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Yea, I had just raided Elextrawhatever and was crossing the open fields back to the woods whenever it just started pouring, within the minute my temp went from 70 to 30 and was dropping every few seconds, I hauled ass and finally got to cover only to realize that I didn't have the matches that I would have sworn I had on me. While frantically searching for matches, I died due to hypothermia after surviving both the zombie horde and bandits.

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I love the temp addition.

People need to stop acting like this game is about getting the best gear and going around PvPing.

Its about surviving. How the hell as adding another thing to survive a bad thing?

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It's not that I hate the temp idea, I like it. But right now it needs to be seriously tweaked.

It's raining and I went outside briefly, lost three degrees. Gained one back in five minutes inside. I have no matches even though they are supposed to be more plentiful.

Ran to the next town at full sprint. Almost below 80. I've sat in a barn for five more minutes, no raising of temp. I need to be able to at least offset not having a fire for spending long amounts of time inside to dry off and get out of the wind.

I wouldn't mind staying inside if I at least was going to eventually regain my temp. And by eventually, at this rate, looks like hours for ten minutes spent in the rain.

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DayZ - Lit a fire Simulator.

Soon there will be too much shit to think about in this mod.

Players, Zombies, Temperature, Bedtime? Food, Drink, Sickness, Broken Bones you gotta stay home for weeks etc..

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Gotta agree with most of the other people in this thread about just logging off when it starts raining/go to different server. Not enough ways to combat temperature dropping at this moment.

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If a fireplace/antibiotics is the only way to prevent colds, why make fireplaces so hard to place down?

Take Rog for instance, the center tower would make for the perfect camping spot, but we can't light a fire in it.

Also, I've run out in the rain before...I didn't get sick of hypothermia from being out in the rain for a few minutes, BUT I don't know what the climate is like in Chernarus (I guess since everything is in Cyrillic, it must be freezing? Is all of Russia freezing or something?)

Not sure about the recent patch, but before the hotfix I felt like the wicked witch from the west.

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I think the thing that gets me is that I have died about 6 or 7 times, only one of those was from zombies. And I stay in the woodline for the most part! And now I am passing out like crazy because it took me 40 mins to catch an infection, then apparently I need to wade in to a city to find antibiotics. I think this should be pretty funny, what with all the spontaneous napping/coughing I do these days. That's is if I can find a server that isn't always night, no sights/3rd person/expert/murderous bunnies/flying zombied out HARDCORE!!!...I know, I am whining, and I am sorry, I love this game so far. I just know when I get my friends to play it the first time they are just going to go "screw this" rather than get better at it. Learning curve is probably too steep...Idk I will just shut up now and go narcolepsy my self through Electro.

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I would like to see temperature removed from the debug monitor, atm it forces the player to focus too much on the number constantly counting down.

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"I can imagine this would be the same for anyone in the game, regardless of affiliation. Survivors are not able to go out and look for supplies, food and water, bandits are not able to lie in ambush or go prowling for targets. we were literally hit by a huge upraised hand that said 'STOP PLAYING' and simply sat around and talked as we waited by the campfire."

This best explains how I feel about temp. Temperature sounds cool, but when in it's current implementation it takes away from the rest of the game. The great thing about the other threats before such as zeds, food, thirst, bandits, having enough supplies.... was that they kept you on the move. They nurtured the exploration part of gameplay.... with the new temperature all I want to do is sit inside a building all day and if I do wish to travel I am forced to spend an incredible amount of time stopping in buildings on the way to my destination or grabbing firewood. If it's raining, I just don't travel at all because fires don't help.

I think most people can agree with me when I say I want to play Dayz the post infection zombie apocalypse game. This Game just went from The Hunger Games with zombies to The Day after tomorrow hide inside for warmth. You said yourself that Arma 2 was great because of the map of Chernarus. Why are you spitting on this crown jewel of a map by not going against all your talk about how in the normal arma missions people don't really get to take in the beauty of it by now doing the exact same thing as the arma missions and limiting us in certain areas because we will die outside.... Last night i literally saw 30 bodies before the first other survivor... 30 bodies all died because of the side effects of temp. This patch is akin to going to a paintball match and saying "ok, while all you guys fight each other, i'll be in this tall tower just sniping you all randomly unless you stay inside buildings and btw you cant stop me.

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If the temperature is removed from the debug monitor, its impossible to learn the logic, or rather nologic of the temp feature. Then out of blue would a player get sick in middle of summers day sun while joggin in heavy clothes.

"BUT I don't know what the climate is like in Chernarus (I guess since everything is in Cyrillic, it must be freezing? Is all of Russia freezing or something?)" I assure you, broad-leaved tree do not grow in cold enough environmets to freeze in summer. You can tell by the leaves what time of year it is. If the leaves were mostly on the ground and yellow/red then I would buy this temp effect. Still I will never buy that one cannot find wood in a forest. When I walk outside of my house the nearby trees, I can gather easily enough wood to have a grill party. And the forest is exactly same type as in Chern.

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I agree on the post futher up here. Its get to mutch focus on gathering wood. Like we have this camp and now we cant explore the world, if it starts rain or it is night you always have to have alot of wood to the fire. But still the game is great, but i think the temp thing should be removed. Edit: and you are still loosing temp forever after the rain has stoped.

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I just played a good number of hours with the new patch. I think the temp system is cool. My group had to pause and make a fire once in a while. We used that time to eat and drink. It was night and raining so the temp dropped quickly.

I think the temp drop rate should be decreased, otherwise I like the extra dimension to the gamplay it adds so far. I haven't seen any antibiotics yet, they should probably be common at hospitals. IRL, finding shelter, or getting heat from a fire is essential, so I think the system has it's place in the game. Maybe add snow to the weather effects too btw?

