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1911 now a 4 shot kill?

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I have been shooting zeds on a quest to find a soda...I have an m1911. It now takes 4 shots (body included) to kill them. I have tested this theory on over 20 zeds, same situation. Pissed away the majority of 1911 mags I had. Seriously?

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Must be lag. No way this is true. Try different server, or taking a .45 to the chest

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You must have those new Nerf bullets designed for all the carebears to have happy fun time with.

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You must have those new Nerf bullets designed for all the carebears to have happy fun time with.

lmao, probably. The server has amazingly low ping...I will try it on another server shortly. If they are gonna make this another wow clone where kiddies are catered to, im out.

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lmao, probably. The server has amazingly low ping...I will try it on another server shortly. If they are gonna make this another wow clone where kiddies are catered to, im out.

not a game, wow is a mmo, this is a skirmish based simulator with a minimod attached to it called DayZ, but on a more realistic note.. I had that problem last night, some servers have issues with the hive, hive issues are bad haha.. normally its a single shot

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Make sure you hit, make sure you hit the torso.

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lag same lag u get when picking up an item and nothing happens. you killed him on the first shot probably just the server needed catch up - in the mean time the zombie was chewing your face off

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1911 should always be one hit kill in the chest to a zed. Either you're hitting their fingers and toes or the server is lagging.

Sounds more like the server to me.

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try aiming for the middle of the collarbone. drift high it's a headshot, and most other directions it's a solid torso hit, unless you're really swinging around that muzzle. works well for me, and works from just about all angles, too.

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try aiming for the middle of the collarbone. drift high it's a headshot, and most other directions it's a solid torso hit, unless you're really swinging around that muzzle. works well for me, and works from just about all angles, too.

Just aim center mass and you should be golden - the zombie shouldn't be too far away, 'cause you're not gonna be doing any sniping with that pistol!

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Headshots ...

M1911 has got really good iron sights, you therefor have no reason not to make headshots.

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M1911 has awful iron sights (notice the front one missing entirely from visibility when aimed...). Grab a Revolver and accuracy is back, but peeps hear you more (Z's aggro at the same distance as 1911).

Either way your problem of 4 shots is either lag or aim, I vote lag, but I could be wrong ;)

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I ran up on a helicopter crash site yesterday and was trying to pick infected off at a distance, I can confirm that it takes 3-4 shots from a DISTANCE, but up close it's still 1 shot kills.

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Not had a problem running the latest beta, M1911 shots to chest kill in 1, at worst it's taken 2. The only time it's taken more than that is when I've panicked and fired off shots quickly, as long as you pace your shots z's should fall down after the server catches up with you.

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Same problem here.

M1911 and Revolver takes min 4 shots to kill a zombie for friends and me too

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This is happening to my friend and I, as well. It doesn't matter what server we're on We tried several. Dying or picking up a new 1911 doesn't fix the problem. The 1911 takes 4-5 shot to kill a zed at point blank. The 1911 is shooting like a Makarov.

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