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New players don't want a negative experience of Dayz!

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Firstly, Ive played Dayz for over 2 months so this is not about me. I just think alot of new players are not being given the right experience of Dayz. Those new players that have friends to help them will do ok, but for those players who dont have friends in-game to help them, like when I started, are probably finding this game too frustrating to continue on playing. So maybe alot of new players are giving up at the first hurdle.

My 1st experience of dayz:

I was lucky, like so many of experienced players. I started with a pistol, bandages, pain killers, morphine, food and water. First time entering the world I was completly lost, didnt know where specific loot spawns but I already had supplies to help me through the 1st 30mins. Even so, I attracted too many zombies, because I fired a shot and I died within that 10mins.

Now im experienced I can spawn without anything and run from the coast straight to the NW arifield blindfolded!

I cant imagine what it is like for new players starting without a gun (more importantly morphine) completly lost, no friend to guide them along. Experienced players cant experience this anymore because they know everything about the game, thats why they dont understand and say silly things like 'this game is too easy, get over it noob'

Even Rocket cant experience what it must be like as a brand new player!

Maybe the brand new players (only on the 1st day they login should be given some love, and let them start with a pistol and morphine too?

After the 1st day they start like eveyone else but at least they are less likely to quit from frustration and a bad experience.

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Ye you were lucky, thats just it.

That alone-feeling in the beginning is normal to almost everyone and pat of the game in my oppinion.

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I started playing after the pistol was removed. I played alone. Positive experience.

This game shouldn't have to babysit people. That's not what DayZ is about.

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Well, I've got a message for new players:

Suck it up. We all had to.

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I started playing after the pistol was removed. I played alone. Positive experience.

This game shouldn't have to babysit people. That's not what DayZ is about.

Alone or do you mean with an internet map and lots of reading on wiki?

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Alone or do you mean with an internet map and lots of reading on wiki?

Alone at first. I gradually researched as I went and used an online map

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Alone at first. I gradually researched as I went and used an online map

So you cheated that 'alone in the world feeling'? So basically you failed and had to resort to the internett. My point exactly!

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So you cheated that 'alone in the world feeling'? So basically you failed and had to resort to the internett. My point exactly!

Did I? I believe I said I looked things up on the internet later on. That's hardly cheating anyways. I decided to improve my skill at the game. Which is what new players should be doing. Or we could follow your example, and just give them everything. Because, you know. Fuck survival in a survival game.

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So you cheated that 'alone in the world feeling'? So basically you failed and had to resort to the internett. My point exactly!

Is there something wrong with reading a wiki so you know what you're doing?

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Dayz isn't about warm cozy feelings. its wrought with fear and paranoia.

I started without a weapon and had to run aimlessly trying to read highway signs to meet my friends in the wilderness. Somewhere in that lost and confused state I actually felt challenged, and thats what this game is, a continuation of challenges.

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No need to change anything imho. As soon as you learn how to deal with zeds and with a loot map it's not too hard at all.

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I'm sorry but this is un-true. Whilst I now play with friends and don't nearly as much play as a lone wolf, I did play as a lone wolf for the first two weeks and whilst I did have a few annoying deaths which riled me, it was very, very enjoyable. The mod is easy to get into once you do get a hang on things. Rocket doesn't need to babysit people who are new to the game. It's the anti-game. Survival is tough, get tough or get gone.

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I loved the fact when I started my first game that I had no weapons or any special / rare items. It was definately a good thing on the start and I learned so much from it. The first time I found my first weapon (Makarov) I was so excited over this :)

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I started playing two days ago, and so far it's getting better as i'm used to the controls, and have a ROUGH idea of what i'm supposed to be doing at all.

The one bad thing which is really putting me off though, is just random shootings. Playing by oneself can get quite tedious, and I get rather excited when I see another player running around. I know people can be touchy though and everyone would be worried about being shot, but I pull out my flashlight so i'm not an immediate threat ( half the time I don't even have a gun yet anyway ) - and make sure they see me by flashing it on and off so I don't take them by surprise.

Every, single, time, though - i'm shot on sight. I've even resorted to turning my back to them so they can suss things out first, but nope, then I just get a bullet in the back. What's the point of even playing a game like this then? If people want to shoot others go play CoD or something, seriously. The only time i'd ever kill another player is if I was DYING and in very desperate need of supplies - but i'd see if we could help each other out first..

Edited by Vixen
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Got a few friends that believed they needed to start with a gun, I always tell them the same:

You have no need for gear until your actually able to aquire it by your lonesome, before that any kinda gear is a waste.

