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Why did you nerfed the loot percentage ?

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Just to remind you... this is arma. No weapon is really useless. (against zombies maybe, but not against players)

If you play it right, you could even sneak up on a M107-sniper with your makarov and be his personal nightmare. Arma offers you alot of possibilities for such things.

Just don't expect to win any flowers when you're playing this like any other shooter. Make good use of the terrain, avoid getting spotted and keep your eyes peeled. Weapons are only of minor importance for that.

Ok stuff like NVGs are a different story, but if you're scared of players using NVGs... then schedule your "hunt" in daylight and their advantage will be gone.

Not to mention the possibilities you have with teamwork.

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If you're scared of NVGs. Use flares (but not right beside you). They make the use of NVG's almost impossible. I don't know why more people have not figured this out yet, but flares have a massive effect on the NVGs in game even from great distances.

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Use the grass, especially when close, limited movement and prone position. Flares and lights when up close and personal, hell I've even seen a flashlight render a sniper useless as another dude rushed him with a sidearm.

Day time its all about using the terrain, dont take the easy option,

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The spawn rates are indeed rather low, after searching two airfields with differing groups of various sizes I realized that one of two things must be happening.

First I believe the spawn rates are indeed lower then before not offering players who aren't already geared up little chance to gain ground on those ready for war.

Second off the areas are the only known areas to acquire decent gear so they are extensively farmed by players swapping servers thus leaving them empty unless you happen to get there just after the items respawned.

While I do enjoy the fact that these areas are fought over, I do not believe they are worth as much effort as before. If there were to be more areas that spawned worth while loot it would not only encourage people to venture to other places of interest but it would also give players incentive to check the villages and towns instead of entirely bypassing them thus bringing zombies back onto the threat list.

Instead of Winchesters CZs and Enfields why not have some AK series weaponry spawn in villages as well? Could it not be conceivable that the residents of Chern went and armed themselves at the local Bases before they were eaten and turned into zombies? Is there absolutely no way for a civilian to buy NVGs?

I'm not saying replace every "civilian weapon" with pimped out Army gear but sprinkling a few goodies into towns once in a while would not only get the more experienced players some incentive but also help the newer players defend themselves against those notorious griefers. As an added bonus camping the airfields will be less of an issue for those wanting to avoid a firefight, and those towns in land and further up north will actually serve more of a purpose then refilling water and B-lining it to a hospital for supplies.

PS: Our group (of 7 at the time) ran into some poor guy server hoping at NW airfield. One of us pinned him in a house and used flares to blind him allowing me to move in to provide cover as he lobbed a grenade into the building. Poor guy had WW3 waiting for him when he logged in. Red chem lights are also very blinding for NVGs, you can see the glow from far but pinpointing the guy carrying it is difficult.

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If you're scared of NVGs. Use flares (but not right beside you). They make the use of NVG's almost impossible. I don't know why more people have not figured this out yet' date=' but flares have a massive effect on the NVGs in game even from great distances.


But the thing is rocket, bullet distance > flare thrown distance, Sure flare has effect on NVG's far range, but if players are moving into the flare, do they even need NVGs anymore and them getting the jump on you, I'd say its no competition at all

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The flares cause a serious effect on NVGs up to 800m away. If you've used NVG's around the DayZ flares you will know what I mean. Within 400m of the flare you literally have to turn the NVGs off. The effect is so bad we've had many requests to tone down the power of the flares by NVG users.

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Don't tone it down one bit please, the way it works now is quite nice. Guys with NVG can spot the light from the flare on the ground from very far away but getting eyes on the person who set it off is still challenging if the player knows what he is doing he can escape and evade.

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I agree with OP. I've frequented the northern airfields for the past 3 days and never found anything REALLY good like machineguns or suppressed weapons. I honestly feel cheated for wasting so much time there when people are claiming they've found the DMR and assault rifles just as common in Cherno. It might be worth looking into adding challenges/quests to get better gear.

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Couldnt have said it better myself dude..

rocket, i understand that your trying to make it realistic, but there has to be some kind of reward to walking all the fucking way up to the airfield, or some shit, SOME kind of fun has to come into this game play... i cant tell you how many sad faces have come to airfield, or a large northern town to see tin cans, and maybe an ALICE pack, or a makarov mag.. you know what i mean?.. and you guys wonder why whenever somebody see's somebody with an AK, or a DMR, or even the simple shit. if everybody had a better chance at any other weapon thatn the makarov, or an 1866 shotty. that isnt that much to ask man :c

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I agree with OP. I've frequented the northern airfields for the past 3 days and never found anything REALLY good like machineguns or suppressed weapons. I honestly feel cheated for wasting so much time there when people are claiming they've found the DMR and assault rifles just as common in Cherno. It might be worth looking into adding challenges/quests to get better gear.

if they add anything like quests or other scripted events to lead people by the hand like ALL OTHER GAMES do i will be first to quit. This mod/game is amazing because the world doesnt give a f about you, no babysitting. You spawn and adapt to the world around you and not other way around. if you want that go play skyrim or other shitty games with no imagination.

