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I hope you compensate for your small duck..

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Seriously you guys that shoot at people that just spawned and have no weapons on them or any loot.. you are pathetic assholes who compensate the small size of your dicks by doing so. If I'm yelling at you that I am unarmed, if you see me running unarmed, if its at the fucking coast... Does it really take an 150 IQ brain to conclude I just spawned? And what benefit you retard assholes get by killing an spawned guy with just a bandage and a flashlight.. Seriously.

I never complained. Got shot and sniped several million times in cities, while i was armed etc. That's no problem at all. But spawning 3 times, and 3 times being shot by a no life having faggot, who picks up people at the spawn just to amuse himself, that's fucking ridiculous. Don't call yourself a bandit, call yourself a Sir Fagg-a-lot.

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Seriously you guys that shoot at people that just spawned and have no weapons on them or any loot.. you are pathetic assholes who compensate the small size of your dicks by doing so. If I'm yelling at you that I am unarmed, if you see me running unarmed, if its at the fucking coast... Does it really take an 150 IQ brain to conclude I just spawned? And what benefit you retard assholes get by killing an spawned guy with just a bandage and a flashlight.. Seriously.

I never complained. Got shot and sniped several million times in cities, while i was armed etc. That's no problem at all. But spawning 3 times, and 3 times being shot by a no life having faggot, who picks up people at the spawn just to amuse himself, that's fucking ridiculous. Don't call yourself a bandit, call yourself a Sir Fagg-a-lot.

Asshole he is./

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Surely you didn't respawn in the same place 3 times? That's just unlucky.

No I didn't but I had the luck to meet 3 spawn camping faggots 3 times in a row. Since they all had the same tags I guess its a faggotry clan with small dicks.


Edited by Boneboys

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Well you sure have suffered some carnage.

Seriously, though. That kinda sucks.

Edited by Dr621

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Well you sure have suffered some carnage.

Seriously, though. That kinda sucks.

You say it lol.

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Seriously you guys that shoot at people that just spawned and have no weapons on them or any loot.. you are pathetic assholes who compensate the small size of your dicks by doing so. If I'm yelling at you that I am unarmed, if you see me running unarmed, if its at the fucking coast... Does it really take an 150 IQ brain to conclude I just spawned? And what benefit you retard assholes get by killing an spawned guy with just a bandage and a flashlight.. Seriously.

I never complained. Got shot and sniped several million times in cities, while i was armed etc. That's no problem at all. But spawning 3 times, and 3 times being shot by a no life having faggot, who picks up people at the spawn just to amuse himself, that's fucking ridiculous. Don't call yourself a bandit, call yourself a Sir Fagg-a-lot.

We get the benifit of your delicious tears.

EDIT: Many thanks for recognizing I'm a sir!

Edited by Food
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We get the benifit of your delicious tears.

Ain't really crying. Ain't even raging THAT much. It just had to be said. And your reply just proves once more what a pathetic fuck you are. Having a no life. Camping at spawns waiting for unarmed survivors. But I guess its just like that when someone has a pussy instead of a dick. Oh no, wait. Even girls that actually do have pussies aren't afraid of going into Cherno or Elektro, but no.. You faggots got only balls to shoot unarmed guys. What a great game experience you get. I can't even imagine.

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Ain't really crying. Ain't even raging THAT much. It just had to be said. And your reply just proves once more what a pathetic fuck you are. Having a no life. Camping at spawns waiting for unarmed survivors. But I guess its just like that when someone has a pussy instead of a dick. Oh no, wait. Even girls that actually do have pussies aren't afraid of going into Cherno or Elektro, but no.. You faggots got only balls to shoot unarmed guys. What a great game experience you get. I can't even imagine.

But see what I did there?

You claim to not be raging yet you bash on what I do like no other. It's obvious your angry with my playstyle, yet you deny it claiming I'm the pathetic faggot. At least I'm not whining like a girl over a video game.