Then one of two things happen, they either get into the game, and meet up or they quit due to pvp/zombies/bugs or other excuses.

If you wanna play this game you will no matter what you do or don't start with.

If your gonna quit, this game just makes you quit faster than other games.

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Well, I've got a message for new players:

Suck it up. We all had to.

Got a message for vet players.

We're doing fine.

The people who are complaining probably haven't played a survival game in their life. I like not having a gun when I spawn. It's completely unrealistic to automatically get a weapon.

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Watched a couple of Youtube videos to see what the game is about, bought the game and installed it last night, first time playing ARMA2.

Died two times, once to a zombie and the other to a player(funny story, i respawned very close to where i died so i managed to agro a couple of zombies and chase the dickhead down with my minions before he looted my Winchester and ALICE pack. He died - I did not). Now, after half a day of playing I'm running around with the best backpack, two AK's, lots of food, water and ammo.

In other words I really don't see the problem. The game isn't all that hard unless you really suck at videogames and sneaking around.

Oh, and it's generally a good idea to play the tutorial first to get used to the clunky controlls.

Edited by hauerek
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To new players:

Start DayZ with a friend, join TS/vent, play a night server. Try to meet up, hilarity ensues.

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As a fairly new player myself yeah its hard going but theres plenty of info on the net and these forums tp help new players !

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The mod is not just about shooting anything that gets in your way (although it seems like it with the experiences i've had haha). I think that most new players, if spawned with a weapon, would probably just run around shooting everything they can until they die and then rinse/repeat. This would mean they won't get to see the other great things this mod has to offer until they get bored of dying 20 feet away from where they started.

I have to admit, it is frustrating when you search for hours to find a weapon, only to die a few minutes later to a bandit, a zed or a startled player. But every time i've died, i have learnt little things that might just save my life in a similar situation.

tl;dr: If new players stick to it, they'll learn eventually :3

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i started playing alone and with nothing but my painkillers and bandages.

the first few spawns i was completely lost and died after a couple of minutes but now as i am more experienced it is no problem at all.

my point is: the begining will be aweful and frustrating but everybody should learn it after a couple of spawns

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The one bad thing which is really putting me off though, is just random shootings. Playing by oneself can get quite tedious, and I get rather excited when I see another player running around. I know people can be touchy though and everyone would be worried about being shot, but I pull out my flashlight so i'm not an immediate threat ( half the time I don't even have a gun yet anyway ) - and make sure they see me by flashing it on and off so I don't take them by surprise.

Every, single, time, though - i'm shot on sight. I've even resorted to turning my back to them so they can suss things out first, but nope, then I just get a bullet in the back. What's the point of even playing a game like this then? If people want to shoot others go play CoD or something, seriously. The only time i'd ever kill another player is if I was DYING and in very desperate need of supplies - but i'd see if we could help each other out first..

I wish you were right about this. But, at least for now, you might as well get used to the idea that this game is a deathmatch shooter with zombie survival elements. It's far less frustrating once you realize this.

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Im a new player..

Didn't start with a gun and it made me appreciate them when i finally got one while also teaching me the importance of avoiding Zeds and finding where the good loot is instead of having it all handed to me like some spoiled child.

As a result within several hours of playing I had massed quite the killing spree ... until a fucking door crippled my legs and i bleed to death :(

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I started playing 4 days ago. My first 4-5 lifes where pretty short. I felt frustrated sometimes because i couldn't find loot spots/accesible buildings and i often atracted zombies, which often wounded/killed me.

But it was a riveting experience feeling helpless and threatened in a game instead of invincible/easy mode gameplay. Thats why i bought Arma only for dayz.

The morphine also added to this great experience. Crawling from a barn into a big city getting unconscious every minute with low blood and a broken leg was a really true gaming experience.

But this harder start makes it easier in the mid term in my view because you have to learn to avoid zombies in the beginning and you also know now the importance of morphine.

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my brother and i both bought the game Tuesday last week. i've been able to play it for around 20 hours. he has logged less than 10. i've had the advantage of being able to play earlier in the morning and afternoons on servers that have very few people. this allowed me to "learn the ropes". his experience has been getting shot by guys camping loot spawns. he got shot a couple of nights ago by a guy that was watching the hospital door in Cherno. he then tried climbing the roof looking for med supplies and was shot by a guy camping the roof. the last time we played we were about 1,000 yards from meeting up for the first time when a guy gunned him down while he was crossing a field coming from a beach spawn. i drilled the guy with a CZ550 and he alt/F4'd...

for me the game has been fantastic... for him it has been pretty frustrating.

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