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Yep i am done, i quit

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Looking back on his posting history it appears that he starts a lot of posts full of whining. Would be nice to see him actually leave. The problem is that tomorrow he will be putting up a whining post about how hard it is to reinstall DayZ

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"alpha fags"

Pointing out a relevant counter-argument, which happens to invalidate how justified you think you are is perfectly reasonable.

Sorry. See you soon sir.

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What should it be called?

How's about you read a few interviews with the creator and decide for yourself?

Oh, deciding for yourself! What a new concept!

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He might just have had a l85 AWS, those thermal sights are god mode :)

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He'll eventually return I guess. I don't know why people complain about these things. The mod is in the fucking alpha stage and it's a MOD, not a game

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How's about you read a few interviews with the creator and decide for yourself?

Oh, deciding for yourself! What a new concept!

Err sorry point out, does not matter what the concept is its still a fucking computer/video game!!! >:(

A game played using a computer, typically a video game.

An electronic or computerized game played by manipulating images on a video display or television screen.

Computer game, that is played by manipulating a mouse, joystick, or the keys on the keyboard of a computer in response to the graphics on the screen.

If its not a game then I dont know what is!!! :rolleyes:

On topic!!

To the guy who quit

:D :D :D

Edited by Itchy

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Later noob, not like that guy could have seen you run into the tent or had the smarts to check for campers before entering. The game is in Alpha, it's not perfect yet.

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oh the crying. lame tactic indeed, but, you did sit still waiting for it.

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I am done with this terrible game, i completely regret buying Arma 2, a complete waste of time and money.

I have had enough of D-Bag Server Hoppers who Alt F4 run behind in the woods and then log back in and kill you, i killed 4 guys and a 5th who ran into a tent and Alt F4'd then i hid myself in a tent in stary, next thing i know im getting shot from through the tent, the only way he could have known i was there is if it was that fucking piece of shit server hopping douche.

So to Kyle, Douchebag Hipster, and Summoners as well as the server hopping douche who killed me, i had fun killing you legit, i hope you had fun server hopping like a 8 year old little kid, to bad you didnt have the skills to take me on like a man you prick.

Im uninstalling Arma 2 as i write this, and im removing Dayz completely and forever, and im not checking this post again, you can say whatever stupid ass shit you want im done with the Alpha fags, and the server hopping douchebags and the no life cherno/elektro snipers, this game is shit, and i wont come back to it unless rocket and his "Team" fix this bullcrap, i no longer support this game.

you just leaving cos you suck

face it.




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Everyone server hops. EVERYONE does douchebag things in DayZ. You'll be back.


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Err sorry point out, does not matter what the concept is its still a fucking computer/video game!!! >:(

A game played using a computer, typically a video game.

An electronic or computerized game played by manipulating images on a video display or television screen.

Computer game, that is played by manipulating a mouse, joystick, or the keys on the keyboard of a computer in response to the graphics on the screen.

If its not a game then I dont know what is!!! :rolleyes:

it was never designed with that in mind. it was made to be an antigame, experiment, NOT a game. it seems to be a common misconception that it's supposed to be a game round these parts, but that wasn't the point of it from the very beginning. i can supply quotes if you want, or you can read up on it on your own.

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it was never designed with that in mind. it was made to be an antigame, experiment, NOT a game. it seems to be a common misconception that it's supposed to be a game round these parts, but that wasn't the point of it from the very beginning. i can supply quotes if you want, or you can read up on it on your own.

A game is in its basic premise is, win or lose!!! DayZ... winning is staying alive, death is you lose!!! A game!!! :rolleyes:

I dont know .............. <_<

Edited by Itchy

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A game is in its basic premise is, win or loose!!! DayZ... winning is staying alive, death is you loose!!! A game!!! :rolleyes:

I dont know .............. <_<

i'm not saying it doesn't look like a game from the outside (meaning outside of the inner workings of the development team), but i am saying that it was not designed to be a game from the outset by rocket. the major goal (as best as i can tell) was solely to generate emotion and experience for the players, not necessarily to have winning or losing conditions unless the players set them themselves. so if you see survival as the condition in which you are succeeding then sure, you're winning! if you see it as orienteering across the map in a certain amount of time without any help of maps, then you're winning! etc, etc.

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See, these are the people that I feel bad about leaving the game.

I think we are better off without him

A game is in its basic premise is, win or lose!!! DayZ... winning is staying alive, death is you lose!!! A game!!!



Edited by Dronax
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i'm not saying it doesn't look like a game from the outside (meaning outside of the inner workings of the development team), but i am saying that it was not designed to be a game from the outset by rocket. the major goal (as best as i can tell) was solely to generate emotion and experience for the players, not necessarily to have winning or losing conditions unless the players set them themselves. so if you see survival as the condition in which you are succeeding then sure, you're winning! if you see it as orienteering across the map in a certain amount of time without any help of maps, then you're winning! etc, etc.

I see what your saying, but when you die you loose everything and start again!! Agree?

So therefore you lost that game!!! If you are alive you are winning, what is determined as winning is the only experimental bit I can see. :|

But at the end of the day you still live or die, win or lose!!! ;)

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I hate this game so much!!

Hang on I love It now Iv got a cool gun :)

Damm got shot I hate this game it sucks!!!..................

Omg just found a tent this game rocks!!!!! ETC ETC..........

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