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Yeah I know, he likes to get attention. And no I am not raging. I am telling you once more, with a calm voice, you are a fag. For doing it. That's not raging, that's a fact. Wont even bother replying to you anymore, so go on. Write that final reply and lets make it be your last word onto this, so you can feed your ego.

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What server was this on. I'm sure I have a few friends who'd like to meet these gentlemen.

In game names, servers and relative location in-game?

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What server was this on. I'm sure I have a few friends who'd like to meet these gentlemen.

In game names, servers and relative location in-game?

Can't remember which one but an UK server, maybe 113 but I'm not sure. The guys had [atta] in front of their names. Can't remember the names too well, Icarus, Ninja (and some numbers together with the name, like Ninja12345) and the last guy I totally don't remember. 3 of them camping at 3 spawn points. Kamenka, Airstrip and near Elektro near those docks. If you can manage to find them say Hello from me. When I get geared up with my sniper again, I'll pay them a visit myself :)

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The same thing happend to me got sniped 3 times when i was spawning. Really frustrating.

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Why are you posting this in the Survivor HQ? Wouldn't it be an even more effective flaming-shit-storm in the Bandit Campfire?

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Don't worry, its posted here with purpose. You guys really think bandits don't check the survivor HQ? They are more often here then the actual survivors lol. As you see one already posted to flame :) As well as I check the bandit campfire to know whats going on between them, and their organization :)

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Can't remember which one but an UK server, maybe 113 but I'm not sure. The guys had [atta] in front of their names. Can't remember the names too well, Icarus, Ninja (and some numbers together with the name, like Ninja12345) and the last guy I totally don't remember. 3 of them camping at 3 spawn points. Kamenka, Airstrip and near Elektro near those docks. If you can manage to find them say Hello from me. When I get geared up with my sniper again, I'll pay them a visit myself :)

=] Sounds like fun. I'll have to work my way over from my little camp and try and find them on some US servers. PM if you wanna roll together sometime.

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I really don't get this...

If you just spawned... and don't have any loot... then why are you upset? You didn't actually lose anything to be upset over.

Is it just your pride that's been scuffed, if so, let the forums become drenched in delicious tears... and trust me, you're crying. Over spilled milk no less.

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Seriously you guys that shoot at people that just spawned and have no weapons on them or any loot.. you are pathetic assholes who compensate the small size of your dicks by doing so. If I'm yelling at you that I am unarmed, if you see me running unarmed, if its at the fucking coast... Does it really take an 150 IQ brain to conclude I just spawned? And what benefit you retard assholes get by killing an spawned guy with just a bandage and a flashlight.. Seriously.

I never complained. Got shot and sniped several million times in cities, while i was armed etc. That's no problem at all. But spawning 3 times, and 3 times being shot by a no life having faggot, who picks up people at the spawn just to amuse himself, that's fucking ridiculous. Don't call yourself a bandit, call yourself a Sir Fagg-a-lot.

Can someone remind this guy its a fucking GAME!!! Shit happens !! :o

Tuff shit try again !!! <_<

It is funny how much emotion this game evokes in people. :rolleyes:

You want fucking hard emotion, blood boiling game try Ghosts & Goblins C64, I smashed my fucking hand in over that game. CRT + Knuckels = extreme pain!!! >:( Beat it though ;)

Problerm is these days you all pussies, bubble wrapped and spoon fed. So what you die its a fucking game, I hate all this save every 2 min shit.

This is the reason games last x amount of hours, when really they should be hard as fuck and take weeks to complete if at all like it used to be. ;)

But they make them easy so they can churn out the same shit every few months, and make more money !!!

This is why I fully support this project, he aint asked for a penny and you fucking moan because you died!


Edited by Itchy

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But see what I did there?

You claim to not be raging yet you bash on what I do like no other. It's obvious your angry with my playstyle, yet you deny it claiming I'm the pathetic faggot. At least I'm not whining like a girl over a video game.

how is camping the spawn points a playstyle? grow some fucking balls and go kill some survivors that can actually defend themselves. how is killing fresh spawns even entertaining?

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