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I've come across 4 or 5 hackers, on 3 servers, in 3 hours.

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Three of my friends and I were up North looting some helicopter crashes, and I was providing over-watch with some NVGS. About five minutes had gone by and I decided to look over at the road on my right and I see a player named [s.S.G.T]Zombier or something like that running across the road. It was pitch black out, and I was carrying a cz550. The only option I had to dispatch him was to use the third person cross-hairs and hope for the best, because it was too dark to see in my scope. I fire a few rounds, and, as one would expect using third person at 400m, I can't tell whether I've hit him or missed him but no murders yet. At this moment he had no NVGS and had not spotted me. We continue looting expecting the typical sort of DC warrior, but I'm still paranoid he's the worst kind (relogging). Of course Murphy's Law kicks right in and in a few moments he's logged back into his old location, but now has NVGS, a DMR (which I couldn't tell whether or not he had before) and knows exactly where I am. He's even logged in facing me! So, of course, my third person hip-firing was no match for his DMR and I go down.

I then change servers. I immediately spawn east of Cherno and get a moderate amount of gear. I head west through the town expecting to be sniped by some CoD kiddie fueled by tears. Fortunately, this doesn't happen. I head into the church and give it a once over. Then, as I'm exiting, I hit an invisible wall and am shot in the face by a puff of smoke. Dayz at it's finest.

I change servers again. I spawn at Prigorodky. I leg it west and run through Cherno along the shipping yard this time. As I'm leaving along the peninsula on the western coast of the city, I start taking fire from an automatic AS50 with seemingly unlimited ammo. Odd. Luckily for me he's obviously hacking because he's inept at the game, because I manage to dodge about 50 rounds without taking any hits. Even odder is that before I started taking these rounds I had scoped out the tops of all the elevators before crossing through Cherno which is about the vector these rounds seem to be coming from now. I have no way to be 100% on whether this guy was invisible, but I think he was.

I should have left this server at this moment, but I was tired of having my evening governed by these scumbags and I continued on. I head west to Balota and sprint through the airfield looting the hangars and tower with reckless abandon. I find nothing, and am fully expecting to be gunned down now. Surprisingly, I'm not. I head south through the town area and then to the docks. As I clear the corner of the building on the coast, someone opens fire back at the airfield. They are shooting what sounds like an m16. The shooting goes on without a reload for about 2 solid minutes. The person easily fired over 400 continuous rounds. I keep heading west.

I head west for about 400m along the coast and come across what, at a distance, looks like a giant pile of gear. I'm a little incredulous and think to myself that it's probably just some odd-shaped rocks. Wrong. It's a coyote backpack, an m16 ACOG with no magazines, and about 20 satchel charges. I'm seriously freaked out at this moment, but I manage to pick it all up. I have no idea how to use the satchel charges and I know they're hacked. I continue west. I make it about 100m and shots are whizzing over my head. I start zig-zagging all over the place. Another hacker who can't aim, lucky for me. I keep moving and hear in direct chat intermittently, "Stop running I'm going to kill you". Something along those lines. I can't remember verbatim, but I remember thinking it was a terribly obvious thing to say to someone you're already shooting at. I laughed at the prepubescent voice taunting me, muffled by the distance. He keep shooting and eventually lands a hit on me. I go down and fall unconscious for about fifteen seconds and stand back up. He must have thought he one-shotted me and didn't check his murders, because he lost interest and I got away. I make a large horse shoe and head back to Balota in an attempt to screen shot some hacking in action. I arrive and the server disconnects.

I find a new server and spawn in almost immediately behind the ATC tower. I walk up the stairs and at the top find myself an mp5 and a single magazine. I turn to put my m16 in my backpack, and when I close my inventory and turn back there's a guy already picking up the mp5 and loading in the mag. I mutter into direct chat, "You've got to be kidding me..." And, like any strapping young Dayz player would do, he immediately empties the clip into me from about a meter. Then things get weird. I'm taking about 20 blood loss per round. It's apparent he had more mags on him and he continues to shoot me directly, point blank, in the face. I'm so confused I'm not moving. I just sit there expecting it to be an issue with desync and that I'll eventually just die, but I don't. He runs out of ammo and we kind of just stare at each other for a moment and I casually walk out of the tower with 500 blood remaining. I'm not even passing out. I don't know what caused this, but could it be that the hackers backpack or rifle caused some sort of damage resistance?

I play Dayz for the emotion and the immersion. This is the only game I've played within the last ten years that has actually invoked any emotion at all. The slogan is "This is your story." I didn't expect my story to be a russian-themed matrix with about 2000% more Neos. I don't think Rocket does either. I know this game is an Alpha, but this is becoming overwhelmingly frustrating. I should probably man up and hope that this was just a string of bad luck, but It kind of makes me want to stop playing.

**Edited for grammer

Edited by Waylay

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Bad luck, try again

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Nope, totally agree. I'm not playing my main character anymore since all I see are hackers or exploiters. They come on every night on New Zealand / Aus servers, and probably everywhere else. Its simply not good enough. Whats the point of having BattleEye if they don't care about users running external scripts to ruin the game for others? It seems like every few hours a server gets "nuked", i.e. every player in the map gets killed instantly and simultaneously.

I don't know why nobody cares, but if it keeps escalating with no rebellion, I'll stop caring about this mod.

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so what you are saying, is that you shot first...

Right. He was running down at my mates carrying a weapon. I was covering them. The issue is that he Dced, relogged with different gear, and instantly had a bead on me.

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Bad luck, try again

Shup up idiot.Hacking got our of control and you know it.

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So.. you might of encountered 1-2 hackers. The others may be bugs but the first example, you stated yourself that you couldn't see anything through your scope - that he might of had a DMR, how do you know he didn't have NVG? You just sound like a proper whiny bitch. Accept this will happen in an alpha game and either play or move on. I have played this game about 3 weeks now, and while I know there are hackers out there, I have been fortunate never to be affected by one.

Edited by Maktyr

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the big problem is that a server admin cant really tell whos doing what. The logs are a mess. The server i play on we had the admin look through the logs so he could find a guy that just spawned in on my buddy with a gold ak. The logs showed that 13 other people on the server had a golden ak spawned in including my buddy that was just shot 2 admins and a mess of randoms that had been playing for the last 5 hours. They cant be found half the time.

A bit ago i watched a guy in a town pulling every zombie into a house and kill them all, at first i was like well at least hes not shooting me. After the 4th pull he did i started to poke my nose in. All the zombies he was shooting where dropping military grade weapons, camo, range finders, nvgs and ammo. We got him banned. And all the loot in the zombies went away. How is an admin going to find out if he spawned in that crap when he had the zombies doing it for him?.

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Shup up idiot.Hacking got our of control and you know it.

hahaha your tears got out of control.

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Thanks for the info.

Thread is decending into madness though so ima just Lock it here.

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