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banned from us 913

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Another third party observer here....

I also agree that it seems like both parties are acting immature in certain cases (though I admit I would be pretty aggravated if I suspected admin abuse). But it clearly shows that the admin is the one acting fishy here...

Reasons being (stated earlier by other posters, just reiterating)

  • Admin changed his reasons from DC'ing from a firefight, to using hacked weapons (and since he has posted his logs he has yet to address that issue of his original accusation)
  • Admin failed to provide the logs as requested in a timely fashion. He gives the bogus excuse of saying that he refuses "to provide these Trolls the logs", even though that doing so earlier would've diffused this situation earlier and would've benefited the community (as the admin claimed, the community he loves so much).
  • Admin showed blatant disrespect to community members (even members who aren't really involved in this situation, members like me who are just throwing in their two cents). This reason alone should be enough for an admin to lose their privileges. But also, this type of name-calling aggressive behavior is a sign of panicked defensiveness.

I'd like to also point out that the couple people who have been supporting the admin (namely Mack17 and SithLord) have only recently registered within a couple days from today. Hmmmmm......

As an admin, you are given serious privileges as well as certain responsibilities (like providing server logs when you are being accused of admin abuse, regardless if you think they are trolls or you are beta testing another game). It's true for DayZ, and it's true for all games with communities out there, your primary responsibility as admin is to serve the community.

There mere thought of an admin abusing his/her rights is downright despicable. I sincerely hope that I am wrong here.

Look at when you made your account the reason I made mine was so I could keep playing on Us 913 I found out oabout this post on the OG how do I know your not milkman....

I mean I don't really care but don't accuse other people of shit when you guilty of the same thing its a good lesson in life.

Edited by Mack17

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Mack.. if you were arrested and put in jail for a crime you did not commit. would you "just fucking accept what happened has happened than you'll be fine," i doubt it. Im assuming you are a part of the accusing party, which would explain your vulgar behavior that is not helping you and your party in any way. I am posting because people like you and this admin put a stain on this community and game with your stupid decisions. This is an alpha game that needs as much help as it can get from the community and people like this do nothing but hold it back.

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You have people saying "you cant ban for this or that" Apparently you can if you are the admin, cause he did. It's HIS server, not yours.

Would LOVE for you to tell that to the DayZ Devs when they are considering black-listing 913. Please by all means say exactly that "It's mine not yours" see what they say.

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You guys got to be fucking with me?

I'm up for him being blacklisted etc. But why grief their base? they spent time earning that gear!

I'm fine when peopel take stuff from my camp, but if they blow it up for fun that is fucking bullshit!

*END RANT* Tl;Dr, next time guys raid sure, don't blow up though :/

It's an intended part of game mechanics you nab. its not like gear is hard to get anyway.

if people want to blow up your camp then that's fine and working as intended.

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I'm inclined to weigh in on this, though for no other reason than that all the involved parties are highly irrational.

Str8dumpn: To avoid hassle in the future, just start out by posting a pastebin of the logs, or hosting a copy of the txt/rtf they're saved in. Obviously pasting the logs here is no different from uploading them to pastebin, and likewise you are just as able to edit them in your post as you are in a txt, but I'm inclined to believe that the logs you provided are accurate just on good faith alone. Hesitating less to show them, though, will only strengthen your stance by making you seem like you have less to hide (even if you never had anything to hide in the first place).

It is also hard to tell from the logs if the players in question are the ones on this forum; you would be wise to confirm their usernames before proceeding. Additionally, please make sure your reasons for banning are consistent, as logging out and in is not presently a bannable offense (though hacked items are). You would be in the wrong for banning them purely for aborting and re-logging, but correct for banning them for hacking. This leaves you in a more ambiguous grey area than you would be in if you had banned them based on a single legitimate offense. Also, one player with a hacked item is not grounds to ban his friends/clanmates. They can not be held accountable for his actions without evidence that they, too, participated in hacking. Those parties should have their bans removed, though I am in agreement that "Brojangles" would be in the right to keep banned.

MrPibb: If you have a screenshot, post it. If you have a link to the forum in question, post it. Otherwise, this is hearsay. Without even the slightest bit of evidence, nothing you say has any relevancy or bearing within a rational discussion. I'm not saying it didn't really happen, or that you aren't telling the truth, but without proof nobody else can confirm this, and they would be within reason to be skeptical of you.

Scuur: Learn to let your arguments stand on their own merits without resorting to insults. Thank you.

Milkman and crew: You are consistently committing the the fallacious act of Moving the Goalposts. When an admin provides evidence, you can't ask him to keep providing different evidence until you get something you can work with. If the names on the log truly aren't yours, then verify it with a screengrab. If they are, then own up to content of the logs. It is his word vs. yours at this point, and without counter-evidence on your side, even a modicum of evidence on his side is enough to sway the argument. Reason must be derived from the best available evidence, and hearsay accounts are one of the worst kinds of evidence, as they are overly subjective and prone to biases. I know you are upset, but please try to keep a level head and suss this out with some level of restraint and maturity.

