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Weapon Damage Nerfs

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I came out of a barn the other day and got shot by some noob with a crossbow almost point blank (took a few thousand off in blood pressure don't remember exactly how much). I hit him with a full clip from my m1911 and then 3 more from the next mag as he ran directly away from me into the other barn. He should be dead but he lived on and what's more all the zombies in the vicinity make a bee-line for me.

Crossbow/melee weapons are now formidable weapons.

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I'm willing to bet my ass that if it had been a HUGE damage buff that would have had almost all weapons incapacitate you in one bullet you would have seen the VERY SAME people defending the buffs telling you to grow a pair because that's how it is in real life.

So hypocritical.

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If it was up to me there would be only two types of weapons damage-wise in the sim - those that kill in 1 shot and the rest kill in 2 shots the first kind being much rarer, The real difference

between guns would be in available fire modes, effective range, magazine size, type of sights, etc. But if you catch someone off guard and unload a makarov clip into them, it should drop them dead.

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Fucking hell guys... Weapons shouldn't be balanced at all, it's supposed to be as realistic as possible.

because if i shot you 10 times in the chest with a 9mm pistol you wouldnt die? right? thats realistic.

if i gave you both barrels of 12-gauge slugs in the chest, it's ok, right? REALISTIC.

empty an ENTIRE MAGAZINE of m1911 .45 acp into you... not dead. SUPER REALISTIC!

irl firearms are a lot more balanced than you seem to think, as in, pretty much every gun is super-deadly if you are shot with it. there are no pistols in this game of a smaller caliber than 9mm. there are no rifles less powerful than 5.56mm. if anything, weapons need buffs across the board if you are going for "realism"

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LOL!!! Why is there existing an arma 2 patch that effects dayZ, but not meant for DayZ?? Thats so LOOOOLLLLL infact arma2 got 750% more selled, just cause of DayZ! I think Bohamian has the wrong priority!!!!

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  • Makarov: 889 damage - Shots to kill a zombie: 5 - Shots to kill another player: 14
  • G17, M9, M9 SD, PDW, MP5A5, MP5SD6, Bizon PP-19 SD: 889 damage - Shots to kill a zombie: 5 - Shots to kill another player: 14
  • Revolver, M1911: 1389 damage - Shots to kill a zombie: 4 - Shots to kill another player: 9
  • M1014, Remington 870, Double-barreled: slugs do 4500 damage - Shots to kill a zombie: 1 - Shots to kill another player: 3
  • Lee Enfield: 6722 damage - Shots to kill a zombie: 1 - Shots to kill another player: 2
  • AK-74, AKS-74U, AKS-74 Kobra: 2722 damage - Shots to kill a zombie: 1 - Shots to kill another player: 5

All this = fucking ridiculous, no matter how 'hardcore' you say you are or how good your aim is (unless you are insisde a building, you can't headshot 2-3 zombies chasing you and if you manage to, you¿ll probably waste like 3 ammo clips). 13 bullets to the chest would not kill a human? 8 .45 shots to the chest neither? <_<

very nicely said.

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Too many identical damage values, and very little logic to that new damage table. Was this really intended?


DId you even look at the chart?

They're are lots the same now as there was before, just lower.

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Too many identical damage values, and very little logic to that new damage table. Was this really intended?


Any gun that shoots the same ammo should and does do identical damage, the gun doesn't matter its the round and to a lesser degree the distance to target. The damage compared to round is all f'd up now though slugs within range are devastating now they suck. Lee enfield should do damn near the same thing as the 7.62x51 used in all other small arm sniper systems. And the Ak74's shoot a 5.45x39 nearly the same as the 5.56 found in the AR style rifles (M4/M16), but it does 75% of the damage??

This is a sim there should be no balance or tiers only "authentic" values.

Fucking hell guys... Weapons shouldn't be balanced at all, it's supposed to be as realistic as possible.

So what if weapons aren't balanced, are they balanced in real life? If you're wanting a sim to be balanced then you're really missing a few brain cells.

At the moment I have a fully kitted out character, M4A1CCO SD,M107,range finder, NVGs and a coyote pack.

I risked a lot with that character, why should I not have the advantage?

Do what I did, I took the risks and now have the reward.

If you want something that's balanced then go and play CS, not DayZ. It's as simple as that.

They did balance it in your favor by making common weapons weaker at the cost of authenticity. There should be no balance on rarity or on damage, there should only be realisitic damage numbers based on the rounds used by the weapon. It should be all about player skill and planning as long as a player has a gun if they are better and smarter then you then your dead, thats the way it is IRL. I think someone on the Dev team has a hard on for black rifles because in reality the 5.56 is rather worthless inside 50m and outside 200, IG its the tits now though.

Edited by xXI Mr Two IXx

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  • Makarov: 889 damage - Shots to kill a zombie: 5 - Shots to kill another player: 14
  • G17, M9, M9 SD, PDW, MP5A5, MP5SD6, Bizon PP-19 SD: 889 damage - Shots to kill a zombie: 5 - Shots to kill another player: 14
  • Revolver, M1911: 1389 damage - Shots to kill a zombie: 4 - Shots to kill another player: 9
  • M1014, Remington 870, Double-barreled: slugs do 4500 damage - Shots to kill a zombie: 1 - Shots to kill another player: 3
  • Lee Enfield: 6722 damage - Shots to kill a zombie: 1 - Shots to kill another player: 2
  • AK-74, AKS-74U, AKS-74 Kobra: 2722 damage - Shots to kill a zombie: 1 - Shots to kill another player: 5

All this = fucking ridiculous, no matter how 'hardcore' you say you are or how good your aim is (unless you are insisde a building, you can't headshot 2-3 zombies chasing you and if you manage to, you¿ll probably waste like 3 ammo clips). 13 bullets to the chest would not kill a human? 8 .45 shots to the chest neither? <_<

I'll choose a hatchet then and directly attack players with handguns.

