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My input is this.

The idea sounds cool, but in its current implementation I think it takes away from current gameplay.

Game right now causes me to spend half my time worrying about staying warm rather than the other features in the game. I understand this is a survival game, but right now it seems more like the day after tomorrow everytime I go outside and this kind of takes away from much of the other things in the game. By worrying about a cough, you now are more annoyed than you are stressed. Also the difficulty of finding antibiotics and items for fires really keeps people indoors which stops travel...

Travel is one of the best parts of this game. Being able to explore Chernarus and the many locations I feel is the more intriguing part of depth in this game. The fact that Arma has given us a grand scale and high detail map is a blessing. With the risk of cold in the game, I now server hop to avoid rain like I do the night. (i still love playing night, but not for hours on end as I get on at nights mostly)

I understand this is an experiment and an alpha and we are the testers. Well as a tester this is my feedback.

- The current implementation of temp. as I said before is not working.

- This is a thread about temp but I think i'll throw in the night cycle too.... night as it was before was alright since servers offered choice and night was still fun... but now with night, lighting fires every 10 minutes is not feasible....... If time is a 1:1 ratio shouldn't infection be also to combat the fires and cold at night?

How would this maybe work??

I would say this, maybe there is a certain body temperature, and this temperature drops at night and in rain ect like it does now, BUTTT. Maybe you can increase it by eating food! (who cares about plausibility since food restores blood rather than water). Either that or the lower your temperature you just shake, but not really infection... or infection causes cought that makes you shake, but not bleed... ALSO, maybe running makes you stop losing temp(maybe not heat but at least stop temp drop). This would allow travel to still be ok, but staying immobile in the cold to scope things out, or wait on things would be bad in the cold thus stops take place in towns (forcing some fun confrontations) Of course sunshine is fine so no problem during sunshine.

What are your two cents. My ideas for temp might be odd and I even don't like them, but just thought i'd throw in some ideas if I am to bag on rockets temp idea. Honestly I LOVE your mod, your vision is amazing, I started exactly 1 week ago and have played with 7 friends for 97 hours.... we all love it... we stopped because of temp. Really tempted to role back to 1.5.7 but still stay just because i understand where your coming from and maybe you need more data or w/e.

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Where on earth do you find wood for a camp fire?

Anyone know yet?

Pretty much everywhere where things normally spawn.

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First the obligatory amazing mod comment. I have had the more fun with this mod than most of the retail games I have paid for.

But (there is always a but isn't there), I feel the temperature system needs some tweaking still. I spent a couple hours playing this evening and while it wasn't raining it was great... Then it started raining. Within 5-10 mins my temp had dropped to around 74 so I decided to camp out in a nearby warehouse.

The first 5 mins or so were great. It was really tense as I crawled around and tried to shut all the doors to keep the zombie hoard out in the rain and away from me. Hearing the moans of zombies all around me and strategizing how to get out when the rain passed was neat!

But here is the problem... I waited and waited and waited 20 mins later the rain still hadn't stopped and my temperature had only risen 3 degrees or so. After 20 mins it was no longer tense it was just annoying. I think this feature will only cause people to chase servers that have good weather kinda like they chase the daylight now.

I think the best way to fix this would be to increase the rate you warm up in buildings. Maybe a 1 to 1 ratio would be best. If you spend 20 mins out running in the rain/cold, you have to spend 20 inside to get that heat back. This would make gameplay during bad weather more about getting to the next set of buildings and less about waiting out the weather. It would be much more fun and challenging to have the changing weather force a change in tactics rather than sending a message to the player to stop and wait/find a different server.

Anyway, love the mod. Can't wait for the finished product.

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I was wondering on if it would be possible to make the fireplaces you find inside of most houses and buildings able to lit up and not have to be fed wood? Though with the amount of buildings around that you cannot enter, it would make it harder to do this with smaller towns and such.

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I don't like the Temperature feature at all. Doubt I ever will honestly.

Adds nothing to gameplay unlike the ability to eat and drink. Eating and drinking adds a goal in order to survive. Temperature just forces you to disconnect when a server starts to rain or when its night time.

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First post here:)... Now after a week of trying to survive and learning new tricks - I find this temperature (fixed one) very welcomed addon to the mess we have in our hands. Now people need to find a shelter or make fires to warm up. That is essential when we talk about survival.

Even though the temp seems to drop very rapidly, that what it does in reality. You really don't have to spend that long exposed to cold weather when you actually can catch a cold. And for my few hours of new gameplay showed the temp thingie worked very very well. And re-warming worked also, 5 -10 minutes next to the fire warms you up. Hiding indoors was much slower, like it would be in an abandoned house.

Plus, now those bloody bandits (and survivors too) need do something else than just prone in the bushes next to some willage. There might be someone else gathering firewood too:D

Still, Im not saying that the current temperature version is the one nor it doesent need tweaks, but we definately need some sort of temperature system.

PS. DayZ is just amazing, no game or movie has ever gave me as much exitement and paranoia etc than this awesome mod! Thank you!

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I don't like the Temperature feature at all. Doubt I ever will honestly.

Adds nothing to gameplay unlike the ability to eat and drink. Eating and drinking adds a goal in order to survive. Temperature just forces you to disconnect when a server starts to rain or when its night time.

Not sure if serious?

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I don't like the Temperature feature at all. Doubt I ever will honestly.

