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<GMSradio.net> Green Mountain Survivors - The Radio Station of the Apocalypse.

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IRL Information

Name: Ron

Age: 33

Location: Detroit, MI US

Timezone: (UTC-05:00)Eastern Time

Do you meet ALL the requirements? If not, which ones are you missing and why?: Yes

Game Information

IGN: Deathtrap

Steam ID (if applicable): Blast_Tyrant http://steamcommunit...id/blast_tyrant

Desired group role (Medic, sniper, spotter, etc): Medic

Why you would like to join? What interested you about us? (min. 4 sentences): Due to other online games (The Secret World & MechWarrior Online) the group of people I previously played DayZ with no longer have a interest in the game. I still have a strong interest in DayZ and am seeking the company of like-minded individuals. Green Mountain Survivors appear to be a well organized and knowledgeable group of survivors who share in my belief of helping those in need and eliminating bandits if necessary. Maintaining a functional society in a post apocalyptic zombie/bandit infested world is most definitely something I would like to have a part in and your group seems to be doing exactly that.

What skills / perks can you offer to [GMS]?: I consider myself knowledgeable of the game in both its mechanics and play. I prefer the role of field medic but am versatile and have no problem playing any role that would better suit our survival needs. I am self sufficient if necessary but prefer to donate my services and abilities to other survivors. I am competent in the use of most weapons and equipment. I currently have a decent stock of medical supplies that I am willing to donate to the cause.

I would like to thank Green Mountain Survivors for their time and consideration.

Edited by Deathtrap

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We'll be updating to the newest DayZ build and beta build in an hour or so.

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Hi there!

IRL Information

Name: Johan Nilsson

Age: 24

Location: Berga, Sweden

Timezone: GMT+1

Do you meet ALL the requirements? If not, which ones are you missing and why?: Yes I have.

Game Information

IGN: Catsoupie

Steam ID (if applicable): Catsouplikeabawz

Desired group role (Medic, sniper, spotter, etc): Medic or Guard is probably what Im best suited for

Why you would like to join? What interested you about us? (min. 4 sentences): I've been alone in this game now for a good 2 months without anyone to play with, and what you fellas are doing seems to fit me, I would like to join in on protecting the greater good of the game and that seems to be what you lot are doing.

Honestly, It'd be fun to join in a group of players and feel welcome and not shot on sight for whatever reason there is.

What skills / perks can you offer to [GMS]?: I can offer a very active and dedicated player with a very calm personality, that always loves to have fun, Im also a very tactical, and love to share stuff I find and dont mind helping out where it's needed.

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IRL Information

Name:(Seriously, why do people need it?) Ain-Joonas



Timezone:GMT +2

Do you meet ALL the requirements? If not, which ones are you missing and why?: Yes, i do.

Game Information


Steam ID (if applicable):TheDisain

Desired group role (Medic, sniper, spotter, etc):Not sure, haven't gotten to try out any roles really. I like raiding buidings and killing zombies.

Why you would like to join? What interested you about us? (min. 4 sentences): What got me interested was the radio and the idea of a survivor camp - something that distinguished the group from most of the commnities around, if you look at it from the angle that i see. Why i would like to join though is the basic idea of having a group of players to play with, because to be honest - it is a co-op mode game, doing it alone kind of wears you out. Also the simple fact that vehicles and other items are tucked away&hidden all the time everywhere, that loot is hoarded and the game, from a perspective, is made 'bad' by disabling any man to acquire anything interesting after 6 hours is just something that turns me to communities, groups. I hope to get to know more about the underlying mechanics of the game and have some more fun.

What skills / perks can you offer to [GMS]?:I'm a roleplayer with an okay sense of setting scene. The GMS has many ways to be taken if we'd make it a RP group.. For the sake of general surviving, i have a good nose for loot and am good at reading maps and locating myself. I'm an okay shot..People've called me entertaining? A lot of random shit nobody cares, but that's all i can offer you.

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IRL Information

Name: Matt

Age: 30

Location: Portland, OR

Timezone: PST

Do you meet ALL the requirements? If not, which ones are you missing and why?: Of course.

