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Wow... their are some real pieces of shit out there

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so im at balota airfield and im just looking for a decent weapon to start my journey and in pops some camping asshole with an M4... Can he not tell im carrying an axe?

there should be some sort of penalty for murders. like an infamy rating... and u start to glow on maps and ur vision reds out with rage.

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or you should check your corners and be more careful.

Just like the famous Cpt. Price said - "Check your corners!"

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an axe can and will kill. he was just protecting what he had from all the axe murderers

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You had an axe, but what would happen if there was a gun there and you saw him? you were just going to look at him?

He was thinking on what could happen, and you should be more careful also.

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Some of them are so paranoid, because maybe at one point they were killed with by an axeman that they treated as a friendly..... They turned their back once, then the axeman goes.... hmmm nice m4...... THWACK! Whenever i see someone I usually use Direct chat/voice, warn them not to come closer or tell them your in the area and will defend if they go hostile. Just how close were you to him anyway?

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Some of them are so paranoid, because maybe at one point they were killed with by an axeman that they treated as a friendly..... They turned their back once, then the axeman goes.... hmmm nice m4...... THWACK! Whenever i see someone I usually use Direct chat/voice, warn them not to come closer or tell them your in the area and will defend if they go hostile. Just how close were you to him anyway?

lmfao..! I was bleeding looking for a bandage! TRAIL OF BLOOD .... I didnt even see him... I entered the hanger on the far end, the man door, and hes following right behind me... I had JUUUST noticed him out of the corner of my eye as he RAN in the door JUST TO FUCKING POP ME....

You people are assholes... I wasnt hostile... I didnt see him... HE stalked me just to murder me. people like post #5 are ignorant, raise your post count elsewhere. and the rest of you dont understand the situation. I was running for a bandage... PLUME of blood spewing behind me.... and I had an axe.... he was 50 yards away... Maybe if I were chasing him I would expect to be shot.

If I find people in the same situation I salute them... letting them know Im not hostile an will not murder them for the hell of it... but I do usually shoot on sight anyoen with a gun as thats normally what people to do me. which is GAAAY.

Edited by Xaian

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In this particular case I support Xaian. Is an axe! You can throw at anyone. People shooting other unarmed or with axe/crowbar are just wrong. And if the description of the situation is correct I don't see the point to follow a survivor with an axe to murder him. Total waste of time.

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so im at balota airfield and im just looking for a decent weapon to start my journey and in pops some camping asshole with an M4... Can he not tell im carrying an axe?

there should be some sort of penalty for murders. like an infamy rating... and u start to glow on maps and ur vision reds out with rage.

You sure it was an m4 it might of been me i panic shot and then tried to talk to you if you logged i had cooked meat and a spare weapon.

Nevermind this is dated.

Edited by brl1214

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-Walking around Cherno

-Only have an axe, minding my own business

-Movement in the corner of my eye

-Think it's a zombie


-He sucks at aim

-I chop his face


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I got shot weaponless so many times that it isn't even funny. I would also appreciate some sanctions for murders

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Yeah I mean, one time I was running for my life from about half the zombies in Cherno and had no weapons at all and went to the top of the hospital and a guy up there had an axe......he waited til I turned my back to find a bandage and he killed me with it.

So yeah, I don't care if you just have an axe, now that I have an M4 I will kill you if you're holding it.

Cause there are some real pieces of shit running around with just an axe too.

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Hmm, the only thing I can think of is that he did not want you getting your grubby hands on his airfield loot. Creeping up on an axe wielder and laying into him with a M4 is just bad play, he could have talked to you at that range and yes he would have seen your blood spilling out.

All he saw was easy prey and guaranteeing the kill at that range, poor form from a well armed predator.

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It should be like Fable, and you start to grow horns and become a demon and shit.

Cool story bro

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Xaian, some of the feelings that Rocket wants you to experience whilst playing Day Z mod are the kinds of feelings you probably would feel in an apocalypse. You would be scared, worried, lost, vulnerable, paranoid of everyone around you because everyone wants the same thing, LOOT.

In a game where the only thing to do is survive and thrive off the destructed lands of Chernarus, you have to get your hands dirty. Yeah, you could see an unarmed guy running from a horde of zombies, let him come to your safe spot and stop the zombies for him, but his goal is just as yours, to get better equipment and survive, eventually he will turn on you if he's smart enough.

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Xaian, the fact is you don't know what was going through their head. You are probably right - he was a motherless POS who was preying on the vulnerable.

Take one look at any forum thread and you will see they are everywhere.

Remember, this is an online game. People are evil. But the minute they suspect that your 6 is covered, they go crawling back to their corner.

I hear ya though. Crappy day trying to survive.

Better luck next time. We've all been there.

And for the love of baby Jesus, use your god-damned Direct Chat. At least it will stop me having to murder you next time too. ;)

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Hey, at least all you lost was an axe. Maybe he gave away his position and got wasted himself?

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"Penalty for murders"? What are you kidding me? This is a survival game, you choose your own way to do so. Some scavenge for items, some let others scavenge for items then take theirs. PVP is half the fun of the game, it's realistic, it's untrustworthy, ruthless, exhilarating, and sometimes refreshing. Nothing gets the heart beating and the fingers twitching like a good gun fight. As for killing those weaker or less prepared? simple. don't be weaker or less prepared. Eat or be eaten, Kill or be killed, the strong survive, the weak die out. Such are the rules of anarchistic post apocalypse. The faster you learn that, the faster you'll become the hunter instead of the hunted.

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That is one thing that I do love about this game, is that moment when the bullets start flying it really gets your heart going and ramps up the tension. No other FPS gets me riled up like this game does.

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I kill ppl with hatchets, because they scare the hell out of me. 1 to many deaths because of them.

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