives me an experience that no other game can. It sounds harsh, but well... if you don't like it: Move on. Try another game. You might find the game experience YOU've always wanted. Stop wasting your time here and whine about wasted potential about YOUR vision of this game. It's rocket's vision. You and me don't have to agree with it. Especially when it's a F2P mod.

Edited by ToasterDiagramm
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Are the majoriety of weapons worth having anymore?

The game IS too clunky too work properly with the current direction this nerfing is leading toward. So much more needs to be fixed before trying this.

I see the intention of nerfing weapons so zombies are more of a threat that i agree with ... on paper, just like this arma2, on paper it sounds the best engine but in reality/practice it is flawed to all hell. (inb4 the people who are going to say gtfo if you don't like the difficulty (as they convenantly forget they have vehicles full of weapons that actually "work" akm, dmr etc that they run to anytime they are killed.)

The mod in its current state has too many issues - desync/lag, numerous clipping problems and the obvious knightmare that is arma2s inventory system. TRUELY Fix those then start tweaking the difficulty. (though i guess you are flogging the last mileage out of the mod before standalone?)

Every patch has slowly stiffled the limited abilities of the engine.

In short the weapons nerf is far too soon for the current state of the mods development.

Side note.

Those in clans/groups are enjoying the current patch direction (i would too if i had vehicles and near endless supllies) BUT those who lonewolf style are having an extremely difficult time,

I'd be for this IF people actually did group up, maybe it will happen over time but having been sniped at North EAST airfield and shot in the back whilst carrying an AXE (he gottsa has that axe!) I doubt it.

Edited by Turk

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I can understand a lot of the complains, but I have to say that I like them!

-Gun nerfs (by BIS?):

That was a REAL surprise to see that my 1911 took more than 3 shots for a Z. I almost thought that the Zeds were bugged. I like some changes of the nerfs like the Enfield nerf. In my opinion the revolver and 1911 should be at least a 2 shot kill for Zeds or they are pretty much pointless. MP5 feels more useless now. Maybe it's just me...

I like the changes for the AKs. Now there is a reason or fact to switch to M4s, AKMs and M16. Before that a switch was pretty much pointless (beside iron sights).

-Tents and duplicating

At least fix duplicating. Item inflation blah blah. You know the deal.

-Zeds LOS

It kinda feels unnatural too me. It's not too bad though.

-Zeds audible range

This makes them a real threat. Before the update I had no problem at all when firing my M14 in a city. Now this gun can bring me into big big trouble! It makes weaker guns like the AKs or MP5 attractive for city raids.

Before the update Zeds were annoying. Because if you alert them, you might also alert other players. Now they are a threat again! That's good. I just feel that the respawn rate is a bit too high. Zeds should also spawn in a radius of 1000m to a player. Why? Right now you can easily tell if a player is a town, by searching for Zeds in the distance. This is way to game breaking to me!

-No respawn

Makes me value life more. Your friends are in Solnichy and you respawn in Kamenka? Bad luck! Might be more careful next time.

We're just used to respawning. That's all. We are used to it as much as I'm too much used to the debug monitor (and oh boy how much I will miss a blood status with numbers when it might be gone!!!).

-Graphic glitch

Sucks. Happened to me in every update (since two months so far though).

You spawn in Kamenka, but died in Elektro, want to take revenge and get your body? Not anymore! Happened to me and did it to a guy to test it's effectiveness. It worked way too good. Now it stopped. I hope this brings a lower deathmatch level to Cherno and Elektro.

BTW: Spawning in Kamenka is not bad at all! The city has some nice loot places and there are three deer stands next to it.

Spawning in Solnichy is spawning close to Berezino etc.

Take your time and explore the smaller cities and places. There is plenty of stuff!

I'm satisfied enough that I can respawn when I have a broken leg. That's very helpful. Big thanks for that option! I just hope that people don't exploit it too much, but if they really invest the time, they could've also take the time to friggin' walk the distance!!!

I noticed it by myself on how low I valued my fresh spawned character. Got killed? doesn't matter! Just press respawn for some time until you're back in the place you died. I hope this makes me value my char at a much earlier state of progression.

I would like to see some item spawns reduced. Right now I got almost everything that I ever wanted on my char (beside NVGs and Ghillie). So what`s left? Well at least me and a friend try to build a fort with sandbags, barbed wire, tents and steel hedgehogs... but let's assume that I didn't got the idea to do that! Well I would be left to try my first M107 on cows in 1000m distance. When I've mastered that, than I would be left with PvP and trying it on players. Yes it's a sandbox game, but I need more content and more stuff to do! PvP out of boredom doesn't feel right to me. There should be more in this game (as you hopefully planned). PvP is fine though. I just feel like we need way more purposes to live beside PvP and gathering loot. Survival isn't that much of an issue after some time.

Well I like the patch and like the direction the game is heading. This game gives me an experience that no other game can. It sounds harsh, but well... if you don't like it: Move on. Try another game. You might find the game experience YOU've always wanted. Stop wasting your time here and whine about wasted potential about YOUR vision of this game. It's rocket's vision. You and me don't have to agree with it. Especially when it's a F2P mod.

+1 you have my beans

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the weapons weren't nerfed with dayz in mind however. so your whole argument is based on misunderstanding Turk.

Edited by Dankine

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Hi Rocket

Played for most of last night with my regular group of friends.

Here are our observations;

Overall a great patch up.

Zombies see and hear better, they even run right at you. AWESOME !!!

I don't know if it was intentional but the combination of update and new Beta that nerfed the common guns has made the zombies a real threat again, Huzza !

All my group was bitching about ammo shortage and we spent a lot of time scavaging for ammo and getting back into the survival aspect of the game.

So much better than jogging around with FULL packs stuffed with everything.

[i still think that food and drink needs to be a lot more hard to come by, I felt that too about ammo, but the beta fixed that now because you need to use more ammo to take anything down.]

Somehow we logged into a server that, after a short time was only populated by our group !

This gave us a chance to see the Zombie spawning mechanic in action, and it was working very well.

We headed off to Stary (naturally) and as soon as we got within 500 metre we experienced artifacting. We all then changed our video setting back to default and the problem was solved.

The server eventually kicked us and then we experienced the only bad part of the night, trying to find the same server.

Some of us could see a server on the list while the other could not, using the Dayz Commander we eventually found a mutual server, but after 15+ minutes of trawling.

Other observations;

Animals working perfectly.

I found a camo suit at a chopper crash and when I put it on it reset my kill stats back to 0 in the debug monitor.

Keep up the good work mate. :thumbsup:

THIS is what i'm saying - (guns are nerfed too soon for the curreent mods state) as long as you have a decent main weapon the game is ok now but if you haven't you just aswell forget bothering to fight zeds unless 1 on 1.

It is fine for a clan or group but the lone wolfs game is now broken.

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