Game Information

IGN: NoNamesLeft

Steam ID (if applicable): YN3

Desired group role (Medic, sniper, spotter, etc):

Why you would like to join? What interested you about us? (min. 4 sentences): The wilderness can be a lonely place. I believe co-operative play to be the best part of multiplier gaming. Just runing around the Forrest finding stuff is fun but I think it would be more interesting to learn the ropes of DayZ with others. I bought the game during the summer sale and I am look for some comradery.

What skills / perks can you offer to [GMS]?: Maturity :)

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Location: Minnesota


Do you meet all the requirements? If not which ones are you missing and why: I fulfill all the requirements.Skype, Vent, can install comm. apps as needed

In game name:LukasNord

Steam Id:NukeLord269

Desired combat role (Medic, sniper, exc):95% of my kills are with hatchets, i've only got one murder on record, and that's because the other guy shot first!

Why you would like to join (Going to need to do better than simply ‘lookin 4 group’) : Mostly lone wolf, have a buddy that I play with and we mostly operate with stealth and plan out each town raid so we limit unnecessary exposure. I think the best quality of this game is how un-structured it is and that you can make this game what you want it to be. Creating communities like this one are something I found intrinsically essential to how this game will evolve into one of the best Online games to date. I'd like to join up and serve in any way I can.

What can you offer to the clan: My time playing this game! Oh, and any loot I can share of course.

Edited by NukeLord

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IRL Information

Name: Nicholas

Age: 14

Location: Texas

Timezone: CST

Do you meet ALL the requirements? If not, which ones are you missing and why?: I meet all the requirements.

Game Information

IGN: Nicholas

Steam ID (if applicable): gh0stsnyper

Desired group role: Whatever is needed.

Why you would like to join? What interested you about us?: My friend Cam and I have done well together, but it has become clear to us that we need a clan to progress any further than we have gone before. We get taken out easily by groups of people with 4-5 guys, especially when they've got snipers on us. It would be really nice to be the group of 4-5 guys for once. This also gives us a chance to do something else besides running to the airfield and looting for about 2 hours, then getting shot by a sniper after all that. I feel that we could make a nice contribution to your clan.

What skills / perks can you offer to [GMS]?: I know Cherno, Elektro, and the NW Airfield really well, I can and will listen to directions and I'm also pretty good at loot runs, which I could do if you guys have a supply of stuff, say like medical supplies.

Edited by Gh0stsnyper

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IRL Information




Timezone: Cst

Do you meet ALL the requirements? If not, which ones are you missing and why?: I meet all the requirements

Game Information

IGN: Cameron

Steam ID (if applicable): Cypresscowboy

Desired group role (Medic, sniper, spotter, etc):Sniper/whatever is needed

Why you would like to join? What interested you about us? (min. 4 sentences):My friend and I Nicholas Have been playing DayZ for about a month now and decided you cant get too far without a clan/team. We have been looking and You guys seem like the best fit for us. We are pretty friendly so we never have really liked bandits and how they just Senselessly kill innocent people. I really like the fact that you guys are a united team willing to die for each other and for the greater good of everyone. Those are the reasons I believe that Nicholas and I are interested in your clan.

What skills / perks can you offer to [GMS]?: We are very experienced DayZ veterans and We can offer basically everything. We know basically everything there is to know That would be useful for a team.

Thanks For Considering


Edited by Cypresscowboy

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IRL Information





Do you meet ALL the requirements? If not, which ones are you missing and why?:

Game Information


Steam ID (if applicable):Kyrator

Desired group role (Medic, sniper, spotter, etc):Sniper if possible,I would also like to go with the group to help loot and such.

Why you would like to join? What interested you about us? (min. 4 sentences):I would like to join because while I have a couple of friends to play with once we get the gear we want we no longer have a goal and go around trying to start firefights(With people that have good equipment,we do not pick on newbies) and usually die starting the cycle again,I hope that by joining you I can have something better to do after I get the gear I need as well as letting me help other players survive rather than killing them like I usually do.

What skills / perks can you offer to [GMS]?:While I am unsure what I can state as my skills I can definately help the group loot more items as I do not mind spending an hour or two in a location collecting loot when it spawns,just yesterday me and my friends had a stack of around 15 weapons which we did not need and thus left behind but could have been used to help a group such as yours(the stack included M16's,DMR's,Remmingtons etc.)Also I would definately say that I am not selfish,I do not mind giving up one of my guns to arm a new arrival or to give up an awesome weapon we found to someone who can use it better.

