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it's against the rules but it shouldn't be a bannable offense.

it's against the rules so it NEEDS to be a bannable offense.

the only problem is to differ between people doing it to gain unfair advantage,

and people who, lets say, do it to find a decent server to play on.

not talking about ALT+F4, which is only like the tip of the iceberg.

in most cases, you will have time to hit abort + disconnect.

sometimes our whole team hops from server to server to find a nice one,

with daytime, good ping, many players, on expert settings.

if every server was on the same settings, this wouldn't even matter as

we only need to find a server with enough slots for the whole team.

Edited by Azrail

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* [NEW] Respawn button is disabled during DayZ play

So we won't be able to respawn if we are stuck on geometry or placed out of bounds?

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No matter where you spawn it is easy to die, all you need to do now to respawn is run in to the nearest town/farm and let the zombies eat you for a minute and then you have your new spawn point.

Good luck in Wilderness, mate.

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good work rocket: ) keep it up

Edited by XsRage

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They will leave a trail, once we have the algorithms sorted and can issue warnings/punishment... those who continue to do it will receive database level bans,

What about hopping from server to server to your tents/camps? without being in a firefight? Lets say I have tents on mulitple server but in the same location, And I want to gear up before heading out.. Not doing it atm but I saw someone ask about it =)

Or lets say you find a good weapon on server 1, but want ot put it in the tent on server 2, so you run to the location on server 1, log out, enter server 2, put the weapon in the tent, log out, log in on server 1 again and continue your journey.. That would cause a lot of reconnects I guess....

edit* even been asked in this thread. Didnt see a response though so I wont delete it

Edited by sweedee

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Login is only recorded when your client broadcasts a "success" message to the central server.

Logout is only recorded when you use the "Abort" menu item.

On a server crash - you will have no "logout" so your login will be ignored.

On ALT-F4 - you will receive a "disconnect" entry, affecting your reputation.

On a client crash - you will receive a "disconnect" entry, affecting your reputation (over a period of time). You can use RPT files to ask for a manual review.

Too bad then my game crashes every "10" minutes, and now im being positive..

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And yeah. Rocket, would you return the spawn with weapon?

Or make it even funnier - make people spawn with random low-tier load.

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Okay, let me put it like this:

1. I cannot realistically do any more to curb hackers in the mod, because this just alters game data and not the source.

2. Therefore, do you think it is sensible for me to do nothing else. This would involve me, probably, taking a holiday and maybe visiting my family. Or sleeping. Now, these sound like great ideas - I but I figured I would keep developing while those who can deal with the hacking issues... do.

So, should I just take a holiday? or carry on?

carry the torch !

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Please, for the love of all that is sacred in the world.

Can people PLEASE accept that:

This update - will only LOG your LOGIN, LOGOUT, DISCONNECT




I had to take a bathroom break after this one lol

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Please, for the love of all that is sacred in the world.

Can people PLEASE accept that:

This update - will only LOG your LOGIN, LOGOUT, DISCONNECT





Me thinks showing ANY kind of empathy towards someone else should indeed result in perma-ban, please rethink this Rocket ;)

Edited by Coden

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@ Rocket

Sir with the additonal changes you may be making based off of the actually constructive critisism is this still the target date for the release of

Target date:

* Wednesday 25 July 2012 (GMT)

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So, is Infected's range of vision considered "working as intended?"

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What are the motivations behind disabling of the respawn button?

I've played this game alone for a long time. It wasn't that fun - actually enough not so that I quit. Then I got some of my friends interested, and ever since it's been great. Unless you are going to implement the ability to choose your spawn location I can't see any up side in this change. Friends getting friends to play boosts the player base.

Just my two cents.

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Querry on how the Log in and Log out options will effect Someone like me, Who lives and works at the same place when I have a few spare mins I log in and could be playing for 1hour to 5mins before I get called away then returning to play some more but I could get called away 5 or more times in 3 hours. Just thought I would add this as I wouldn't like my charater to be classed as a someone who's Alt+F4ing, to avoid death for example.

