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Worst Community Ever

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This game most horrible players of any game I've ever played. I spend 30 minutes trying to find a gun to get killed by some fa**ot player who shoots me after I pass on my opportunity to kill him.

Terribly broken crap scavenge game, with a fundamentally broken concept, and terribly broken garbage community, .

Back to PR I go.

Edited by malv
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With an attitude like that i cant be bothered offering to help you. Quite the vulnerable chap by the sounds of it. Kisses & hugs. xoxoxoxoxoox

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Somebody has never played League of Legends lol.

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Welcome to the DayZ phenomenon! Where paranoia & distrust reigns supreme! ;)

Edited by Friendly Zombie

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because one time of playing can judge it all

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Bye then.

Actually what is PR? That's gonna bug me. Is it Pretty Rabbits?

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This game most horrible players of any game I've ever played. I spend 30 minutes trying to find a gun to get killed by some fa**ot player who shoots me after I pass on my opportunity to kill him.

Terribly broken crap scavenge game, with a fundamentally broken concept, and terribly broken garbage community, .

Back to PR I go.

This guy is not a survivor.

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Actually - I had pretty much the same reaction. On my first connect a guy teleported next to me and blew me up. In the next I went into a church trying to talk to a guy I saw going in ^^ - bad idea. The third, I ran around for hours and managed to survive alright. My water icon was flashing and I had just found a can of coke, when it suddenly disapeared. A minute later the entire server was teleported to Kamenka and got shot by a guy with a SAW.

I raged like hell for half an hour or so, but I came back a couple of times and I'm thoroughly addicted now. My current character has been alive for four days and I didn't shoot any survivors! Just stalked them and evaded or fired warning shots. I have the best gear I ever had and unless I am unfortunate enough to run across a random sniper, or if I let my guard down, I should be able to make it for a few more days.

BTW, PR is Project Reality. One of the best mods for Battlefield + Arma II

Edited by S3V3N

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This game most horrible players of any game I've ever played. I spend 30 minutes trying to find a gun to get killed by some fa**ot player who shoots me after I pass on my opportunity to kill him.

Terribly broken crap scavenge game, with a fundamentally broken concept, and terribly broken garbage community, .

Back to PR I go.

30 minutes? Well there's no mystery as to why you would want to quit since you put SO much time into the game and got SO far.


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dude...u dont want to go on the warcraft forum....its like u walk into fucking kindergarden :D

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Somebody has never played League of Legends lol.

dammit i was gonna say that u bastard

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This game most horrible players of any game I've ever played. I spend 30 minutes trying to find a gun to get killed by some fa**ot player who shoots me after I pass on my opportunity to kill him.

Terribly broken crap scavenge game, with a fundamentally broken concept, and terribly broken garbage community, .

Back to PR I go.

boo hoo,

Go back to WoW you retard,

Nothing wrong at all with our community...

Now back to camping spawn points with a sniper rifle....

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Somebody has never played League of Legends lol.


I love that game but the community is unbelievably bad.

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Oh Project reality. That's probably the best Arma Mod ever. I still think he means Pretty Rabbits though.

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This game most horrible players of any game I've ever played. I spend 30 minutes trying to find a gun to get killed by some fa**ot player who shoots me after I pass on my opportunity to kill him.

Terribly broken crap scavenge game, with a fundamentally broken concept, and terribly broken garbage community, .

Back to PR I go.

100's of thousands of people do not share your opinion I'm afraid. Each to their own. One mans garbage is another mans treasure :)

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The OP has obviously never played Combat Arms then!?!

To be fair the game community has dipped heavily since it's poplarity has increased, but that;s to be expected.

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OK, lets just agree that this mod aint for your temper.

I am not gonne supply you with more arguments for why this community is bad, by calling you stupid things.

The community aint as good as it could be, but thats what we got to work with.

I can only tell you to man up or get out.

The factor of the unknown is essential in this game. You never know if you can trust someone. But just to make it clear for you. Never trust anyone. As simple as that. If you stop trusting people, you wont get so sad when they shoot you.

Edited by Kozak

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I've seen a post like this for every online game that has more than 1 players.

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All i can do is be assed to insult you for a comment like that OP.

So please fuck off and don't come back, you will NOT be missed ..l..

I had to post this as much as you had to make this thread.

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