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Might I remind you - LOOT gets taken by PLAYERS. So when you complain about "OMG I SPENT 10 RL DAYS WALKING TO THE AIRFIELD AND I FOUND NUFFIN DER!!" Think about it, if this apocalypse DID happen, OBVIOUSLY the airfield would be looted by the first there. I wouldn't mind a little love in those other villages with a rare weapon here and there. But it's all about getting there first, grabbing what you want, and leaving before someone can take it from you.

If loot constantly spawned for every sorry slow sap that walked up to the airfield, shit we'd all be geared out. "OH HEY, U NEW GUYS? GO TO THE AIRFIELD FOR AKS/M60s/M107s. HAVE FUN!" It's part of the mod and fun to actually SCAVENGE for gear. It makes you appreciate the rare weapons you get much more. Whenever I Find a map or an AK/mp5, I feel accomplished and ready for war. If I could find one of those in cherno or every time I went to the airfield 100% guaranteed, it wouldn't mean as much.


Man up, get there first, take what you want. If you're too slow or someone beat you to the punch, feel free to kill them. Ladies and Gents, you're living in an apocalypse. Get over things being looted before you get there. Start scavenging in game and stop complaining on forums.

Sidenote: First post and I gotta say, I LOVE THIS MOD! Developers, if you could ever use another brain on this mod or could use a hand. I'd be more than willing to help in any way I can. You guys are brave allowing an open Alpha and you're working SUPER hard with daily updates. This community appreciates it, even if they're whiny and complain sometimes.

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By your logic seeing as how this game is insanely populated "getting there first" happened almost a month ago and all the servers would logically be picked clean.

Loot needs to respawn in a way that encourages people to explore more of the island.

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Exactly. Outside from spreading loot out a bit, and -maybe- increasing the timer an hour or two, loot is generally handled very well.

But yes, spread out loot.

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What is there some god damn invisible Pepsi truck driver continually restocking the fucking shelf's? Invisible pepsi truck driving around the map?

Are the zombies restocking shit when we aren't looking?

NO MORE MAGICAL RESPAWNS! Once a town is cleared out it is cleared out until a server restart! People will be forced to navigate away from the coast.

You people SCREAM about REALISM and MILSIM but we got fucking invisible magical arms dealers cruising around throwing rifles and ammos in barns all day long.

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No item respawns isn't sustainable because a server has hundreds of unique clients connected each day. Little bit idealistic.

I think a good thing would be if you found like special forces guys dead in the woods and half eaten..that'd be a source of good equipment. etc etc, just invent clever ways to spread equipment out that make sense in the world. Maybe you find a burned out truck full of army guys and a rocket launcher.

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I think that a good mechanic would be to increase loot quality in areas with higher numbers of zombies (or increase zombie spawns in areas with better loot). No more killing 12 zombies to find some tin cans, or finding NVG in a zombieless outpost.

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No item respawns isn't sustainable because a server has hundreds of unique clients connected each day. Little bit idealistic.

I think a good thing would be if you found like special forces guys dead in the woods and half eaten..that'd be a source of good equipment. etc etc' date=' just invent clever ways to spread equipment out that make sense in the world. Maybe you find a burned out truck full of army guys and a rocket launcher.


No item respawning IS sustainable. There is a HUGE VAST map to explore. HUNDREDS of buildings. It is arguably absolutely necessary and an INTRINSIC part of a zombie/apocalyptic story/scenario.

What is the point of anything that happens if there is no need to move around any part of the map. You can find a gun and ammo, infinite food and water everywhere. Why kill someone? For what purpose? A batter gun to kill more people with to get a better gun to kill more people with? For fun?

There is no drive, no motivation, no push, no encouragement, no story driven narrative of a world destroyed by zombies.

The magical invisible coke delivery man will make everything better. Just wait for him to cast his spell and create more cola.

Banditry is a lie in a world where supplies will never be scarce and starvation is NEVER a risk running out of ammo will never happen. It is grieving and not banditry. Or utter sloth and the inability to walk 50 more feet to the nearest magical respawn point.

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By your logic seeing as how this game is insanely populated "getting there first" happened almost a month ago and all the servers would logically be picked clean.

