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About Fat-Marco

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Fat-Marco

    How to instantly make dayz more fun

    If they fix item duping and infinite ammo (as well as combat log-outs to lose aggro), then zombies will become much more of a threat. If you can't log-out when being chased by zombies, and on top of that ammo is actually rare (like its supposed to be), then zombies become much more of a threat
  2. Fat-Marco

    The real issue with DayZ

    ^^ Better yet, imagine a game like day-z but set in a world where everyone is the size of an ant. It would be so fun. Every insect would be super dangerous. Youd need to shoot various bugs to harvest food. Find water at dangerous water-holes that might have other creepy insects in it. Murderous super fast giant spiders and hornets everywhere. Do you know how scary a spider is when its the size of an elephant? lol It would be so badass. Squads of tiny survivors with military weapons fighting their way into bee hives and ant-hills looking for tasty honey and larvae mmmmm Count me in
  3. No one needs medical supplies. They are really easy to get. Just ask someone to donate you a sniper rifle. Theres tonnes of gear floating around and i'm sure someone will happily help out. I need to reinstall the game because its not updating properly for me, otherwise I'd hop on right now to help you out. Good luck.
  4. Fat-Marco

    The real issue with DayZ

    It would be pretty cool if there were more *legit* ways to die (ie not hackers and not doors) that made the game more scary. Perhaps randomly spawning super zombies that require close to 30 shots to kill, and which can kill you insantly if they catch up to you, and they cannot be ditched by running indoors or through bushes. They should also have a much higher detection radius. They should also be randomly spawning but fairly rare. It would make running around a bit more tense. Right now you approach a town, whip out binocuars from a distance and see "ohh theres no zombies spawned, town is safe", and from there everything is easy and boring. It would be kind of scary if you had to fear the possibility of a super zombie spawning with the other zombies. Would force you to approach the town much more tactically
  5. Fat-Marco

    1.7.3 - Lets Wipe the Hive

    Apprently the new 2.6 pattch that was released today has fixed tent saving and vehicle saving. 95% of duping occurs via tents. This would be a good time for hive wipe!!!!! someoe with rockets telephone number call him pronto ! oo
  6. Fat-Marco

    225 SQ KM and....

    I call this the diablo 2 law of arrows and bolts Your Amazon carrying a bow? All the mobs are going to drops bolts now Your Amazon carrying a cross-bow? All the mobs are going to drop arrows now
  7. Fat-Marco

    Is it possible?No Snipers

    If they fix duping/hacking and fix the ammo counts, then snipers will not be a big problem. One of the main balancing tools in this game is the rarity of ammo. Snipers are a pain right now because they have easy access to mass ammo. When ammo becomes rare again, you'll find snipers will drop off significantly because most people will prefer to carry a different weapon instead of wasting their hard to find sniper ammo on griefing.
  8. When you take your car into the mechanic to get repaired and he tells you "your going to need a new alternator", and you have a panic attack because you cannot remember ever finding one of those
  9. When you stare suspiciously at your backpack that already has stuff in it and wonder whether its worth the risk to put your laptop inside it.
  10. Fat-Marco

    1.7.3 - Lets Wipe the Hive

    You joined a few days ago. You are still kind of new to the game. Once you get the hang of it you'll quickly figure out how to find easy gear and my statement will make more sense. For example once you find a camp in the forest on any server, you can always return there for gear because tents are glitched out and no matter how much stuff you take out of them, they will magically refill when the server restarts later in the day. I could tell you a few camp locations but I'd rather not. It will ruin the game experience for you. Enjoy the thrill of slowly upgrading your gear with items you found yourself. Its makes you afraid to die which adds to the tension of the game.
  11. Fat-Marco

    1.7.3 - Lets Wipe the Hive

    who cares about as50's? Theres a bazillion as50's on the servers. I wouldnt be suprised to learn that theres more as50's than there are makarovs currently floating around the hive.
  12. Fat-Marco

    1.7.3 - Lets Wipe the Hive

    oops double post
  13. Fat-Marco

    1.7.3 - Lets Wipe the Hive

    Actually thats not true. June --> July --> August ------ saw a very ssteady increase in the item saturation of items. Late July-August got particularly bad. It took a good two months before all the duped items begain to really start impacting the game heavily
  14. Fat-Marco

    1.7.3 - Lets Wipe the Hive

    It would remove 4 months worth of duping and hacker saturation on the servers. It will take quite a while before the situation becomes as bad as it is right now again. The best thing would be to hive wipe AND disable tents alltogether (save tents for standalone). Fixing tents would be good but hackers could still fill up non-duping tents with hacked in gear. With no tents they are limited to llegit vehicle slots since spawned in vehicles vanish upon daily server restarts.