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Well I just uninstall this POS

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I am so sick of people killing each other. I mean what the **** is your satisfaction? You will kill newly spawns just for the hell of it? It obviously isnt for looting purposes. This is what is wrong with this game. There are WAY too many hostiles. I just freaking logged in to get shot in the head by a sniper. There is nothing you can freaking do about it. ***holes will just camp on buildings waiting to kill people. You don't get to hear them rage or cry, you just see them die. I am sick of this crap, people completely ruin this game. Maybe ill come back to this if something ever changes, Atleast show people that are hostiles. Change their clothes if they murder people so I know to steer clear, that is if i even see them before i get spawn killed.

+1 for PVE servers

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Give a try on a "hardcore" setting server, no 3dp and crosshair.

Frankly better, almost changes my e-life.

Now I can die alone, on my own.


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someone should post the danger zone map. Think that would help him.




Edited by Orthus
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The point of the game is to die. This is a survival game with the average life expectancy being 32 minutes. Don't expect to be a newb and live over a day, it takes time to develop strategy with a lot of trial and error.

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+1 for PVE servers

That would probably be one of the worst Day Z experiences you could ever have. You would be able to gear up and be done with the game in a day.

If you need time to learn the controlls/handling of the game go play arma II.

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i would respectfully disagree with this. there's other things to do if you decide to do them. freeside trading and the medics are proof of this. it's up to the players to make their own objectives, not the developers.

You're right. That does happen.

But those seem to be an exception. I was referring to the noticeable majority of the player-base. In most cases, i'm wagering that this is the reason why most PvP happens.

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Cry more please, your tears taste delicious. It's a good thing you're quitting DayZ.

Good bye.

I think I've killed you before.

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Welcome to an Open World, Full Loot, PVP game! :thumbsup:

My advice...get smart!

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I am so sick of people killing each other. I mean what the **** is your satisfaction? You will kill newly spawns just for the hell of it?

I don't see the point in shooting newly spawned either. i don't like wasting bullets on newly spawned but it happens i shoot one or two in a week.

But if you have no clue to hide from snipers, then you better start learning. start with do not run along the coast or the road. as any other bandit, try to look around before moving around.

Use third person to look around corners before moving on. Avoid roofs and open fields, if you have to go those places then start running and do not run in straight lines. Only makes you look like a juicy target practice, as for target practice, it is damn fun shooting chickens at distance of 1000m.

when it comes to mindless killing, that is due to lack of trust in people. only way to turn that is to start trusting. and if you get killed, then try again. you will find someone that will not shoot you.

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I am so sick of people killing each other. I mean what the **** is your satisfaction? You will kill newly spawns just for the hell of it? It obviously isnt for looting purposes. This is what is wrong with this game. There are WAY too many hostiles. I just freaking logged in to get shot in the head by a sniper. There is nothing you can freaking do about it. ***holes will just camp on buildings waiting to kill people. You don't get to hear them rage or cry, you just see them die. I am sick of this crap, people completely ruin this game. Maybe ill come back to this if something ever changes, Atleast show people that are hostiles. Change their clothes if they murder people so I know to steer clear, that is if i even see them before i get spawn killed.


so you want a game that has no hostiles at all? or are you saying you want a game that has hostiles but only the very specific amount of hostiles to provide you with what you call an ideal game experience kind of like a hollywood story where the hero/heroine always has close brushes with death but magically is able to escape and make lots of friends and run off into candyland?

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Unfortunately, the only aspect of this game that fleshed out at all Is the PvP.

Here's a chart of all DayZ Gameplay options:

  1. Spawn ----> Acquire weapon ----> PvP
  2. Spawn ----> Acquire weapon ----> Kill Zombies ----> Get Bored and PvP
  3. Spawn ----> Acquire weapon ----> Go Scavenging for more Gear ----> Get Bored and PvP
  4. Spawn ----> Acquire weapon ----> Go Scavenging for more Gear ----> Survive in the wilderness indefinitely ----> Get Bored and PvP

The entire reason why PvP is so prevalent in this game is literally "Idle hands are the devil's tools."

Eventually, there's nothing else to do. And that usually means shooting at things that aren't AI.

Even with other content like crafting and such goes full circle and will always be side by side with PvP.

I still don't see the point though...I mean it's a Zombie Survival game and not Battlefield 3 or Call of Duty...

The whole IDEA is to basically SURVIVE is it not, from zombies and survivors alike?

