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Day Z Videos

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Hey guys,

I just began to make some Youtube Videos.

This one is my newest and as well my best Video:

I would appreciate if you gimme some feedback by commenting on Youtube and like or dislike.

Anyway I thank everyone for watching it and I´ll respect even negative feedback.


greetings from Dortmund, Germany

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More hacking goodness. No problem. Who doesn't love getting teleported to Elektro and made to dance for your hacking overlords before being slaughtered?

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Hey guys,

I just began to make some Youtube Videos.

This one is my newest and as well my best Video:

I would appreciate if you gimme some feedback by commenting on Youtube and like or dislike.

Anyway I thank everyone for watching it and I´ll respect even negative feedback.

greetings from Dortmund, Germany


Edited by Grantelbart

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After I spawned close to Elektro. I saw something in the water. Moved closer and found a Heli!

Sadly enough it wouldn't work with wet electronics...... :rolleyes:

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Here a strange respawn and glitches

Edited by Archana

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