Edited by Kyrator

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IRL Information

Name: Ariel

Age: 18

Location: New York

Timezone: ^

Game Information

IGN : Carlos

Steam ID (if applicable): TheStrongestOne

Desired group role (Medic, sniper, spotter, etc):Sniper/Assault

Why you would like to join? What interested you about us? (min. 4 sentences): I would like to join because I can pose a valuable asset to the team. I can help around any mission or assist from anywhere. In Cherno bleeding broken bones covered by snipers? Don't worry Carlos is coming....

What skills / perks can you offer to [GMS]?: Pro skills (over 300hrs of IG play...)

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I'll repost this here since I never heard anything back on the other thread

IRL Information

Name:Kracken (seriously its what I answer to)


Location: Alaska

Timezone:Alaska GMT -8

Do you meet ALL the requirements? If not, which ones are you missing and why?: No I meet them all, though that maturity one is up to debate depending on who you ask =P

Game Information

IGN:Kracken, you may have seen me around

Steam ID (if applicable):twitch483

Desired group role (Medic, sniper, spotter, etc): I am much more of a scout than anything, Also I'm fairly good at leading a small squad....so Squad leader....I guess idk.

Why you would like to join? What interested you about us? (min. 4 sentences):Well I saw the old thread and had applied there. After words I start playing on your server almost exclusively and can say that it is more friendly...friendly. More people on there want to work in a group. The lone wolf thing doesn't really appeal to me and I like have people to talk to an work with. Also the fact that you have a "permanent" settlement means that I could set up a tent there a be able to hoard a few things instead of loose them to every random snipers bullet. Also GMS seems to have a plan or goal, or at least some damn structure to it. Sandbox games are great but if you dont have some sort of end goal or objective whats the point?

What skills / perks can you offer to [GMS]?: Well though my accuracy isnt the best in the game, no real sniper here. I do happen to have a fairly good knowledge of the map and where things are. Also I tend to make a few more decisions quickly, mean when a small group is made people seem to be like what do you want to do? We can go if you want? I tend to take charge and say lets go here and then here. Also when in a group i will communicate Everything so others can know whats going on. For instance when I'm about to take out a Z-head in my way Ill say "Firing" over mic so that way when my gun goes off people don't freak out and think some bandit just shot at them. Finally I'm packrat and like to take just about anything that isnt nailed down. My plan once I find a good place to drop a tent is to use it as a point to just hoard guns, ammo, meds, parts and whatever. That way I have plenty of crap on hand if it is needed.


PS: when do you plan on updating the server to

Edited by Kracken

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Slightly off-topic perhaps, but I remember running in to you in Elektro I think Kracken? I can say he's got a good group mentality. We actually had a band of 5-6 people who just randomly met up and were all friendly. I was honestly waiting for our mexican stand off in the firehouse to turn in to a blood bath. We encountered a bandit or two who had a sharp shooter position with an enfield. No clue where he was. Pinned us in the grocery store. I sneaked out and away though, trying to find the assailant on my own. Got lost and couldn't find the group again.

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How would you prevent an experienced group of snipers in ghillie suits and nvgs from sneaking up behind your camp, bypassing the bear traps, and going on a rampage, or a secret bandit clan from joining your group only to take out the sniper positions with a silenced shot to their heads while they're distracted whilst watching the roads?

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IRL Information

Name:Jon Rosburg




Do you meet ALL the requirements? If not, which ones are you missing and why?:

I do meet all the requirements.

Game Information


Steam ID (if applicable):ixnayhombre

Desired group role (Medic, sniper, spotter, etc):Medic, spotter, backup for anything.

Why you would like to join? What interested you about us? (min. 4 sentences):I would like to join GMS because it's a organization developed for helping and surviving. You have adacuit supplies and seem to be a well matures group. Also the location is a great spot for defending against oncoming bandit partys. And you got a great name so that doesn't hurt either.

What skills / perks can you offer to [GMS]?: I can offer assistance, reliability, constant play time and lots of supplies.

