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Bohemia and Dayz Devs fail to protect their community

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I don't think even RV4 is up to the ambitious requirements of DayZ, the hacking issue won't ever change. It's pretty much unofficially confirmed that The War Z is using the CryTek Milsim engine or @ least a variant... sweet :)

look guys, the hackers hack because they can and are impatient/dumb/slow/more-anti-game-than-u/hate any rules. Hopefully they'll go and ruin WarZ when it comes out and leave DayZ alone for the circlejerkers and ghosts. yeah I hate everyone :)

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To make a long story short; Arma engine has never had a need to prevent hacking

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Not all hacking is even going to be apparent to everyone that dies.

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house don't need door too


If you stopped and thought for a moment before posting that, you'd remember that Arma engine is a simulation engine, not a game engine. There were no competitive goals in scenarios, just acts of co-ordination.

Hacking also allowed people to take shortcuts in scenarios when things didn't go to plan, either from their actions, or from script errors.

DayZ is competitive, however, but it is also a mod. Restricting an engine for a mod is just dumb business. This is why Day Z will be a stand-alone, so it does not hinder the flow of Arma.

Edited by Griff

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If you stopped and thought for a moment before posting that,

haha same as your original post from i aswered, total non meaning...

about standalone i'm not sure cause arma engine is very sophisticated for Dayz , problem is not arma engine but battleye that is a real humbug

but i suppose you re hungry for paper , thats the rule for all

Edited by hitcher

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To make a long story short; Arma engine has never had a need to prevent hacking

Not true. I've played regularly since Arma2 came out. The server I usually play on gets hacked all the time. A few times a week. The server is owned and admined by someone who is diligent and knows the core group of us that play all the time so identifying the hackers is easy and they are banned. Bohemia Interactive HAS always needed to deal with hackers but they never have, it has been an issue since Arma2 came out.

Now I realize I haven't come across one in DayZ yet but yes I understand they are there. Maybe now that the game has renewed interest, BI will work on some fixes for the hacking but I personally doubt it.

When Arma2 was at it's height a few years ago when it came out, they dropped the ball then and went on to other projects. Hackers were never the priority for the company, but they've always needed to do something aboutit.

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The "its a mod" excuse is getting old and misused. If 870k people are playing (key word playing) it is clearly a game.

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A lot of people here have never heard of Arma or Operation Flashpoint before DayZ rose to fame. Myself, I heard about it once or twice if memory serves. I believe that is where a lot of frustration lies, because people are unaware of the heavy scripting and modding that Arma enables. They hear about a great zombie game, buy it, and fall in love. Then, as they play it more, the hackers come in and shit on everything. It's immensely frustrating, because the potential for a great game seems right at our fingertips. I hope the standalone version knocks our socks off, and gets here soon – otherwise as Columbus said: “You are like a giant cock-blocking robot, like, developed in a secret fucking government lab.”

I don't think statements like “It's Alpha, deal with it” help either, considering the audience. That's not going to help with people who have never tried a mod before, especially one from such an obscure game (no offense BI). DayZ is unique, something that has grown out of virtually nothing, based on word of mouth. It's great, we all love it or we would not be here. Don't cheapen it by going nerdcore. Embrace it for what it is, and hope for the best in regards to the standalone.

Thank you, Rocket. Despite all the frustrations we may have, we love what you have created for all of us.

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Bohemia does have a passion for this franchise, but to say they don't do it for money is not a business model that will last more than a few months. They have to make money or they close the doors.

To say "stop blaming BI for something they anticipated" is clearly not correct. I played Arma and hacking has always been possible due to the sandbox structure of the game. Arma2 is basically the same game engine so scripting is essential to the sandbox intent.

Bohemia worked very hard on the Arma2 release with a great deal of publicity. It was very well received by PC game reviewers considering it is a simulator. DayZ was Rockets dream and I'm sure Bohemia is appreciative of his efforts and continued sales of the game. I do agree that Bohemia never intended to "cash in" so to speak. Product developement takes capital, and I'm sure Bohemia appreciates DayZ's benefit to their bottom line. Bohemia has a passion for what they do while publishing companies like EA and Activision do it to "cash in" as they are public companies.

Telling people to "shut the fuck up" is not considered an intelligent response and hinders a debate on other peoples opinions.

Yes, DayZ is an Alpha. Arma2 is a sandbox. Every PC game has people who run purchased scripts and/or outright hack the code. This game is not and never will be immune. It's actually more susceptible to hacking because of the sandbox design.

None of us like to see hacks ruin a server. Unfortunately, as long as it's running the Arma2 engine it will have hacks. The best hope is to have the concept moved to another game engine that is more secure.

The one thing I've learned on this forum is "don't get attached to your gear".

Yeah, I've never really experienced online that much with regular Arma 2, so I was under the impression that hacking wasn't as widespread as it is in Day Z.

I do agree that they would care about money, but earning money wouldn't have been there primary goal in my opinion.

Also regarding the "Shut the fuck up" comment, it seemed necessary as people post daily about how Rocket and BI have no idea about hackers and they have no idea about what they are doing.

If only people could understand that you can't get attached to your gear in Day Z.

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Of course, WarZ was in development long before DayZ, rendering the argument invalid from the start.

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I'm so sick of all your ignorance.

OP, and all those who agree with him need to get a fucking wake up check.

Battleye handles the Anti-cheat of this game. Not Rocket, or even Bohemia.

