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Too many downsides playing night?

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Most players tend to avoid playing during the night. Since your so dependent on flares. But using them also mean you attract bandits.

Zombies are also a greater threat at night.

Now when (i guess) we are more likely to be affected by Hypothermia at night and zombies react more to flares. It seems like playing during night time will become even less popular.

Don't get me wrong I think the changes are great. But it feels like there could be something that encourage you to play at night.

For example there seems to be very little difference in the Zombies awareness. Maybe it should be a bit hard to sneak past zombies during the day.

After all currently you can pretty much craw right infront of them even in daylight.

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They could maybe make zombies less active during the night. So if you kill 1 they don't ALL come running.

Or have zombies attracted to light, so you can throw a flare and escape.

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Zombies are now attracted to flares in both day and night. It isn't as powerfull as the smoke grenade though.

A tip is to use chemlights since they are hard to spot from a distance, gives a good field of view and zombies don't react to it as much as flares.

Otherwise grab a flashlight and use it in small bursts (if you have the military flashlight you don't really need to do this though).

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So if you throw a flare the zombie will run towards it? thats nice, though my guess is that it will also work during the day.

But sounds like a cool features.

turn your gamma up

turn hdr up to very high

play at night

Yeah I do raise gamma at times. But at really dark nights even with highest brightness and Gamma things are hard to spot. It also looks ugly and isn't actually intended on how the game should be played.

I don't mind it being dark, but it just seems to overall be better to play during the day.

Get night vision, problem solved.

Awsome advice man never thought of that!!...:cool:

Ofc everyone should get night vision. But the average player doesn't have that, not to mention people die and loose it.

Im just saying there could be some more advantages at night, since atleast most i know tend to only play night if they really have no other option.

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The best thing to do with flares if your going into a town is to throw the flares away from the buildings/area you want to go into. They are bright enough where you can still see and it moves the Zombies away from where you want to go

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Get night vision' date=' problem solved.


I have an even better idea for you, get a huey!

Piss easy to get one isn't it?


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Me and my group prefer playing at night because (we only play on Hardcore servers too):

Automatic cover.. Cover of night makes it easier to travel. On Hardcore servers you dont show up on map so we use logic, buildings, environment landmarks to track where we are on the map.. makes it very fun to travel as it is a challenge in itself and we are very good at it now.

(not officially confirmed but tested by my group) During the day, zombies can see you farther and thus harder to sneak by. At night you can get within 10 meters of a zombie before he spots you.

Chemlights at night: You cannot see a chemlights environment glow from more than 30 or so meters away (you can only see the small chemlight itself from a distance). This means that if I throw a chemlight into a bush, or into an area that cannot be spotted from 30+ meters, it will not give away my position. Also, blue/green chemlights seem to give a wider glow at night then red ones.

Flares: Flares are great against people wearing NVgoggles. They are also great for flaring out a spotted position and making your position darker if not flared back at.

Of course preference is different, I prefer not to be sniped from really far away during the day.

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Red has a low wavelength, thus is useful for low-light applications where you do not want to the light to be easily seen. Green has the highest.

The reason NVGs are lit in green is due to the human eye's ability to discern differences in the color green the easiest of all colors.

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It would be interesting to see a video of the different lighting from varying distances, head on vs. side view, etc. I have a military flashlight but still don't use it much compared to a regular one because I don't know how much it gives me away.

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So how exactly does day and night work now? The impression I got was that it depended on the server, but two friends and I were playing together and it was getting really hard to see for me but they said it was still light.

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Night will never be relevant as long as people are free to switch to a daytime server.

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They could maybe make zombies less active during the night. So if you kill 1 they don't ALL come running.

Or have zombies attracted to light' date=' so you can throw a flare and escape.


I must agree with nash, this would make night more barable, and will help with overcrowding day servers

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I actually had to stop playing tonight because there was no way I'd survive leaving the little house I'm in what with how harsh cold is right now.

It just needs some tweaking, bad. Better regen in houses, more plentiful of simple supplies like matches and knives. Make shelter more important too, especially when it's raining, some way to regen then move onto the next shelter, on and on.

I love playing at night, but temp is making that difficult now. I don't mind the mechanic per se, it just needs more things to fight against it for the prepared survivor.

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People without night vision goggles only play on daytime servers. They spend most of their time hoping for a tent or night vision goggles.

People with night vision goggles only play on nighttime servers. They spend their time wishing people without night vision goggles would play on their servers.

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People without night vision goggles only play on daytime servers. They spend most of their time hoping for a tent or night vision goggles.

People with night vision goggles only play on nighttime servers. They spend their time wishing people without night vision goggles would play on their servers.

People also like to make generalised assumptions based on their own personal playstyle.

57 Hours/ 3 during Daylight. You must not playing the same game I am as the majority of people I notice playing around me don't have NVGS either and also seem to enjoy it without them.

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If I were trapped in a zombie apocalypse I sure as hell wouldn't be running around the woods at night with nothing other than a few flares. I'd find somewhere to hunker down and wait for daylight.

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not a fan of how dark night is myself. it seems to encourage everyone to either stop playing, or use methods outside of the game to circumvent the darkness (ie turning up gamma).

game design 101 basically says if those are happing, a poor design decision was made

i definitly like that your are encouraged to use flares, flashlights and such. but hell, i live in the country and I can go outside with no moon and overcast and can see alot better than this games nightime.

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the server population figures seem to show people still playing.

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i play on the ohio servers, and they typically seem to drop down into the 20s when night comes rolling around. sometimes they go a little higher, but thats usually from a good number of people joining, realizing its night time, then leaving to find a new server.

Connected then shortly disconnecting typically spams the server chat when its night time. yet during the day the server fills up and stays full at 50.

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People ... like to make generalised assumptions based on their own personal playstyle.

... the majority of people I notice playing around me don't have NVGS either and also seem to enjoy it without them.

^ This.

Also, nub with nvg's is still a nub.

I dont mind if people are scared of the dark... But whats up with all these threads saying:


* Can be replaced with any feature.

If you dont like it, play on daytime servers?

Its not like you dont have an alternative option...

Lets be honest, i think people like the 'idea' of nighttime... But dont actually want it to be like night. Cus its cool to creep around in the dark like shinobi but not being able to see... NOT COOL BRAU.

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At first I didn't like night time at all. Now I feel a lot safer, hell I even run around in Cherno 90% of the (night) time.

It's not that hard, you just need to know how to play.

Use flares to highlight areas, but don't run into them and keep a distance.

Use chem lights when you raid buildings, they're a lot harder to see from a distance compared to a flare.

They should do something about the permday server though.

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