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Neither does it add any depth to the gaming experience nor does it work in a realistic fashion

All it does is dictating you when to camp in a corner and when to go out and explore, because you could die from getting a cold rather than being shot by a sniper or being ripped apart by zombies

BTW: I have yet to see my temp increasing even though I've been stuck in a church for almost 20 minutes now

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Exploring the world was the fun of the mod, now it's hiding in a house so I don't catch cold. It seems the zombies now have predator senses too. They find me in instances where I thought they never should. I like the amount of them, they are just spot you too easy now.

The temperature thing is a game breaker for me though.

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I thought i would be nice addition to gameplay, but currently its damn weird.

During spring-summer at hours past midday are the most warm in the year.

For me and few more players even with latest hotfix temp is dropping way too fast. 1 point every 1-2 minutes. That gives you about 60-100minutes for gameplay, untill you need to warm up. All that during sunny day.

Hidind inside buildings during day? That should lower your temperature, not increase it, and with current mechanics its even way to slow. Running gives you no heat..

Actually that big pile of firewood should last more than 10minutes, estimating it for 2-3 hours.

And even with proper cloths, like survivors would surely take multiple spare cloths to make layers everywhere, you shouldnt be able to get cold such easily during nights. Maybe multiple nights without fire and warm meal would have effect on imunity..

1. Fire need last longer

2. Temperature (body) system must be raised not only by sitting near fire

3. There must be a limit of outside temperature at which you cant get your temp lower. (Midday, sunny, your body temp cannot be sufficient to get cold!)

Last game we actually ran 2-3km to some village, we found wood, warmed up at fireplace, ran back, made fire, warmed up..Sorry but unplayable. Hope it would be adjusted. Notice this all with hotfix running.

Now there are messages from my teammates that not every server have the same conditions for temperature dropping. Need to investigate more about this.

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I do not like the temp system at all and I think it is another needless thing to manage instead of having reasons to do things at all.

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I think the temp system is interesting, but not really working well. If it is raining and my temp is going down, I should be able to warm up by going inside. Currently if you don't have matches and firewood (which takes up two slots) you are screwed when you get cold, and won't be able to shoot anything because of shivering. This makes surviving alone next to impossible, and will probably make people just disconnect when it starts raining.

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I hate not being able to dismount somebody else's tent, if they are dumb enough to leave it lying around then so be it.

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I want to like it, and at some point, I do have a hope that rocket figures out how to impliment weather effects in a way that makes the game more engaging. However in it's current iteration, it seems harsh, unrealistic, and to operate counter to what other systems encourage. I'll elaborate.

Right now, sitting still on a cloudy day with intermittent rain, seems to drop temp from 100 to the low 30s within 10-15 minutes. During night time or during constant rain, this is even faster. This makes it almost impossible to stay still, work with a group to raid a targeted location, or to exercise any patience at all when approaching a location. It turns the game into a rush to find a pile a wood and light it somewhere (hopefully out of sight) and then rinse and repeat ad nauseam. Even staying under cover of a hangar or barn roof only seems to reduce the degree of temperature loss, not eliminate it or cause it to recharge in such weather conditions.

It's also unrealistic. As many people have pointed out, having to find wood inside a barn and then bring it out to the wilderness when you want to start a fire doesn't make any sense what so ever, especially give the sheer amount of burnable material that would be found on the forest floor or easily obtainable in the undergrowth. Given the time it takes to collect wood, it would seem to be much more realistic to just increase the time it takes to setup the camp fire as opposed to making the player play as a logger in addition to his other roles. I've already touched on how it you get cold way too fast - even just lying prone on a cloudy day causes to to lose temp, but considering the gear that players are wearing, even on a cold day, it doesn't make any sense that a player would freeze that quickly.

Anyways, it might make a bit more sense if the clothing implemented affected temp loss and regeneration, it took much longer to loss warmth in even the worst weather, you didnt need to find wood in barns and compensated that by making it take longer to setup the fire. It's not even getting an infection instantly that's a problem, it's the shivering which makes it impossible to look down a scope.

Right now though it takes the fun out of the game to such an extent that I don't want to play.

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been playing a lot now with the new patch, just adding 2cts. It not only drops temperature, it drops fun. I am not enjoying this feature as it is now at all, will play some more and test but so far it really really takes away from all the good stuff and just becomes a temperature sim.

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Temp is lame, I also assume that the people have coats. Police Zombie I'm looking at you.

Please put in raincoats and fancy cashmere sweaters (red plz) so that we can look our best and be warm as well.


Look how good this guy looks, he isn't going to get cold anytime soon. Stylish, yet usable, this is perfect for a zombie apocalypse.

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As has been stated elsewhere, running should warm you up, but I was wondering: does running make you hungry and thirsty quicker? This seems like a good trade off.

Also is there any interplay between temperature and injury - eg broken bones, shock (and possibly sprained ankles - sorry, a plug here for one of my other posts ;) ) - usually badly injured people need to be kept warm...

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Thought about this some more and I have an idea. Maybe the temp drop can be tweaked to be a little less harsh (spending 10 to 20 mins outside and nearly freezing to death is pretty silly unless you are on the tundra or something). In addition to that how about if warming yourself by the fire has the after effect of making you immune to temperature drops for around 30 mins or so. This would have the effect of making people get a fire going every hour of game time and still have plenty of time to go raiding, gather more wood, matches, etc.

It probably would encourage more teamwork as well several people could focus on gathering loot/raiding while others would focus on keeping the base camp supplied with wood.

I like the idea of the temperature system but it should be something players have to keep in mind (like food/water) rather than something players have to focus ALL of their energy on.

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