Loot needs to respawn in a way that encourages people to explore more of the island.

As I see it a stack only respawns if it has been picked clean.

So there is a STANAG mag and two tin cans in a stack. People pick the STANAG but not the tincans.

It will not respawn until the server has restarted.

This is the reason why you only find trash everywhere as soon as the server is running a few good hours ;)

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No item respawning IS sustainable.


What is the point of anything that happens if there is no need to move around any part of the map. You can find a gun and ammo' date=' infinite food and water everywhere.


Banditry is a lie in a world where supplies will never be scarce and starvation is NEVER a risk running out of ammo will never happen.



(Abridged your post for brevity.)

I loot a building. I die. My body is in the middle of nowhere, and it despawns. The items on my body have now vanished, forever.

Eventually this would consume every item on the server, until nothing was left but cans.

It would be completely impractical to never despawn bodies, or to have a server tracking every item dropped by every player who dies (and even if it wasn't, this would lead to a server full of Makarovs and beans).

There is no practical way whatsoever to never respawn.

There just isn't.

But the fact that the server HAS to respawn items by no means is the same as free infinite everything for everyone. Tin cans will spawn 1000 times more often than night vision goggles. Rarer items will still be in harder to access or more out of the way areas. They will still disappear on player death. You will still have to risk going into dangerous areas when you're hungry and out of food.

You might not think that the current loot tables are optimal, but the game design behind them is sound.

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I loot a building. I die. My body is in the middle of nowhere' date=' and it despawns. The items on my body have now vanished, forever.

Eventually this would consume every item on the server, until nothing was left but cans.

It would be completely impractical to never despawn bodies, or to have a server tracking every item dropped by every player who dies (and even if it wasn't, this would lead to a server full of Makarovs and beans).

There is no practical way whatsoever to never respawn.

There just isn't.

But the fact that the server HAS to respawn items by no means is the same as free infinite everything for everyone. Tin cans will spawn 1000 times more often than night vision goggles. Rarer items will still be in harder to access or more out of the way areas. They will still disappear on player death. You will still have to risk going into dangerous areas when you're hungry and out of food.

You might not think that the current loot tables are optimal, but the game design behind them is sound.


I think you are miscalculating and severely underestimating the enormity of the Chernarus map. 50 towns and villages. Multiple castles and ruins. Small outposts. MULTIPLE Small settlements and farms scattered around. Not to mention areas like Green mountain and scattered factories. 225 km2.

The time it would take to consume every item on the server would probably be a few real game days. Maybe a damn week of real game time. Server restarts would be a good way to handle this problem if in fact they do ever occur. Put a timer in the Debug panel showing how long the server has been up since the last restart.

The current loot tables are way way too high. They need to be severely restricted and have respawns of items completely removed (not respawns of people if that is what you thought that I meant). The game design directly correlates to the loot tables.

I would also strongly encourage making peoples spawn points all over the map and not the bean coast to go along with this.

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Banditry is a lie in a world where supplies will never be scarce and starvation is NEVER a risk running out of ammo will never happen. It is grieving and not banditry. Or utter sloth and the inability to walk 50 more feet to the nearest magical respawn point.

You forgot hiking someplace like the infamous NW airfield, finding the weapon you were after and then popping into every server in turn to load up on the right ammo.

I think I'll like it much better when persistence isn't multi-server, at least on the same map.

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You forgot hiking someplace like the infamous NW airfield' date=' finding the weapon you were after and then popping into every server in turn to load up on the right ammo.

I think I'll like it much better when persistence isn't multi-server.


I cant think of a solution to the server hopping. I have never encountered it in a game where loot and PvP played such intrical roles. I would have to leave that up to someone smarter than me (and I am a supergenious btw).

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You forgot hiking someplace like the infamous NW airfield' date=' finding the weapon you were after and then popping into every server in turn to load up on the right ammo.

I think I'll like it much better when persistence isn't multi-server.


I cant think of a solution to the server hopping. I have never encountered it in a game where loot and PvP played such intrical roles. I would have to leave that up to someone smarter than me (and I am a supergenious btw).

Heh, I kinda thought you might be. But isn't that the solution right there? Persistence per server. Join another server you are starting from scratch again, on *that* server. Want to play the bearded lulz bandit on one and an angle of mercy, bandaging and transfusing everyone you can find on another?

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The current loot tables are way way too high. They need to be severely restricted and have respawns of items completely removed (not respawns of people if that is what you thought that I meant). The game design directly correlates to the loot tables.

I would also strongly encourage making peoples spawn points all over the map and not the bean coast to go along with this.

I admit : i laughed. You cannot be serious.

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