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Gadget (DayZ)

This game will fail long term if the PK problem isnt addressed

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I won't be replying to this thread, it's my final post - ive only been here a few weeks and it was fun but wanted to leave my parting views I will keep an eye on DayZ patches and hope that it's worth trying again at some point in future. This is bound to attract all the usual trolling and fan boy posts etc, I couldnt care less, I just want to get an opinion across.

The game itself is great, its an amazing concept. The problem is the players themselves have ruined this in the short time Ive played. Nearly every player ive come across is hostile and thats not why some people want to play it. Moving forward this game needs to allow 'private' server play minus hive support, OR allow none PK servers, OR reduce weapon damage a lot. The fainting mechanic is also a pain the @@@ if you've been shot once and cannot recover because theres simply no time to recover - you end up F4'ing and if your blood is low from the hit you likely wont recover - it may as well be a one shot kill game. This will get flamed because I know so many people just play to kill players, and they love it! There in lies the problem, if players like killing players, great, leave them to each other on a server. But when some players like to play solo or in groups, just focussed on zombies, surviving, and the environment, they should be able to do so without being annoyed by other players. The concept of anything goes is quite interesting initially but soon becomes an annoyance, certainly for the people ive spoken to outside of the game. They want to do 'co op' survival elements of this game but after spending dozens of hours surviving and getting resource and weapons etc, to be shot in the back by someone camping an area, knowing you've effectively got to start the whole thing again is fine a few times but then it becomes frustrating because all you are doing is recollecting the same stuff everytime and as a result you then shoot anyone on contact - which is where we are now. If I logged into a public server now, I would be a PK'r as well, because I feel like every person out there is just greedy and wants to kill to avoid having to collect their own loot.

Three times now ive got kitted up to the max and played the game 'my way', avoiding all player contact because they are all out to kill players instead of survive against zombies. I realise thats what people seem to like, good luck to them, but I want to avoid playing against them. PvP has always been one of those options in games, you either PvE or PvP but you should always have an option to play on a server where you dont get grief players and people that are simply out to destroy your game. Whilst I was away from players the game was awesome and would have been fun with my friends that ive been trying to convince to get the game, but after my experience and knowing what my friends are like they will get just as ******** off as I have being PK'd every 2 minutes.

I am now trying to work out how to run a local server to play away from the hive, it looks like a pain in the **** to setup as it uses mysql etc, surely there must be a proper official way that lan / internet none hive could be supported in future?

Anyway, enjoy the game, I look forward to its future but wont be playing on any public servers any more. If this does get read by one of the dev team, please consider what people like myself have said - give us a way to play without the interferance of player killers.

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The PK/sandbox survival world is the defining aspect of this game so I doubt it will never change. It just doesn't sound like this is your style of game. Try Left4Dead?

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Laughed hard :D Thanks for entertaining me.. and.. bye

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I can't imagine how boring the game would be without a pvp element.

You also aren't getting "PK'd every 2 minutes"

Not all games are going to be either pvp or pve based.

This game isn't for you, and that's 100% fine, but saying the game will fail is ignorant and a statement based on anger.. and ignorance. This game didn't become viral for the PvE aspect alone, of course that's arguable, but PvP was in the game when it happened.

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PvP is the lifeblood of this game. The PvE is very weak at the moment, zombies are a pushover, loot is plentiful enough to pose no real challenge in its acquisition. I urge you to give PvP a real try, it's great fun.

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stop whinning. if you dont like pvp go away we dont want you here

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There are plenty of other zombie games out there (L4D, Dead Island, RE, etc.) to play for you guys with straight up co-op/team play, I don't understand why you guys can't just go and play those.

Off the bat it's HARD to just find some random chap while playing the game and expect them to be friendly. You have to change your mind set when playing games such as these and you HAVE to adapt to them, that's the whole point.

The best thing to do is look for people to play with outside the game, you can start in Survivors HQ forum.

Edited by jay.pis
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I can't imagine what we would do if it was PVE. Shooting zombies that never really vary in difficulty isn't challenging. I could see it being somewhat entertaining if everything was much more rare and items never respawned so you'd be forced to travel constantly or search further and further from you base just to find food. Even that would end the second you find a hunting knife, matches, and canteen.

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Can't we all just unite against the hackers and if someone sees a hack he shouts in global and we all alt f4 :P

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If you look at the statistics on the dayzmod.com you will notice that of the 18,096,393 survival attempts only 2,684,844 have resulted in murders. I'm not going to really calculate the exact number cause fuck you I start college again in a month but this means that around 1 in 6 deaths have resulted in a murder. That is hardly a problem. People just seem to get way too butthurt when they die to a player.

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My KD ratio is something like 100:1 (players not zeds).. so i would defend the PvP aspect of this game.. the reality is that the OP (or anyone else criticizing the PvP) is technically correct. This game *today* is all about PvP, and i'm missing so much from my first weeks (when i were used to "talk" with strangers and such).