TO EVERYONE: Calling other players children and insulting their character is one of the lowest and most baseless forms of arguing. Ad hominem attacks destroy the content of real discussion and reduce us to infighting. We're all adults here, and even if we're not all acting rationally, there is no reason to go on insulting people. Yes, Scuur was being a troll. But if you feed the trolls, it only gets worse. Yes, Milkman and his crew have drawn this out too far at this point. And yes, Str8dumpn has given us the run-around. But is that reason to insult one another? Nobody in this discussion has acted sensibly--nobody. So let's not pretend like only one of us can be right like this is some black-and-white offense, when it's all muddled up in grey, both by the situation surrounding the ban and by the behavior of those in this forum.

Let's get this shit together people.

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I feel like this thread has not gone on long enough. I know everybody involved in this incedent has asked to drop it and has moved on but, seriously...I, like so many others in this thread just feel the need to keep dragging this through the mud. So here is my two cents on the subject...

Everybody loves Jello.


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I'm inclined to weigh in on this, though for no other reason than that all the involved parties are highly irrational.

Str8dumpn: To avoid hassle in the future, just start out by posting a pastebin of the logs, or hosting a copy of the txt/rtf they're saved in. Obviously pasting the logs here is no different from uploading them to pastebin, and likewise you are just as able to edit them in your post as you are in a txt, but I'm inclined to believe that the logs you provided are accurate just on good faith alone. Hesitating less to show them, though, will only strengthen your stance by making you seem like you have less to hide (even if you never had anything to hide in the first place).

It is also hard to tell from the logs if the players in question are the ones on this forum; you would be wise to confirm their usernames before proceeding. Additionally, please make sure your reasons for banning are consistent, as logging out and in is not presently a bannable offense (though hacked items are). You would be in the wrong for banning them purely for aborting and re-logging, but correct for banning them for hacking. This leaves you in a more ambiguous grey area than you would be in if you had banned them based on a single legitimate offense. Also, one player with a hacked item is not grounds to ban his friends/clanmates. They can not be held accountable for his actions without evidence that they, too, participated in hacking. Those parties should have their bans removed, though I am in agreement that "Brojangles" would be in the right to keep banned.

MrPibb: If you have a screenshot, post it. If you have a link to the forum in question, post it. Otherwise, this is hearsay. Without even the slightest bit of evidence, nothing you say has any relevancy or bearing within a rational discussion. I'm not saying it didn't really happen, or that you aren't telling the truth, but without proof nobody else can confirm this, and they would be within reason to be skeptical of you.

Scuur: Learn to let your arguments stand on their own merits without resorting to insults. Thank you.

Milkman and crew: You are consistently committing the the fallacious act of Moving the Goalposts. When an admin provides evidence, you can't ask him to keep providing different evidence until you get something you can work with. If the names on the log truly aren't yours, then verify it with a screengrab. If they are, then own up to content of the logs. It is his word vs. yours at this point, and without counter-evidence on your side, even a modicum of evidence on his side is enough to sway the argument. Reason must be derived from the best available evidence, and hearsay accounts are one of the worst kinds of evidence, as they are overly subjective and prone to biases. I know you are upset, but please try to keep a level head and suss this out with some level of restraint and maturity.

TO EVERYONE: Calling other players children and insulting their character is one of the lowest and most baseless forms of arguing. Ad hominem attacks destroy the content of real discussion and reduce us to infighting. We're all adults here, and even if we're not all acting rationally, there is no reason to go on insulting people. Yes, Scuur was being a troll. But if you feed the trolls, it only gets worse. Yes, Milkman and his crew have drawn this out too far at this point. And yes, Str8dumpn has given us the run-around. But is that reason to insult one another? Nobody in this discussion has acted sensibly--nobody. So let's not pretend like only one of us can be right like this is some black-and-white offense, when it's all muddled up in grey, both by the situation surrounding the ban and by the behavior of those in this forum.

Let's get this shit together people.

i see you joined the club. Peoples behavior effects there long term and short term credibility. all str8 has been doing is cussing out community members and harassing them. He deserves no "good faith." It is not difficult to provide the proof needed toback up his ban and i will not be surprised if he or his server is black listed. You say EVERYONE was acting childish, i disagree.

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But seriously guys seriously we we we we just want a names Cleared because what people think matters so much. And jail and this game are so alike I mean come so a like. Get a fucking life and

stop bitching and comparing a video game to real life dont you have friends outside do you need me to explain to you what that is?

