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Will temperature affect more if your sitting still?

After all running should help you stay warm while standing still should make you freeze.

It would also be a good way to make it less encouraging for people to just sit and camp.

Btw it would be awsome if when the new skins had effects on your temperature.

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Played for 45 mins in good weather and temp dropped from 100 to 60. Is it supposed to be that fast, if so add Gore-Tex/Cardigan drops please.

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I logged in and played for 10 minutes... my guy gets sick and drops to 6000 blood LMAO. It has a long way to go for this feature to be realistic let alone fun.

I'll wait for some sort of hotfix I guess.

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This is going to be hilarious. Oh god I can't stop coughing. At least this bandit didn't see me. -COUGH COUGH- Oh well... at least he knows I'm here. And I have a cold. He'll pity me... or at least put me out of my sick misery. xD

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Guest ragequitalready


Edited by ragequitalready

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I think wood should be very easy to find, but fires should be hard to put up without causing trouble.

I'd rather feel unsafe and jumpy while sitting in the middle of the forest with my fire, than running from town to town to fetch wood.

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I find this to be a curious game mechanic. It's a game mechanic that disincentives people from moving around and interacting with the game.

When the weather is bad I'm supposed to either (a) sit my character down in a building and play Angy Birds on my iphone waiting for the weather to change or (b) log out and try a different server?

A very curious game mechanic that tells the player STOP! DON'T PLAY THIS GAME!

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I don't really know enough about the system to really like or dislike it.

How do we rise / lower the temperature? At which point do we begin to become infected? etc. etc.

More information would be grand.

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I just played for a little, like 20 minutes, and my TempVal is at 50.

that is seriously too fast, its a little windy, bright and shiny, and after 20 minutes outdoors, im halfway dead.

Also, shouldn't moving make it so your temp doesnt drop so fast? Blood flow and all that?...


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Hmm the whining is reminding me of the increased zombie spawns from 1.5.7.

I welcome my new best friend, hypothermia.

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Hey there first i must say THIS IS THE BEST GAME/MOD EVER. ok i think you get infected to fast. i was playing for half an hour and on my server eu6 it was rain right away. so after 10mins i got infected, was running in to a small town to check the zombie spawn, I cleared that out and went in to a house and out again the zombies had respawn. I died. Then i was at the beach again and afer some mins i got infected again. I think the infection are going to fast, but one thing do you get sick by beeing in a house, while raining?

Anyways god job guys you have made a game/mod that is totaly diffrent than other games I just love it..

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HOTFIX : 21 MAY 2012

Affected addons:

* dayz_code


* [FIXED] Loosing temperature way too fast

* [FIXED] Not enough wood available for spawn

* [FIXED] Matches way too rare

* [FIXED] Reduced impact of infection (coughing amount and blood loss, will only loose 2000 blood)

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Like Powell mentioned, moving around should increase bloodflow, thus increasing temp.

Different outfits should affect tempval.

Wood should not be needed to maintain a fire... farmville anyone?

Becoming infected from being cold is not grounded in science.

Vodka should be both 1.) in the game, and 2.) affect tempval.

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Its a complex matrix:


- Moving (faster = more)

- Fire (very large increase)

- Inside Building

- Sunshine (midday = most)


- Night (little)

- Raining (lots)

- Wind (some)

- Water (HEAPS)

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Hospitals. Very rare.

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Vodka should be both 1.) in the game' date=' and 2.) affect tempval.


Yes, it should give you an inaccurately high tempval so that you are more likely to get cold, and cap your max perceived temp at 100%.

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Guest ragequitalready


Edited by ragequitalready

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I'm not that much into how infections and such work, but doesn't drinking give the illusion of being warmer while it does nothing to fight the actual cold?

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I seriously would like to see this in the game:

When shot, if bullet is lodged, bandaged stops blood flow, but while bullet is still lodged, should affect temp val. and increases chance of bacterial infection greatly

Only way to get bullet out, is by being operated on by another player.

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I played briefly (until the server went down) and loved the temp system. With the fixes incoming it will add a whole new lever of play. The coughing works as I was hoping and makes your life much harder but in a fun way.

Don't back down for all those carebears, this is good.

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