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Lol the geared chicken syndrome

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Lol a few days ago when I had nothing I didnt give a f*** SON!

Id be running around the airfield with my 8 slot backpack and an ak47 kobra. I didn't bother scouting, didnt bother checking building windows before entering, didnt care at all. If I knew someone was in the barracks I would run in blasting like a lunatic.

Any pvp engagement i'd throw myself into it because I didnt have much to loose (now that I know the geography of the map, i realize it only takes about 20 min or so direct run from spawn to nw airfield)

But now I've acquired my dream gear :

M4 CCO SD assault rifle on main.

L85AWS in backpac

DMR in backpack

NV goggles


Now i play like a scared mouse lol. I'm a solo bandit so I dont have any clannies to keep a camp with, or clannies who can watch my back or pick up my gear if I die.

As a result I play super superrrrrrrrrrrr cautious lol. I'm going to be so mad when I die.

Anyone else gotten this geared chicken syndrome? How do you combat it? lol

Edited by Fat-Marco

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>3 primaries

^^ I couldnt part with my M4 CCO SD. That weapon is so sexy for sneaking around. Especially with the current unlimited ammo patch

I got DMR because i've gotten myself 6 kills so far by counter-sniping the snipers who camp the hills above stary. Park myself on the hill adjacent to them, scan hills with thermal, and always find one or two every hour or so. Shoot them in the face!!!!!!!!!!!!

But then im too scared to go loot their body incase they have buddies around lol!

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like you'd have noticed it wasn't so hard to find all that stuff was it? so if you die you can take it back quite easily in 1 or 2 hours.

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like you'd have noticed it wasn't so hard to find all that stuff was it? so if you die you can take it back quite easily in 1 or 2 hours.

Hell no. Took me 4 days to find the m4ccosd,

and i lucked out the NV and gps because I snuck into the barracks and found some guy jerking off in there (afking or checking map who knows). I promply shot him and stole his items.

Then 10 min later there was a server reset and a heli spawned right on the airfield and I got first crack at the items (meanwhile i'd been heli hunting all week with no luck)

So you guys play the same whether you are geared or naked? Seems hard to believe

I'm so paranoid that when my friend gave me his ghillie suit yesterday, i turned it down because I dont want any funny business with finding myself swimming and all my items gone.

Edited by Fat-Marco

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I just stopped caring about the gear when i noticed all i needed to easily kill ppl was a basic gun that i can find anywhere (revolver, colt, enfield). After that i stopped caring about the toolbelt cause i don't need 3/4 of the shit in it anymore to move around/survive.

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I just stopped caring about the gear when i noticed all i needed to easily kill ppl was a basic gun that i can find anywhere (revolver, colt, enfield). After that i stopped caring about the toolbelt cause i don't need 3/4 of the shit in it anymore to move around/survive.

But bandits dont care about surviving. We are here to pvp/kill people.

Silenced weapons to keep a low profile while your moving through high traffic areas, Night vision, thermal for scanning for snipers . I find they are quite imba to be honest lol

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>3 primaries

Greentexting where there is no greentext, and outside of 4chan. You don't deserve to live.

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Greentexting where there is no greentext, and outside of 4chan. You don't deserve to live.

>implying greentexting is exclusive to 4chan

>implying the use of > is only valid for greentexting

die in a fire, summer

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>implying greentexting is exclusive to 4chan

>implying the use of > is only valid for greentexting

die in a fire, summer

You are my new favorite person on these forums.

On topic: Once I find gear I like, I usually start to play much more cautiously. When I'm fairly fresh however, with an Enfield or Winchester or something, I give absolutely no fucks and usually just run around the cities and loot everything I can find

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>implying greentexting is exclusive to 4chan

>implying the use of > is only valid for greentexting

die in a fire, summer

Greentexting is not exclusize to 4chan, but the way you use it is. You are the real summer, buddy. Everyone hates people like you, not only are your posts annoying all of the time, but you take shit, and use it on other sites because "I'm from 4chan xDDDDD. LEGIN xD"

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So you guys play the same whether you are geared or naked? Seems hard to believe

Fuck no. Fresh spawn, i run like a madman to north, checking couple of deerstands and one supermarket. At this point i usually have alice and ak, then i go like a madman to stary or nwaf and find gear. After that, i calm my self down.

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You are my new favorite person on these forums.

My life has a meaning again.

Greentexting is not exclusize to 4chan, but the way you use it is. You are the real summer, buddy. Everyone hates people like you, not only are your posts annoying all of the time, but you take shit, and use it on other sites because "I'm from 4chan xDDDDD. LEGIN xD"

In that case you're not just a summer, you must be new to the whole internet. Welcome, newfriend. Now lurk moar. I don't care where.

I despise 4chan. I despise summers. I despise you.

Edited by Merciless

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You are my new favorite person on these forums.

On topic: Once I find gear I like, I usually start to play much more cautiously. When I'm fairly fresh however, with an Enfield or Winchester or something, I give absolutely no fucks and usually just run around the cities and loot everything I can find

You could say he is... merciless

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Anyone else gotten this geared chicken syndrome? How do you combat it? lol

Man im the same way. Once i start off the beach i run like a madman and just find what i can and blow anyone away till i get what I want and when I do me and my right hand man get super low profile and just chill under the radar.

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3 primaries? u too cool for supplies?

On topic: i was the same, untill u lose it all, now i got my dream gear and 3 cars, i still wouldn't give a fuck.

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I play the same way whether I'm a fresh spawn with a makarov or kitted out with a AS50, NVGs, rangefinders, GPS, etc.

And when I die I can't find two shits to give because I can find the same stuff with a hour or twos work.

You just have to learn to not get attached to your gear.

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I'm just as cautious when I have nothing, as when I'm fully geared.


I recently got shot after spawning in, and was quite angry due to the fact that I had an M4A1 CCO, GPS, etc, etc. However, I've managed to recover some of the stuff from various places. Playing it extra cautious now.

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