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About swayzesghost

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. swayzesghost

    Why this mod is the best thing to happen to PC gaming

    You probably can't. I didn't say it was a problem that could be fixed, but nobody is going to risk the resultant shit storm of trying to block ports in-game.
  2. swayzesghost

    Why this mod is the best thing to happen to PC gaming

    Unnecessarily blocking ports, especially without giving me control = direct malware behavior. I could be running an important server on those ports. It doesn't matter if i'm not. Not really comparable to video driver injection, which isn't useful for anything but recording videos and cheating.
  3. swayzesghost

    ArmA 2: CO in "Top Seller" list

    I'm about 99% certain that Arma 3 will include this mode as default. They'd honestly be stupid not to.
  4. swayzesghost

    The Importance of CHKilroy

    I bought the game because of those videos
  5. swayzesghost

    Why this mod is the best thing to happen to PC gaming

    Yes, I bent my elbows, just like these haggard zombie survivors would do. Going with the "realism" angle to protect the horrible engine isn't going to work against a logical person here, sorry. What? Why would you and your friends even be using direct chat in the first place? Unless you're trying to group up with new people you should just be using an out of game voice chat. You are truly derpy. Some people want immersion, not external programs, which are borderline cheating. Maybe you don't view it that way, I do.
  6. swayzesghost

    Why this mod is the best thing to happen to PC gaming

    Got old pretty fast to me due to the problems with the engine (can't strafe through doorways etc) and the inherent brokenness of direct chat which is why I and many other people bought the game to play this :\
  7. swayzesghost

    Loot Mechanics

    This is why loot needs to be randomized. I don't care if it's "realistic" that the best stuff is at military/airfield locations...It'd make the game a lot better if you couldn't server-hop. For now, people who focus on exploiting the weak points get a huge advantage over those who play fair.
  8. swayzesghost

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    I had no idea this thread would take off so much when I made it...I think at this point that you're mostly correct in assuming that being a murderer will mostly function as its own punishment, once proper support systems are in place to identify the criminals (body studying, direct chat, etc) The murdering has gotten a lot better in a week or so, as players get accustomed to the game.
  9. swayzesghost

    Ladders: The true scourge of DayZ

    Confirmed in last play that spamming crouch or prone a lot when you dismount the ladder helps.