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Pending Update: Build

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so what is going to happen to those of use the get caught in the a glitch like the debug forest or some place thathas no physical way of getting out of

He said he fixed it in the next patch, you now spawn near the beach instead of the debug forest. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/42806-pending-update-build-1724/page__st__140#entry406731

Edited by Kiro

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Regarding the logging system, are you going to be tracking Shift + P, Battle-eye Kicks the player from the server, causing an alt-f4 like drop off the server, as I've ran into this tactic more than a few times, and its quite frustrating.

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I'm not sure why respawn is considered a bad mechanic. What harm does it do to allow someone to spawn where they like? I suppose it will be fixed when the group spawn will be back.

btw, you were wondering how to make death more painful if you have group spawning? What about making it so that if you spawn on the group, members of your group lose items... you punish the team so everyone is more invested in keeping their friends alive.

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[NEW] Hive now tracks login/logout (for use with preventing ALT+F4)

I don't know if it was mentioned before, but what what is with the people who log out to go to the toilet or get something to eat/drink?

Edited by Brykx

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Suicide is a serious issue, both in game and out of it.

But it is not something I'm prepared to gamble the project on, it's just not that important. Same with some other controversial things, such as drug's and cannibalism. They are all things I think, would become particularly relevant and prominent in any survival situation (I know first hand). But they also need to be carefully considered. I'd rather the standalone wasn't delayed simply because a newspaper or tv show want's a controversy so does an expose on how the game is causing/promoting x, y, and z.

Save all those great ideas for when it goes standalone, because it could work. Afterwards it won't be such a big deal. I can see it now all over fox news, Indie developer behind the hit mod dayz encourages suicide and cannibalism!!1 Edited by Malice

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So in other words I can potentially get banned from the database for even trying to find a stable server? GG welcome to the start of a very painful death of DayZ. Just remember folks you heard it here first.

He said they'd be tracking log ins/outs. He didn't say they were going to punish anybody for logging out of the game. Some of you folks very seriously need to work on your reading comprehension skills.

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On another note @ Rocket, can you add the ability to have female characters wear ghillie suits sometime soon please :D

This please. That would be great :))

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"He said"

I won't hold my breath, and what if a hacker forces you to the debug forest, then what are you going to do?

Cry and shit your pants!

I don't know join a alternative hive or seperate database until you can figure out what to do

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are you kidding me? do ANY of you read anything before posting the same dumb question that has been asked 20-25 times already in this same thread?

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As if it was not hard enough to locate your friends and group's of fellow players already. Without the respawn function, or a selective spawn system, it will be rather annoying feeding yourself to zombies to respawn ( Timer, Bleeding out, Ect ) .

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As if it was not hard enough to locate your friends and group's of fellow players already. Without the respawn function, or a selective spawn system, it will be rather annoying feeding yourself to zombies to respawn ( Timer, Bleeding out, Ect ) .

Edited by Devin
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In regards to spawn selection: So yesterday I got yet another of my friends to get ArmA and DayZ so I thought I'd collect some basic gear for him so he wouldn't rage quit and uninstall DayZ for life as he was unable to get to my location without at least some food. We did finally meet up but only after he respawned half a dozen times and proclaimed "this is retarded". I think the freedom given to players in DayZ is one of the things that makes the game so awesome. Not being able to pick your rough spawn location is unintuitive and takes away from the freedom given to us as players.

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As if it was not hard enough to locate your friends and group's of fellow players already. Without the respawn function, or a selective spawn system, it will be rather annoying feeding yourself to zombies to respawn ( Timer, Bleeding out, Ect ) .

You should read things before posting, Rocket said in further updates he'll work on group mechanics and spawning. Until then deal with it.

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This no Respawn button thing is stupid, SO, if I get stuck in the debug spawn, stuck in the floor or stuck in the countless other bugs then I can't do anything about it? I have to run 45 minutes with a brand new character through the debug spawn, I would only do that if I have equipment I don't want to lose, seems pointless, that would put me off playing.

you realize when u goto debug all you have to do is ABORT! then rejoin.... and you will spawn at the coast... cause it doesn't save out of map location... and you keep your gear! i have done it a few times already! almost got pissed and panicked but i said lemme try it.. abort / rejoin. all my gear! just had to hike it back to where i was!

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I accept it is going to be a, well, bitch.

But we need to see what affect this kind of forced spawn will have on players. It will make dying more significant. We need to see what response this will actually have with the data, not just the QQ from people on the forums. It is like previous updates where we had to try controversial things. This update will, unfortunately, come in before we have had a chance to look at group spawn mechanics.

Doesn't this seem sort of pointless in light that players can still just run up to the nearest zombie and let themselves be killed. You aren't actually forcing spawn points on anyone, just making it take a few secs/minutes longer.

You should read things before posting, Rocket said in further updates he'll work on group mechanics and spawning. Until then deal with it.

Deal with what exactly? The reality that respawn or zombie food is always going to be faster than running? Just because Rocket thinks it's data worth gathering doesn't mean he's correct. The behavior will continue and the behavioral data won't actually change. Players will death cycle regardless of method till they get where they want to be.

Edited by Lobo
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Cry and shit your pants!

I don't know join a alternative hive or seperate database until you can figure out what to do

I won't be the one Crying and shitting my pants when another more established company takes over my unpatented idea while I'm still trying to figure out simple fixes to things such as "people logging out".

Sayin dawg?

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What about the annoying wookies/campers at the Airfield that sit there 24/7 waiting for people? Wasn't you going to add dogs in for that?

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The mechanics are being tested, but it will put a "timeout" if you successfully connect too many times within a period of time.

I'm interested to see how this will work. On one hand, I'm glad that it'll somewhat put a stop to players who alt f4 at the first sign of trouble. On the other hand, I'm worried it might affect me and my friends while we're trying to find a good server to play on. It usually takes us awhile to find a server that's the right time of day (a lot of the advertised time zones on servers are incorrect), one that runs smoothly, and one that all of us can connect to reliably.

I'd prefer to see the initial solution for alt f4'ers that you talked about, where the players bodies would stick around for a few seconds after logging, but I'm guessing you ran into problems when you tried to implement that? I won't judge until I see it in action. I hope it works well enough to stop alt f4'ers, but doesn't hinder me and my friends from trying to find a good server.

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Firstly, we will do what DayZ always does... we will collect data.

At the same time, initially, login cooldown will be applied (and grow) where you transfer to another server, and cooldown will be applied significantly if you try and reconnect to the same server (with an alive character). Once we have enough data, we will use that to determine algorithms that detect a players behavior over a period of time. This will allow us to then start applying warnings > punishments > database bans; to those players who continue the behavior.

How will this affect my running through the woods, need to answer phone, pee, let dogs out, etc disconnect for 30 seconds to a couple mins and rejoin?

Staying in the lobby of course.

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