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I agree no "Respawn" button will cause problems for those of us who end up in the debug Plains/Forest/Ocean.

It has happened to me a few times and I'm not sure how I would have returned to the game map without Respawn.


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Querry on how the Log in and Log out options will effect Someone like me, Who lives and works at the same place when I have a few spare mins I log in and could be playing for 1hour to 5mins before I get called away then returning to play some more but I could get called away 5 or more times in 3 hours. Just thought I would add this as I wouldn't like my charater to be classed as a someone who's Alt+F4ing, to avoid death for example.

You'll get banned and blacklisted from every future game. Rocket will also add your name to the Professional Database of United Professionalism where people and companies go to to find out whether to hire or work with you or not (trustworthy and all that jazz). Your entire future will be crippled when you log off for 20 minutes.

Alternatively, you could read this thread, or more specifically Rocket's post and find the answer to your question.

Edited by Applejuice

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Querry on how the Log in and Log out options will effect Someone like me, Who lives and works at the same place when I have a few spare mins I log in and could be playing for 1hour to 5mins before I get called away then returning to play some more but I could get called away 5 or more times in 3 hours. Just thought I would add this as I wouldn't like my charater to be classed as a someone who's Alt+F4ing, to avoid death for example.

Why are you ALT+F4 ing? , just close the game the proper way, problem solved.

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What are the motivations behind disabling of the respawn button?

I've played this game alone for a long time. It wasn't that fun - actually enough not so that I quit. Then I got some of my friends interested, and ever since it's been great. Unless you are going to implement the ability to choose your spawn location I can't see any up side in this change. Friends getting friends to play boosts the player base.

Just my two cents.

You should have given your two cents to someone so they could read the thread for you.....

Oh yeah...

And I would like to request of rocket:

Can we just set it up so that servers are all forced to Veteran? WHy have 3rd person and crosshairs and name tags and ranges and all of these things?

People can wear their training wheels in Arma.

I thought this was supposed to be a challenging mod?

All Veteran servers. It needs to happen.

Edited by Disgraced
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What are the motivations behind disabling of the respawn button?

I've played this game alone for a long time. It wasn't that fun - actually enough not so that I quit. Then I got some of my friends interested, and ever since it's been great. Unless you are going to implement the ability to choose your spawn location I can't see any up side in this change. Friends getting friends to play boosts the player base.

Just my two cents.

I don't understand this...please explain how removing the respawn button removes your ability to meet and play with friends.? Its a survival game....so...what are you doing all suiciding a heap of times to get to the coast? Meet up in the map away from the coast like you would in real life.....it really doesnt take that long...

I, for one, am glad to see respawn removed. It will be interesting to see how it affects the game.

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I know I do it quite often but I hope penalties won't apply to people logging into a server just to find out it is pitch black and they log off. I mean...it is called DayZ not NightZ.

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I don't understand this...please explain how removing the respawn button removes your ability to meet and play with friends.? Its a survival game....so...what are you doing all suiciding a heap of times to get to the coast? Meet up in the map away from the coast like you would in real life.....it really doesnt take that long...

I, for one, am glad to see respawn removed. It will be interesting to see how it affects the game.

Fully agree. Spawn where you spawn, and go from there. I fail to see the corrolation between the 'Respawn' button being available and the 'ability' to play with your friends.... besides the obvious carebearness of wanting to spawn as close as possible after maaannnyyyy respawns.

Edited by Dokrane
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It's not hush-hush. I just won't say anything unless it's confirmed, and I have something worthwhile to say.

I could make all sorts of grand statements, and make some cool concept art, but it would be dishonest and ultimately pointless.

I've already confirmed that it is a certainty it will happen, that much I know. It is just a question of timing, to which I said I believe we will have something to release (as in, standalone) very soon. Previously I have stated I couldn't see why it wouldn't be before the end of the year.

Fair enough, thanks for the reply.

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