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dillinger (DayZ)

Best way to find Heli Crashes?

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I've been wondering if you guys have any strategies for finding heli crashes to loot. I've basically just been running through as many open fields as I can find with little luck. I heard there were maps of the heli crash spawns that have since been removed. Any advice / tips would be awesome!

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Get a car or bicycle and make a route for yourself using one of the maps, and keep your eyes open. :P

I'd also recommend driving around in 3rd person view, u see so much more...

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I have no luck with the fuckers. I have found about three in over two months, scored an FN FAL at one, sfa at the other two. I am probabloy the worst guy to be posting in this thread but from what i have read the best places are in any of the open fields once you get towards the top two thirds of the map. The heli crash map seems to agree, do a search for it, it is still up everywhere on the net and the dayz wiki, but they are a random spawn.

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1 word "Random"

It is all random, open field is your only hope to find one.

I would say scout the perimeter of Stary Sobor ( I have pretty good luck with those open fields there ) but beware, that place is pretty hot for camping snipers because of the military loots.

I just found one north-east of "Stary Sobor" last night, 3 Bizon SD, 2 DMR but as I was alone I couldn't carry all of them away as my mates were offline so it was quite a pity. I did took off with 1 weapon each and all the bizon sd and dmr ammos though.

Edited by reiben

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It's all about luck. Get one those chopper crash maps, it will give you a general idea about where does the helicopters spawn. They don't spawn on the exact locations as the maps shows, but somewhere random in those fields. The highest chopper crash density is on the fields below Stary, but EVERYONE is there looking for crashes so it's not safe to go there. Try your luck near Gorka and Polana.

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Ride a bicycle on the fields between NW \ Vybor \ Stariy \ Rogovo

+ link to the map above.

I stumbled upon heli crash just yesterday after joining some random server and moving to Mogilevka to find some food.

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The maps have been removed because fact is all of them end up realize it's random. I know of at least 8 spots not on that last posted map and it is already mostly filled. Pretty much anywhere not on bottom 20% of map or far to edges and in a field they can spawn. As far as strats it's simple after a server reset just cover as much of the fields as possible. Note that most common found are near Stary and NW but that is because people travel the most their and those ones are also the most likely to be looted before you get to them.

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Ride a bicycle on the fields between NW \ Vybor \ Stariy \ Rogovo

This. The map is pretty useless, just search on fields (even on not so large ones) in the northern half of the map.

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Thanks hopefully this is really the true

Ya it's true. I can confirm at least 5 locations. They even are missing a couple that I've come across myself.

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How do choppers spawn? Is it only on a server restart or can they come down during playtime?

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Ya it's true. I can confirm at least 5 locations. They even are missing a couple that I've come across myself.

I have found at least 2 Helis at points that are not on this map, so Im very sure it just random now. As said above check open fields. The Area around Stary and to the west from there has a lot of open fields, but there is no guarantee that ou will find something there.

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Open fields.

Sometimes you can be lucky and see client side smoke fumes from the crashsite. This is particularily helpful at night, when the tiny fire below all crashsites light the fumes up and if equipped with NVGs it's even easier, looking like a giant green fireball. However the smoke effect is a random clientside effect and it's very rare.


I recommend you search in areas you are well known and primarily plan your route to pas larger open areas, find vantage points, where you quickly can scan a large areas, locate a crashsite or move on. Time your searchs with server restarts, whoever finds it first, gets first dibs on the NVGs and weapons. You might also want to incorporate the crash searches into your regular routines, so you're also doing something more interesting than just traveling from empty field to empty field.

Grinding even for the best of gear can be soul destroying.

Also don't take on the crashsite map too litterally, use them more to get an idea, which fields have the highest probablilty and the highest amount of spawn sites. Sometimes you get lucky and find two sites almost side by side.

Edited by Dallas

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I have a question relating to this. I stumbled on my first heli crash last night, there were 7 Zed's that came from it.

I managed to kill 4 of them without alerting the others and this allowed me to approach. However I was about 50 yards away from the chopper when 7 Zeds spawned AGAIN! I had to leg it and only just managed to escape with 2 of them chasing me into the woods.

What are the rules on respawning Zeds here? Should this have happened? If so, how do you get round them all?


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They do respawn, not sure if it's just how it works or maybe another player was near by, either that or you were too slow.

Best thing to do is just hit the deck and crawl to the heli usually by that time, they've moved far enough away not to worry, nine times out of ten I don't kill any of them.

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Yeah the Zed or Zombie (which ever you like most) spawn time is currently insanly high adn can spawn right on you. Most times wehn i get to a crashed heli i take out as many silently then me and a partner open fireo n rest and serch fast before players or zomibes see or hear us.

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Not entirely true that the map is useless. There is a spawn radius for crash sites on predefined locations, I reckon it has a radius of 50 to 100 meters. So with these crash sites on the map you can look in those area's, although some locations are still missing. There are around 70 spawn locations (or spawn area's rather) in total for choppers.

Edited by Bravo-Two-Zero

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The maps have been removed because fact is all of them end up realize it's random. I know of at least 8 spots not on that last posted map and it is already mostly filled. Pretty much anywhere not on bottom 20% of map or far to edges and in a field they can spawn. As far as strats it's simple after a server reset just cover as much of the fields as possible. Note that most common found are near Stary and NW but that is because people travel the most their and those ones are also the most likely to be looted before you get to them.


Why aren't you guys listening? :/ Those maps are useless, helis can spawn practically anywhere in the open not along the coastline.

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I've been wondering if you guys have any strategies for finding heli crashes to loot. I've basically just been running through as many open fields as I can find with little luck. I heard there were maps of the heli crash spawns that have since been removed. Any advice / tips would be awesome!

get a choppah and search for crash sites. oh wait!

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Use a map and get to walking (or riding). I've typically started at Mogilevka, gone through Gorka, Devil's Castle (and north of) then west above NW airfield and then south all the way down through the spawns.

Edited by marik

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The map gives a decent array of locations to look through. Many crashes that aren't on the map are generally in the area around the marked ones.

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helis can spawn practically anywhere in the open not along the coastline.

I saw a heli crash that had spawned with its tail sticking out of the sea.

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I usually find from 2 to 5 every day ... guess I am just lucky.

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