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I am so sick of people killing each other. I mean what the **** is your satisfaction? You will kill newly spawns just for the hell of it? It obviously isnt for looting purposes. This is what is wrong with this game. There are WAY too many hostiles. I just freaking logged in to get shot in the head by a sniper. There is nothing you can freaking do about it. ***holes will just camp on buildings waiting to kill people. You don't get to hear them rage or cry, you just see them die. I am sick of this crap, people completely ruin this game. Maybe ill come back to this if something ever changes, Atleast show people that are hostiles. Change their clothes if they murder people so I know to steer clear, that is if i even see them before i get spawn killed.

I agree and it's not just this game any game with open PvP is the same. It attracts the inbreeds of this world. I am not playing this anymore untill they make a PvE or PvZ server and include more undead in the forest areas.

It's that or I just forget about this and go play War Z when its out since they will have the choice of PvE and all the hyperactive and inbreeds of the world can go duke it out like idiots in the PvP servers. The only PvP or RvR that ever worked in mmo's is in DAoC.

with today's youth PvP in MMO's is just stupid and a waste of my game time.

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Cry more please, your tears taste delicious. It's a good thing you're quitting DayZ.

Good bye.

There's no salt in DayZ, so those tears will go well with the cooked meat i found in his backpack.

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I am so sick of people killing each other. I mean what the **** is your satisfaction? You will kill newly spawns just for the hell of it? It obviously isnt for looting purposes. This is what is wrong with this game. There are WAY too many hostiles. I just freaking logged in to get shot in the head by a sniper. There is nothing you can freaking do about it. ***holes will just camp on buildings waiting to kill people. You don't get to hear them rage or cry, you just see them die. I am sick of this crap, people completely ruin this game. Maybe ill come back to this if something ever changes, Atleast show people that are hostiles. Change their clothes if they murder people so I know to steer clear, that is if i even see them before i get spawn killed.

play on empty servers. or low populated ones. when i go to raid cherno/elektro i go to a server with ~5 people, get what i want, then join 35+ servers afterwards. i don't do empty, because it seems unfair, but feel free to do it if you want.

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Even with other content like crafting and such goes full circle and will always be side by side with PvP.

I still don't see the point though...I mean it's a Zombie Survival game and not Battlefield 3 or Call of Duty...

The whole IDEA is to basically SURVIVE is it not, from zombies and survivors alike?

True. but a "Good" sandbox game balances different playstyle content so that the majority of the playerbase isn't crowding the same corner of said sandbox.

Right now, it's like we're all eating at the Chinese buffet and everyone is crowding the sweet and sour chicken station, because all the other food stations are not stocked or just dangerously undercooked.

Great, now I'm hungry...

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bandits are like the cool kids in school, looking down at the nerds for wanting to do something with their lifes...

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I agree and it's not just this game any game with open PvP is the same. It attracts the inbreeds of this world. I am not playing this anymore untill they make a PvE or PvZ server and include more undead in the forest areas.

It's that or I just forget about this and go play War Z when its out since they will have the choice of PvE and all the hyperactive and inbreeds of the world can go duke it out like idiots in the PvP servers. The only PvP or RvR that ever worked in mmo's is in DAoC.

with today's youth PvP in MMO's is just stupid and a waste of my game time.

Tell me, what you do when you have gotten all the loot you wanted? It takes me less then 1 hour before i've managed to get everything i need. That would leave me with waiting for me to starve to death.

I will applaud if you're having hard enough time with the zombies.

Without pvp you would be done with the game in less then an hour.

What i enjoy is the chance of getting killed or win the fight, the bigger the fight the more fun.

without the pvp there would be no challange in survival and it would be boring.

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Ahhh another satisfied kill.

I snipe on the coast to see people like you rage on forums.

I feed off your tears.

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I am not playing this anymore untill they make a PvE or PvZ server and include more undead in the forest areas.

It's that or I just forget about this and go play War Z when its out since they will have the choice of PvE and all the hyperactive and inbreeds of the world can go duke it out like idiots in the PvP servers.

save time go to dead island, youll be happy kicking Z's to death and beating them with planks, go quickly it may be on special on steam

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I felt the same way until I decided to stick to one private hive server. Not only is there no hopping and strict measures against hacking. The private hive has side chat enabled along with public teamspeak so an actual server communty arises. People actually give tips to new players and warnings about the map, people join squads with strangers and factions persist. There is plenty of bandit royalty, a steady traffic of newbie players and us, the experienced moderates in the middle. It makes for a reasonably safe Cherno and Electro but an exciting and lethal Stary, NWAF and NEAF.

Find a private hive server, that's my advice. Life is cheap on any server in the public hive but players that stick to a single server make a name for themselves, vendettas arise but so do partnerships.

Edited by Bribase
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Making a thread about quitting will just get people making fun of you. Yet I agree with you, just uninstalled the mod yesterday and went back to regular arma for a while.

After you play for about a month it just gets.... boring.

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