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About nroenspeck@gmx.de

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. nroenspeck@gmx.de

    Battle Eye Bans 2000Cheaters

    I agree Venthos... I mean there are still people who think google is the internet, and turning on their windows firewall will protect their box from all evil. Are they being careless? Probably.. maybe not. But they definitely are clueless. (more) Ontopic: I lol'ed when I got that message ingame because of what it implies that they had to specifically point out that "this time they got the _real_ hackers". Especially when you read this on their homepage "No one is banned for using non-hack programs (..). Therefore all requests mentioning these things as possible reasons for the global ban are ignored."
  2. nroenspeck@gmx.de

    Battle Eye Bans 2000Cheaters

    Your "flawless logic and reason" is nothing but your own subjective opinion....You think it's fair that those people get banned, he doesn't. Is it fair that innocent people get banned for being careless? No, it isn't imo... not everybody has the knowledge (or time to acquire said knowledge) and understanding of how the internet works to distinguish between a phishing site and the real deal for example. Having said that... should those cd-keys that were used for hacking be banned? Absolutely... why? Because there is no economically acceptable way to prove it wasn't the owner himself ... not with Arma2 anyways. It's possible but not very likely or at least not very common... you'd need a considerably big sample group of cd-keys to find the right algorithm... and of those billions of possible cd-keys you'd have to find those that were activated/bought. At least that's my understanding, correct me if I'm wrong. [edit] pretty much what venthos said
  3. nroenspeck@gmx.de

    Tired of spawned weapon's

    weapon inflation due to excessive duping and spawning.... there needs to be a fix for duping at least (hacking can't be fixed, face it) and a complete reset of all characters/tents/vehicles I have never found an L85, AS50 or a Rangefinder at a legit loot spawn. yet it only takes me about 1 hour to get all these items. why? because every fucking douchbag cherno sniper and his dog has them ... and if there is no sniper to kill around just look for a camp... talk about immersion...
  4. nroenspeck@gmx.de

    Why is there no punching in the game?

    you should be able to knock people unconcious from behind too misleading threadtitles ftw
  5. nroenspeck@gmx.de

    FFFUUUU Update

    character saving is fcked since always.... your best bet is to wait 5-10 minutes before changing clothes, loggin out etc in your case that's really bad luck :-/
  6. nroenspeck@gmx.de

    M4A1 holo SD = legit?

    lol wat? some people...
  7. nroenspeck@gmx.de

    Creepy Axe Murderer Singing Lullaby at Night

    yeah he had no idea that guy was in the car with him
  8. nroenspeck@gmx.de

    death of a legend

  9. nroenspeck@gmx.de

    US 1126 Messaged popped up my leg broke all my stuff gone

    happened to me too after I killed hacker... I was kinda suprised he didnt just kill me I then took his hacked car and drove off lol and no, there is no way to get you stuff back other then finding it again
  10. nroenspeck@gmx.de

    DayZ so F***ing Hacked I can't play.

    Grow up, kiddo.
  11. nroenspeck@gmx.de

    DayZ so F***ing Hacked I can't play.

    in the last week there wasnt a day i didnt see a script kiddy.... servers nuked, invisible kids teleporting and killing people, mass teleports to the coast, helicopters and other spawned stuff.... consider yourself lucky if you are not being killed at least twice a week by a skiddy.... cheaters in dayz is a whole new dimension
  12. nroenspeck@gmx.de

    Insane Amount of Hackers

    in the last week I've seen servers being nuked, spawned helicopters, invisible hackers teleporting around shooting people (twice), and today I killed a guy in a hacked vehicle just to see my gear vanish into thin air seconds after battleye's piss poor anticheat protection is a joke really
  13. nroenspeck@gmx.de

    Red Military Offroad?

    I know the military offroad is in the game, but I've never seen it in red... is it hacked or does it actually spawn in red? I wouldnt be too surprised if it was hacked in since I "lost" all my gear after killing the driver (more like: my gear just vanished into thin air), not to mention that just recently all servers we play on seem to get overrun by hackers within hours...