I'm continuing to play it since i have a clan and we get fun together shooting at the noobs, that is another reason of why PvP "addicted" ppl are defending it: there's so many noobs in this game that is incredible easy to "score", so you feel like a uber-pro-shooter .. pathetic? Yes it is.. but i'm "brave" enough to admit it.

I'll probably get bored in a while and i'll abandon it.. but until i've some whilling to play, i'll follow the mass (killing on sight.. camping hot spots to increase my KD ratio.. and stuff like this). Forget DayZ.. welcome to Arma2! :)

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People always respond to these threads in a really mature manner.

Sarcasm aside; the OP makes a few good points. If DayZ wants to be truly successful as a whole the Dev team should look into catering to all aspects of the player base. I myself enjoy the PvP aspect as it provides a nice bit of challenge but by no means should I be forced to play in a PvP server at all times.

There should be PvP and PvE servers which cannot interact. PvE servers will simply be for people who like to work together and stock pile gear. Maybe increase the zombie ratio for more challenge?

Regardless, anyone who just says "lol dis game iznt fer u" is just stupid. Games are defined by being able to play and enjoy it how you want. If the OP wants a way to only play PvE with his buddies then he should be able to do it.

Also too heavy of a PvP focus will ruin the real ambiance and point behind the game. Player interaction is a driving force behind DayZ. When people shoot on site for no reason a large part of the player interaction aspect is diminished. Eventually DayZ will devolve into a pure PvP game with random zombies running around that no one really cares about. It won't be unique anymore.

Edited by XenoSententia
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The only thing that will kill this game is the hacking problem.

Or if Rocket gave into carebears like yourself...

The whole point of the game is to invoke heavy emotional responses from the players. Whether that be fear, anger, remorse, pity, sorrow. All of these emotions come from the interactions between the players. It wants you to actually think about the decisions you are making/going to make, and think about the possible repercussions of those decisions.

If they gutted the whole pvp aspect then the game would be so utterly boring. Think about it... The zombies are a joke, the only thing that makes them dangerous is either your own carelessness or the simple fact they are glitchy as hell in their current state. It really would just be a cross country running / loot farming simulator without the threat of other players potentially harming you.

It really is as simple as this: If you can't handle the sandbox nature of the game, then MAYBE, just maybe, this isn't the game for you.

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I mean the only thing that could possibly be added to ease the pain for these types of players is to add in teamplay mode in which players only kill the other team, ie. Bandits vs Survivors.

Honestly that would be the only solution, well at least to keep these people from QQ since then they'll be able to play with players on their team just because they can't shoot each other.

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The only thing that will kill this game is the hacking problem.

Or if Rocket gave into carebears like yourself...

The whole point of the game is to invoke heavy emotional responses from the players. Whether that be fear, anger, remorse, pity, sorrow. All of these emotions come from the interactions between the players. It wants you to actually think about the decisions you are making/going to make, and think about the possible repercussions of those decisions.

If they gutted the whole pvp aspect then the game would be so utterly boring. Think about it... The zombies are a joke, the only thing that makes them dangerous is either your own carelessness or the simple fact they are glitchy as hell in their current state. It really would just be a cross country running / loot farming simulator without the threat of other players potentially harming you.

It really is as simple as this: If you can't handle the sandbox nature of the game, then MAYBE, just maybe, this isn't the game for you.

Actually be definition a sandbox game allows you to do whatever you want. So in a true sandbox he should be able to play on a PvE server . . that's a terrible argument.

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I think PvP will be curbed a bit when the following things happen:

  • More content is added to the game rather than "get bored; PvP"
  • Players can group/friend/communicate/spawn in-game easier
  • A "happy medium" is found for distinguishing between friendlies and bandits
  • Bugs are squashed
  • alt+f4 playstyle is fixed
  • Hacking is more under control
  • Players can customize

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If you look at the statistics on the dayzmod.com you will notice that of the 18,096,393 survival attempts only 2,684,844 have resulted in murders. I'm not going to really calculate the exact number cause fuck you I start college again in a month but this means that around 1 in 6 deaths have resulted in a murder. That is hardly a problem. People just seem to get way too butthurt when they die to a player.

That's not an accurate stat though. A vast number of those are going to be guys who DC'd and bled out during reconnect, suicides, glitches, hacks, and so on. I'd put PvP at the top of "legitimate" deaths.

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if you think PvP is the problem in this game, you dont understand the game. Outside of Cherno, I have yet to run into someone anyway. PvP is what makes the game great and exciting...without it, just having to avoid zombies would get mundane and boring.

Yes there are some people that kill you on site....that would happen in real life as well. They either dont want to take the risk that you would kill them first, or they just dont want to take the risk that you'll do something stupid and attract Zeds.

If PvP is your problem with this game, then its not the game for you.

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Actually be definition a sandbox game allows you to do whatever you want. So in a true sandbox he should be able to play on a PvE server . . that's a terrible argument.

lmao, oh man, I'm not even going to touch this with a ten foot pole.

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