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We happened upon a magical rabbit, and soon discoverd the sacred ritual to unlock his treasure.

Edited by pburgers

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So I heard snipe shots in Cherno and I decided to climb up to where I thought he was and kill him, I managed to kill the sniper (my 1 bandit kill) and grab his AS50 and gear, I waited for him to come back (waited about 10 mins) and this is what happened LOL.

Edited by LeeMeYou
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Got wasted by a chick in Berezino supermarket... I' didn't scope up because of the artefacts and that was my fatal error. Don't ever underestimate the Lee in PVP.

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videos mashed together to create a back story of what happened..

Edited by gun_uk

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My god...

Dude, what the?! Nope! Just nope!

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Hey everyone I decided to make a compilation of all the stupid stuff thats happened to me :). Heres the link a bove I would be honoured if you could all give it a watch, maybe even a cheeky comment :D. Used aftereffects for anyone thats wondering and added some pretty cool text effects in. Me hitting the zombie full on with a bike and THE CRIMSON CHIN :D are my favs. THANKS A MILLION - If anyone fancies a game sometime hit me up on steam-Dalomatic

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Coolcat полез на дирстэнд, я прикрывал.

Ребята были пристрелинные и сняли coolcatа, но не заметили меня. Выстрела мы не слышали.

Кто себя в ролике узнал, передаю привет, лут нармал у вас ребят.,, был..Второй резко очканул и решил смататься.

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an alle deutschen DayZ Begeisterten :) hier ist der Anfang der 1. Staffel von [ KontreckTV DayZ ]

schaut es euch doch mal an :) und wenn es euch gefällt könntet ihr mich ja auch abbonieren und nen Daumen hoch geben :)würde mich darüber sehr freuen :)

>hier geht es zu Staffel 1< : http://www.youtube.c...V/videos?view=1

Edited by Kontreck

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