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About BluSmurf

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. BluSmurf

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    DayZ ARMA 2 95883 Just updated our server to it earlier, I am getting far less Artifact's as are two of my friends who have also downloaded Humanity works but currently bugged as once you change Bandit or Hero backpack is replaced with small coyote. Still very nice to have it back. Stability and performance seem improved for us with noticeable frame rate improvements. The big one ----> The infected animations! \o/ <3 them, can actually take them down when they are running at you with a pistol now. Huge improvement. Aside from a few niggles here and there this makes 1.7.3 look very promising, so great works devs. :)
  2. BluSmurf

    DE 188 down until standalone due to rampant cheating

    Private Hive might not be a bad idea Cannon, just need to rig a decent standalone machine to run it off ;D
  3. BluSmurf

    DE188 - Temp Shutdown (Hacker)

    It would seem so, ahh well time to tool up and grab some beans.
  4. Just a quick service announcement for anyone frequenting DE188, the server was hit by an unknown (for now) hacker which resulted in not only everyone being displaced but with the towns nuked and players insta killed. As a result we will attempt to trace through the logs the player that caused this and ensure they are banned. This may result in the server being taken down or restarted over the next hour or so. Apologies DE188 - Admin Team
  5. BluSmurf

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    5 of my friends including myself have confirmed this [FIX] works for the artefacts. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/49118-fix-for-the-1724-artifacting/
  6. BluSmurf

    Will never pick up a grenade again

    XD Had a similar experience, X-Hairs were off and I thought I had a smoke grenade equipped alas it was a frag. It was almost in slow motion I saw it bounce off the upper door frame and land at the feet of me and my two buddies...... "BOOM!".....What the hell! They shout as we lay on the floor bleeding out, My reply........erm must of been bandits.... *oops" ^_^