Adds nothing to gameplay unlike the ability to eat and drink. Eating and drinking adds a goal in order to survive. Temperature just forces you to disconnect when a server starts to rain or when its night time.

From what I've seen it is very similar to eating and drinking. Obviously, finding matches can be a bitch, but I've seen a few wood spawns in the half hour I played since the patch. It's just adding another survival element to the game which makes sense.

I am hoping, though, that rocket adds more depth to the temperature system. Being inside, maybe warm clothing, even holding a flair should stop the reduction of temp. and maybe bring it up.

It does still drop too quickly in my opinion.

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I like it but like other people say, it's just waaay too harsh at the moment. I have wood even, it's just impossible for me to go searching more until the daytime to find matches without freezing to death!

More items to combat it would be welcomed. Like people say, clothing. Doesn't even have to negate it, just slow it greatly, but make rain still be worse unless you have something like a raincoat. The skin update is coming soon apparently, so that should be included, or even after that if you don't have time to code something of the sort. Blah blah.

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I don't like the Temperature feature at all. Doubt I ever will honestly.

Adds nothing to gameplay unlike the ability to eat and drink. Eating and drinking adds a goal in order to survive. Temperature just forces you to disconnect when a server starts to rain or when its night time.

From what I've seen it is very similar to eating and drinking. Obviously' date=' finding matches can be a bitch, but I've seen a few wood spawns in the half hour I played since the patch. It's just adding another survival element to the game which makes sense.

I am hoping, though, that rocket adds more depth to the temperature system. Being inside, maybe warm clothing, even holding a flair should stop the reduction of temp. and maybe bring it up.

It does still drop too quickly in my opinion.


I already have all the equipment and even fully loaded staying warm is a royal pain.

Then when I finally make a fire I get stuck sitting next to a fire bored out of my mind for 10 minutes.

How is this fun ?

Searching for food and water leads to player interaction, staying warm leads to boredom.

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I envision bandits and survivors coming together under a common roof to share a fire and some chicken soup.

Who can care about the Zombie Apocalypse when we all have the sniffles?

Btw, when I see wood, I grab it.

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I envision bandits and survivors coming together under a common roof to share a fire and some chicken soup.

Who can care about the Zombie Apocalypse when we all have the sniffles?

Btw' date=' when I see wood, I grab it.


luke snuggled with the dead tauntaun on hot

let me crawl in the bodies of people

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bah. the game is as good as only about getting firewood, making a fire, get warm, getting to next place and get fire wood, getting warm, getting to next place, getting firewood, get warm, getting to next place, getting firewood, getting warm, getting to next place, getting firewood, getting warm...

I played with 3 people and this is what we did for 1,5 hours. I won't play anymore. see you

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bah. the game is as good as only about getting firewood' date=' making a fire, get warm, getting to next place and get fire wood, getting warm, getting to next place, getting firewood, get warm, getting to next place, getting firewood, getting warm, getting to next place, getting firewood, getting warm...

I played with 3 people and this is what we did for 1,5 hours. I won't play anymore. see you


More room in the servers!:D

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bah. the game is as good as only about getting firewood' date=' making a fire, get warm, getting to next place and get fire wood, getting warm, getting to next place, getting firewood, get warm, getting to next place, getting firewood, getting warm, getting to next place, getting firewood, getting warm...

I played with 3 people and this is what we did for 1,5 hours. I won't play anymore. see you


More room in the servers!:D

Yep. I am sure new players will have an awful lot of fun playing those first hours on their own *coughcough/immensesarcasm*

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I wouldn't mind if it wasn't so damn retarded;



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I wouldn't mind if it wasn't so damn retarded;



First part is true, you can't catch cold from being cold, but the second part is wrong - cold will lower your immunity.

source:Cold temperature and low humidity are associated with increased occurrence of respiratory tract infections, Mäkinen TM, Juvonen R, Jokelainen J, Harju TH, Peitso A, Bloigu A, Silvennoinen-Kassinen S, Leinonen M, Hassi J. Respir Med. 2009 Mar;103(3):456-62. Epub 2008 Nov 1. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/18977127/

Damn it indeed (without caps).

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Most of the time in game is now spent indoors waiting for the temperature to slowly, slowly increase while you grow hungry and get more thirsty. This discourages actually playing the game.

If realism is the aim, you should be fine if you have warm and DRY clothing and enough food. The human body consumes energy from food and produces excess heat when doing anything significant.

I just spent at least half an hour inside a barn waiting and gaining maybe six points of TempVal, all of which and more I lost when running outside for something like 200 meters. There was firewood in there, but I have never possessed matches.

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temp drops 2 fast but i like the idea, good way to get them campers outta the woods after making a bean castle....

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I feel like some of you weren't playing with the hot patch. I was staying at 100 temp all night after the hot patch by merely crouching walking around most places. If is raining from what I understand it still goes down but otherwise it's hard to lose temp unless you are camping. Before the patch I lost half my temp running around in the dark looking for wood in about thirty minutes.

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I agree with Helldesk. You will probably die from hunger/starvation while suffering from hypothermia, that's why I saved my game and wont paly until we are at least 3 players again. Probably in most cases you will have to be more than 1 player to stay alive.

Temperate currently drops with 2 each minute? How far can you get in 35 minutes? Will you find enough firewood for another fire? How many zombies will you successfully pass? Will it be dark? Will it rain? You calculate the fun ;)

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