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All you guys showed me is...


Edited by Hashisx

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All you guys showed me is...


This has to be dumbest post in the entire thread.

How can you even justify writing this kind of bullshit? What are you, 12 ? Damn.

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lets see how this will impact on the next cherno deathmatch.

i can see some ragequit inbound.

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This is a sim there should be no balance or tiers only "authentic" values.

Somebody gets it. The buck needs to start and stop here. All other discussion on this subject is a load of wank.

Edit: here's another one that gets it:

Fucking hell guys... Weapons shouldn't be balanced at all, it's supposed to be as realistic as possible.

So what if weapons aren't balanced, are they balanced in real life? If you're wanting a sim to be balanced then you're really missing a few brain cells.

I'm sure there's others in this thread. Apologies for having missed you.

Edited by underscore

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This patch is just plain retarded... The zombie killing doesn't upset me in the slightest as zombies are so easy to dodge/lose/headshot. However, I'm not aware of a normal human being NOT dying to 13 shots from a Glock LOL I'm naming the glock in here, because it was always a full-retard weapon along with several others like the M9, MP5, etc. The realism factor in this game is lower than on unreal tournament ahah

And all those dummies bitching about the lee enfield deserving the nerf... You're likely just some bad player who got shot 1 too many times with it, but news flash, bullets hurt! You're supposed to go down. sigh

Oh well, this patch pretty much states, fuck the firearms, lets all start hacking away!

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All you guys showed me is...


Fair enough, but what about other players? Right now, pretty much everyone without a military spawn weapon is screwed against players that have one.

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14 shots to kill another player is just idiotic. Might as well just chase them with a hatchet, or pretend you're shooting rubber darts. If you want to make PvZ harder, why not just give zombies a buff to health? That way you don't fuck over PvP as well

Edited by derrida

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Yea whats making this worse is theres even more zeds now. Its just retarded.

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  • Makarov: 889 damage - Shots to kill a zombie: 5 - Shots to kill another player: 14
  • G17, M9, M9 SD, PDW, MP5A5, MP5SD6, Bizon PP-19 SD: 889 damage - Shots to kill a zombie: 5 - Shots to kill another player: 14
  • Revolver, M1911: 1389 damage - Shots to kill a zombie: 4 - Shots to kill another player: 9
  • M1014, Remington 870, Double-barreled: slugs do 4500 damage - Shots to kill a zombie: 1 - Shots to kill another player: 3
  • Lee Enfield: 6722 damage - Shots to kill a zombie: 1 - Shots to kill another player: 2
  • AK-74, AKS-74U, AKS-74 Kobra: 2722 damage - Shots to kill a zombie: 1 - Shots to kill another player: 5

All this = fucking ridiculous, no matter how 'hardcore' you say you are or how good your aim is (unless you are insisde a building, you can't headshot 2-3 zombies chasing you and if you manage to, you¿ll probably waste like 3 ammo clips). 13 bullets to the chest would not kill a human? 8 .45 shots to the chest neither? <_<

tested on / 95417

my revolver is still one hit kill on zeds

a makarov is still 3 shot kill on zeds (could have sworn the zed died on 2nd shot, didn't bother to try again)

a g17 is 4 shot kill on zeds (one shot might have not registered properly)

these stats are bullshit.

and even if it was true - who would really use handguns to kill people in dayz.

i usually have a rifle before i find a handgun, no point in using a handgun unless out of ammo/fighting zeds.

Edited by Azrail

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To everybody harping that 'Rocket should fix this', and 'there's more important things to do than nerf guns'.. ROCKET DIDN'T MAKE THIS CHANGE..

It was a BI update for Arma2, AND, Rocket also said (on the Reddit thread), that he was unaware of these changes, until the thread was started.

Basicly, this gun nerf is a moot point when it comes to DayZ and the devs, and suggestions should be pointed to the BI forums.

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later in the post it is discussed that the loudness of the gun was also reduced, which makes it a bit more balanced in that respect,

i think the pistol nerfs are nice, makes choosing a pistol a little more interesting

G17 all the way now.

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Clearly everyone quit Call of Duty after 3 days.

You need to accept that Day Z is a shooter mod and not a story based RPG.

Yea you find me 10 players that enjoyed Diablo 3 and I'll show you 100 that hate it, same with Madden and Battlefield 3.

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i can not confirm any of this crap ingame (didn't bother to try all the weapons though)

same for my friends

has anyone else actually confirmed these changes ingame, on a public server, on 95417?

i have yet to find any official announcement for these changes.

can i savely assume this was a hoax?

Edited by Azrail

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Yea whats making this worse is theres even more zeds now. Its just retarded.

Weaker guns, more zombies, more PVP kills, more assholes, more hacking. Man, this MOD seems more appealing every minute.

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i can not confirm any of this crap ingame (didn't bother to try all the weapons though)

same for my friends

has anyone else actually confirmed these changes ingame, on a public server, on 95417?

i have yet to find any official announcement for these changes.

can i savely assume this was a hoax?

The only weapon that i have tested is the Makarov and it took some 4-5 shots in the body to kill a Zed (terrible shot for the head mostly :P ). Any rifle from shotgun to Winchester to Enfield to CZ has 1 shot killed a Zed. Revolver my friend says is 1 shot. M1911 is 2-3 for me. AK is 1 shot. So from my own experience the rifle is still powerful but the pistol is bullshit now. Its a good thing i find lots of ammo for my pistol or i'd be dead...oh wait another player...*sigh*...[Grey Warden was killed]...

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