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DayZ so F***ing Hacked I can't play.

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Tried several servers now and its really out of control, getting mass teleported to Elektro/Cherno, buildings in main cities completely obliterated.

It seems the hackers aren't happy just to give themselves an unfair advantage, now they want to completely f*** it for everyone.

Will check back on this game in a week or so but atm just can't play.

Has anyone else had this happening to them? Because its really spoiling the game.

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I haven't even seen a hacker, I've seen a hackers stash tho, but before I could take anything, server reset.

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I've witnessed one hack in 2 months, and all they did was give me a shiny golden AKS (thanks guys).

I use Uk servers mainly. Most of the complaints I see tend to be on US servers. I might be wrong though.

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I've seen plenty, some are assholes that ruin everybody's game, but some are really cool and take you for a ride on their heli and give you supplies lol.

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I still haven't witnessed a hacker, 2 weeks in now. I wonder sometimes what servers the people who are complaining are playing on...

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in the last week there wasnt a day i didnt see a script kiddy.... servers nuked, invisible kids teleporting and killing people, mass teleports to the coast, helicopters and other spawned stuff....

consider yourself lucky if you are not being killed at least twice a week by a skiddy.... cheaters in dayz is a whole new dimension

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I only started playing yesterday, one of my first games someone appeared with a helicopter, said he was friendly and asked if I wanted a lift anywhere, I just started so had no idea where to go, so he took me to his camp, gave me some guns, food etc then dropped me in town. Later on people are telling me that heli's aren't even in the game yet.

Anyway I died some time later and spawn back at coast, and what do I see, two guys trying to get a stuck jet out of the trees, can cheaters just spawn anything they want?


Edited by smasht_AU
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I'm playing on New Zealand and Australian servers, NZ 3 is literally empty cause they built a sand bag fort in Elektro and continuously warped everybody on server into it and shot them.

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What is ghosting exactly?

i think when a player disconnects on one server connect to other get behind your back and reconnects on the first server..

like when u are at the castle in the tower, and u know that the player is outside, and wait for him to enter to shoot him, and after few minutes he comes from the top of the tower and kills u from back..

Edited by snowcrAsh42

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Norway 13 looked funny the other night.

I logged in and made my way towards Elektro and as I was scouting it out from the hills to the north I felt something was wrong but could not put my finger on it.....then I saw....

Both the office bulding and the supermarket were nothing but ruins and the enterable house next to the hospital had large holes in it.

As i raised my wiev a little I suddenly noticed the 10-15 or so Helicopters and helicopter wrecks that was littering the area just south of the hospital and along the coast.

Someone had fun apparently.

I logged off and went to another server.

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Only experienced one in my time so far. I was wandering my merry way to some town when I magically get a broken bone. I was like, "wtf?" Then everybody on side channel complained about the same thing. Suffice to say, that was the first and last time I played on that server.

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I've experience masskill hacks, invisibility exploits, players respawning over their corpses fully re-equipped, players covering impossible distances, players knowing the exact location of every member of my squad, found a heli wreck (not the same as a heli crash site) and an A-10 wreck, found helis just sitting on a beach, players shrugging off a barrage of bullets (including a pair of .50 shots) before dying, all on a variety of ANZ, NZ and US servers. It's beyond a joke lately.

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I don't get it. I've seen probably one hacker in hours of gametime for more than a week. Not sure how everyone else is so unlucky

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In the past month I have died more times to hackers than to legitimate kills, quite a few of my buddies are also in the same boat now.

Such a shame...

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Tried several servers now and its really out of control, getting mass teleported to Elektro/Cherno, buildings in main cities completely obliterated.

It seems the hackers aren't happy just to give themselves an unfair advantage, now they want to completely f*** it for everyone.

Will check back on this game in a week or so but atm just can't play.

Has anyone else had this happening to them? Because its really spoiling the game.

When you make threads like that, make sure to at least post a server name...

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Been playing for a month and haven't seen a single hacker. Guess I'm one of the lucky ones.

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Plenty of hackers out there. Seems to be equally as many terrible server admins.

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