Edited by Mack17

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But seriously guys seriously we we we we just want a names Cleared because what people think matters so much. And jail and this game are so alike I mean come so a like. Get a fucking life and

stop bitching and comparing a video game to real life dont you have friends outside do you need me to explain to you what that is?

Are you hostile and flustered because at the end of this road you lose?

you still dont get it. If you were wrongfully banned from a server, dont you think its only natural to want an unban, regardless if you have future plans of playing in that server or not? Now lets add some factors in as to why an unban is wanted even more.

1. There is no supporting evidence that indicates a ban was worthy of being made in the first place.

2. Other admins may or may not have taken there IPs and added them to there ban lists based of the failed attempt to provide evidence in this thread. This in turn results in the players who are being accused to end up banned on other active servers simply because a bad admin made a bad choice at the time. so at this rate its not about being unbanned from just this server but getting unbanned from any other servers they were banned from in the backlash of this pissing test.

3. you have yet to provide any legitimate insight in regards to this case and are doing nothing but preventing this from being resolved with your petty insults and name calling.

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Are you hostile and flustered because at the end of this road you lose?

you still dont get it. If you were wrongfully banned from a server, dont you think its only natural to want an unban, regardless if you have future plans of playing in that server or not? Now lets add some factors in as to why an unban is wanted even more.

1. There is no supporting evidence that indicates a ban was worthy of being made in the first place.

2. Other admins may or may not have taken there IPs and added them to there ban lists based of the failed attempt to provide evidence in this thread. This in turn results in the players who are being accused to end up banned on other active servers simply because a bad admin made a bad choice at the time. so at this rate its not about being unbanned from just this server but getting unbanned from any other servers they were banned from in the backlash of this pissing test.

3. you have yet to provide any legitimate insight in regards to this case and are doing nothing but preventing this from being resolved with your petty insults and name calling.

Why are you still replying oh my fucking god you got banned because you were hacking get over it.

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Why are you still replying oh my fucking god you got banned because you were hacking get over it.

I was never banned from this server, nor am i affiliated with the players who were.

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Why are you still replying oh my fucking god you got banned because you were hacking get over it.

Oh...you guys have that evidence of his hacking now? Please share indeed.

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Dude only Nightmare, Milkman, and Chicago were banned. Chicago and Nightmare were banned 10 minutes after they died in a firefight to Scuur and his buddies. Milkman was banned after he blew up tents. There was no hacking involved with them.

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Geez... Shut the thread down already.. Who cares? The three of us that were banned moved on.. It's over with. So guys, Chill, Relax.. No one cares anymore about this.. And the people that came in during all the posts and didn't have a clue about what was going on, Back down and let this go..

Pretty sure there will be more threads just like this that will blow up...

My last post on this


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@ Str8

Just confused, please clarify. This guy NoS who was carrrying a hacked in weapon or clip...that you are showing in these logs that you had pasted...how did you take care of him..???...just wondering, becuase as you know we still have "sleepers" in 913 and as of last night 11:30p Eastern NoS was still enjoying some DayZ...on...wouldn't you know 913.

Are you sure you didn't just paste your friends information that you already knew was hacking...?

anyway....My name in game is +Ch!cago+ im waiting to see a log with my name and my guid#...not too much to ask since you should have that stuff easily available since i'm already banned. thanks.

all of my love-


Didn't read the last 3 pages but NoS is a known hacker team that hacks many games. Just sayin'

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Geez... Shut the thread down already.. Who cares? The three of us that were banned moved on.. It's over with. So guys, Chill, Relax.. No one cares anymore about this.. And the people that came in during all the posts and didn't have a clue about what was going on, Back down and let this go..

Pretty sure there will be more threads just like this that will blow up...

My last post on this


You do you made such a big deal about it.

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Are you hostile and flustered because at the end of this road you lose?

you still dont get it. If you were wrongfully banned from a server, dont you think its only natural to want an unban, regardless if you have future plans of playing in that server or not? Now lets add some factors in as to why an unban is wanted even more.

1. There is no supporting evidence that indicates a ban was worthy of being made in the first place.

2. Other admins may or may not have taken there IPs and added them to there ban lists based of the failed attempt to provide evidence in this thread. This in turn results in the players who are being accused to end up banned on other active servers simply because a bad admin made a bad choice at the time. so at this rate its not about being unbanned from just this server but getting unbanned from any other servers they were banned from in the backlash of this pissing test.

3. you have yet to provide any legitimate insight in regards to this case and are doing nothing but preventing this from being resolved with your petty insults and name calling.

Actually if I was banned I would be like huhh then I would pm the admin and ask him why I was banned instead of making a thread and insulting and calling him ten than If he said that I was hacking I would state my story and no admins would have known and they banned your Cd key pretty much not your ip get it fucking correct. So all you have to do is go buy a new copy of the game and like that you can play on the server again. Or their on server that they keep talking about but don't have.

Edited by Mack17

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