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Slightly off-topic perhaps, but I remember running in to you in Elektro I think Kracken? I can say he's got a good group mentality. We actually had a band of 5-6 people who just randomly met up and were all friendly. I was honestly waiting for our mexican stand off in the firehouse to turn in to a blood bath. We encountered a bandit or two who had a sharp shooter position with an enfield. No clue where he was. Pinned us in the grocery store. I sneaked out and away though, trying to find the assailant on my own. Got lost and couldn't find the group again.

I remeber you fang, sadly we didnt make it much past there, we had it to the treeline and too a barn and then i lost my net connection, came back and was dead, so sad. And I was waiting for everyone to start shooting in that firehouse.

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Our server will be upgrading to the newest beta and DayZ version in a few minutes.

Applications are on hold for now as we have to get all the new members trained in before accepting more people :P.

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Applications are on hold for now as we have to get all the new members trained in before accepting more people :P.

DOH! And I had been hoping to not play solo tonight..

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IRL Information I can play about 8 hours of the day.

Name: Kameron

Age: 14

Location: United States

Timezone: Mountain Standard Time

Do you meet ALL the requirements? If not, which ones are you missing and why?:

Game Information

IGN: Scooter

Steam ID (if applicable): Steamroller98 (Derpy98)

Desired group role (Medic, sniper, spotter, etc): Medic/Sniper

Why you would like to join? What interested you about us? (min. 4 sentences): i wonder about the DayZ map all alone, i loot good weapons, and then get killed by groups of people. I hold out for a whiile mabey killing 2 or 3 but, because i dont have a team, i get killed and they steal all of my loot, that happens to me all the time when i play DayZ

What skills / perks can you offer to [GMS]?: Proffesional Sniper with good Range guesing. a good medic, i usally always am the medic if i ever team up with a friend but thats rare.


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IRL Information

Name: Ben

Age: 19

Location: Washington (state)

Timezone: PST (GMT -8)

Do you meet ALL the requirements? If not, which ones are you missing and why?: I will typically meet them all, though I can't always guarantee I'll be on 3 times a week as I have a job and am a full time student. I'm also a bit of a night owl and I tend to play on out of country servers to be able to play during in game day time. I define banditry as killing others simply to steal their items or on a whim, which I do not do. When I encounter other players I will typically just wait and see what they do. If they haven't seen me, I'll generally watch what they do and avoid them if possible. If they see me and are not hostile, I'll avoid them. If they are, I'll retaliate.

Game Information

IGN: Bairhanz

Steam ID (if applicable): redvirusx (I never log in through steam)

Desired group role (Medic, sniper, spotter, etc): I'm open to anything, though I have limited experience with ArmA II so I can't say I'd be a very proficient sniper

Why you would like to join? What interested you about us? (min. 4 sentences): I've been playing DayZ for about two weeks now and I've been loving every minute of it, even the moments where I die or am murdered as it's all really exhilerating. While I do have a couple friends that I typically try to play with whenever I can, they are not always available and I'd love to be in the company of more people with similar outlooks as I am. From what it looks like GMS is fair and friendly and has a lot to offer in terms of a community. I'd love to be able to be a part of that as surviving my by myself or even a companion isn't the same as a large group.

What skills / perks can you offer to [GMS]?: Like I said before, I don't have a ton of experience with ArmA II, although I haven't really had any problems with fire fights. I feel my main strengths would be helping scavange supplies and provide aid when I can.

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No one else finding the amount of claimed bear traps/sandbags as a tad odd?

We're a dedicated group that prepared for weeks before posting this thread. All the materials were gathered legitimately through in-game spawn points.

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Alright, this is bullshit.

Me and a friend we're attacking Green Mountain, LEGITIMALLY. We killed a few GMS members and we we're closing in on the camp, when we suddenly get killed from a sniper. 2 shots, 2 kills. I don't mind getting killed at all, but when I get killed by something that is not legit I get pissed. The reason why I know this was not legit, is that we were approximately 500 meters away from each other, proning with ghillie suits in the forest, in some bushes. And it was about 2 seconds in between we died. This is really poor, GMS. When you get attacked, you start hacking and instakilling us? Poor, just poor.

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