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Golden weapons?

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So, I know the vanilla arma 2 has a golden revolver and a golden AK. Why not add them into the game as extremely rare weapons? For example:

(I will make these numbers up, as I am too lazy to search a loot spawn sheet)

Say the revolver has 1% chance to spawn in a supermarket, the revolver would have 0.1% chance of spawning golden. Same goes with the AK.

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Why are you going to go to cherno and show off your nice golden weapon to newbs? This is pointless...

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I support this idea, golden revolver would spawn only in supermarkets and AK only barracks, spawnrate would be 0,01%

Cheaters or dupers would ruin it tho, untill they're dealt with it would be just pointless...

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if you want golden weapon you either retard or cod kid or both. golden means it shines under the sun making you more visible to players and zeds. still want it?

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Yes the golden weapons are shiny and will blow your sniper cover! TACTICAL FACE-PALM!

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You must have played too much COD these days...

This is pointless for a survivor game.

Edited by MinxinG

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LOL, have my beans for epic trolling my friend

Edited by Capped

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i would trade a gold revolver for a regular revolver +1 bullet easily.

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Only if we can also have giant robot dragons that we can ride and there are clowns running around throwing custard pies at the zombies and every hour every texture in the game becomes an animated psychedelic rainbow and the zombies all turn into unicorns and instead of bullets you shoot flowers and candy and all the buildings grow legs and start dancing around to techno music!

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Only if we can also have giant robot dragons that we can ride and there are clowns running around throwing custard pies at the zombies and every hour every texture in the game becomes an animated psychedelic rainbow and the zombies all turn into unicorns and instead of bullets you shoot flowers and candy and all the buildings grow legs and start dancing around to techno music!

funny post, but please use more , and .

Cinda hard to read.

and yeah. i am that one on all forums that's gonna annoy the shit out of people who cant make sentences.


Edited by Orbmaniac

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funny post, but please use more , and .

Cinda hard to read.

and yeah. i am that one on all forums that's gonna annoy the shit out of people who cant make sentences.


That was actually a valid sentence and it was intentionally hard to read.

Cind and cant are not words. :P

Love your sig quote. :beans:

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There are already golden guns, some dude posted a picture of his golden revolver in NEAF somewhere in the forums earlier.

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Guys, golden guns are not only in CoD. The guys saying "oh cod kiddie" must be cod kiddies themselves for thinking only that game has golden guns. Even in real life some people have golden guns.

It is only a reskin that would be very rare. Like mountain dew, it's pointless, same effect as a coke can, but extremely rare. The golden guns along with mountain dew would just be collector items.

Edited by MeDuzZ-

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golden guns don't really interest me at all, maybe because its plain gold.... what would be awesome (but unnecessary) is that guns spawned with different skins. old and rusty weapons, regular used. new and shiny + some extremely, EXTREMELY rare weapons 0.001% with nice skins like:




Love your sig quote. :beans:

yeah, was looking at rockets posts for information about future patches when i saw this little conversation. had to use it xD

Edited by Orbmaniac

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Who would want to carry that? especially when in a firefight, you'd stick out like a christmas tree to a sniper with that.

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Who would want to carry that? especially when in a firefight, you'd stick out like a christmas tree to a sniper with that.

It would be rather amusing if the golden guns were made super shiny so that they could be spotted from 5 miles away.

"Hey look a moving disco ball!" XD LOL

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Go back to Cock of Duty if you want gold guns

He just told you they are in Arma already. Your comment is pointless.

+1 to the OP. Don't really care if there are gold guns or not, I just want more guns in general. If they decide to make them all gold I don't care.

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