Each different company/team handles something to do with DayZ, but Battleye is the only company that directly interfaces with hacks and cheaters. Sure Rocket implements some things, such as database bans and such, but the majority of detection and banning for scripts is done by Battleye.


Is that so fucking hard to understand?



For fucks sake people, we all know how bad the hacking is at the moment, stop filling up the forum every 5 seconds with all your whining.

It will get fixed in time, give them a little while would you?

Most of you have no idea how hard it is to engineer your program to scan specific memory spaces, especially when new hackers every day are producing their own hooks into different memory space.

That is SO MUCH memory to scan, its been a while since a Battleye update, but I can gurantee you it will come soon, and then the huge wave of bans will come as well.

You will see so many script kiddie tears soon, you just have to be patient.

It actually makes me sick that you guys think that they aren't doing anything to fix it.

Your assumptions are ridiculous and unfounded.

Grow up.

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I'm so sick of all your ignorance.

OP, and all those who agree with him need to get a fucking wake up check.

Battleye handles the Anti-cheat of this game. Not Rocket, or even Bohemia.

Each different company/team handles something to do with DayZ, but Battleye is the only company that directly interfaces with hacks and cheaters. Sure Rocket implements some things, such as database bans and such, but the majority of detection and banning for scripts is done by Battleye.


Is that so fucking hard to understand?



For fucks sake people, we all know how bad the hacking is at the moment, stop filling up the forum every 5 seconds with all your whining.

It will get fixed in time, give them a little while would you?

Most of you have no idea how hard it is to engineer your program to scan specific memory spaces, especially when new hackers every day are producing their own hooks into different memory space.

That is SO MUCH memory to scan, its been a while since a Battleye update, but I can gurantee you it will come soon, and then the huge wave of bans will come as well.

You will see so many script kiddie tears soon, you just have to be patient.

It actually makes me sick that you guys think that they aren't doing anything to fix it.

Your assumptions are ridiculous and unfounded.

Grow up.

You didn't read the thread did you? Foolish.

Scripting is part of Arma2, always has been. DayZ can do nothign about it. Scripting is not a hack that battleye can deal with, as it is IN the gamecode itself. This is what makes Arma2 so versatile as a game. It just makes it hard for a mod like DayZ. There are many mods and game types for Arma2, though most have never played it until DayZ came out, you can't be blamed for not knowing this.

Read before you speak what others have already discussed.

Edited by Slyder73

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A fucking derp.

I don't even really know what you're trying to say.

I know that everything is scripted completely.

Yet how does this have anything at all to do what I said?

Enlighten me.

I was referring to the current spate of released hacks hooking into the memory of the client side Battleye.dll in order to make the scripts they use undetectable.

Also, there is a verified list of scripts that Battleye compares what players Execute. If you MANUALLY execute a script and Battleye detects it, you get banned. That's how it works.

Maybe YOU should read first, but it's not your fault you don't know this.

You condescending douche.

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Is that so fucking hard to understand?

total non sense again when rocket cares about alt + f4 problem, that means Rocket got acces to a game log and not battleye, just find an algorythm to scan the mass teleport things and ban it seems to be an easy task if alt + f4 is logged somewhere. sorry but i read lot of contradiction there, boring

Edited by hitcher

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Hello there

Also, please remember that when almost any game becomes popular it will attract scripters/hackers/twats/etc.

Even mainstream AAA titles are plagued with them. BF3 as an example from recent times.

As R said, this mod was never expected to have snowballed the way it has and so there has been a lot of firefighting to fix aspects most A2 (even OFP) players have tolerated for years.

IMHO, annoying though it is, putting up with issues like "script plague" will sort out the "wheat from the chaff" and will leave the game with the dedicated group of testers, that we are supposed to be, whilst ridding the community of the casual player (who really just wants/needs to see the final release).

It's great to inform the appropriate people about hacks/scripts/abuse etc but threatening the devs of dayz/A2 of a boycott is rather poor.



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I know this has been said but it's in Alpha! Rallying a boycott against ArmA III is in so many ways just wrong. If this mod had been a finished product which I bought then yes, a boycott would be acceptable, but as I downloaded this for free, not as a consumer but as a tester I have no right to say I'm not buying it.

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Yeah they have to fix this now because Rocket defiantly went up to my door step with a shotgun to my face telling me I had to play the game with the hackers. If you don't like it just don't play, he will fix it in time, but he has so much else to do to the game, he is one of probably 3 people working on the mod, he has a lot of crap on his plate as it is. Give him time, he will get everything sorted out.

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Obviously if you bought ArmA for DayZ, you wouldn't have the first clue about BIS' dedication and support to their modding community, in fact DayZ is a testament to exactly that. The few of us who actually owned ArmA before three months ago, aren't shitting bricks or ready to burn our bras in the street.

So good luck with your entitled petitions, boycotts, outrage, conserns ect. ect. bla. bla.

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total non sense again when rocket cares about alt + f4 problem, that means Rocket got acces to a game log and not battleye, just find an algorythm to scan the mass teleport things and ban it seems to be an easy task if alt + f4 is logged somewhere. sorry but i read lot of contradiction there, boring


You're a fucking idiot.

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and you're a son of a bitch

Nice kid.

You compare two things that aren't even related in terms of anti-cheat.

So, you're an idiot.

Then you completely justify yourself with this comment.

So many dumb shits on this forum.

Kindly stop posting, you son of a bitch.

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Solidarity brother.

Yeah....solidarity....Reg...*dives into sewers*

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