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Minecraft gets it right. MineZ

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You maybe heard of the minecraft server mod "MineZ", if not go looking here.

It's literally DayZ just within minecraft and without guns. You still have to scavenge for food, search for equipment which randomly spawns etc.

But the reason I post here is not to advertise, but to discuss certain features of MineZ which make it a more enjoyable experience than DayZ.

Let me list those reasons here:

  1. The shouting distance is 250 blocks, which is like 2,5 miles in ArmA. Basically if you see them, you can talk to them.
  2. There is a universal "peace" sign, which is easily accessible and highly visible.
  3. If you log out, a copy of yourself stays at your current position. When you log in it vanishes. If your copy gets killed, you die as well. The copy stays for 5 minutes.
  4. Upon logging out you receive a 30 seconds ban. If you log out multiple times in a row the ban-time increases and resets again if you don't log out for a while.
  5. If you die you get banned for a minute. If you die again in an hour the banning time increases rapidly.
  6. When someone murders a fellow player, a global message appears reading "X killed Y" and you see the names of others when you hover over them.

So let me explain why I think those small adjustments make MineZ more enjoyable then DayZ.


By being able to communicate with somebody as soon as I spot them, it is much easier to identify their intentions. If they don't respond they're to avoid.

You can also team up easily with strangers, while inside a town, because everyone in town hears you and not just those in the same room with you.

I think this should be relatively easy to implement somehow.


Blocking with your sword is for MineZ, what's the question "friendly is for DayZ. It is highly visible even from afar and is fast which makes it great if you stumble upon someone else in a house.

In DayZ we also have the option to salute, but the problem is, it's clunky, takes long, leaves you vulnerably and only works with a main gun equipped. This is what makes saluting a terrible option, when you run around a corner and meet a equally scared survivor.

I'm not sure how a similar feature could be added to ArmA.

3. & 4.

This is the ultimate solution for ghosting, combat logging and loot hopping. Period.

If one gets mauled by zombies and disconnects? His copy gets mauled. If you ambush a group and they try to ghost themselves to victory? They get themselves banned for several minutes while you snipe their lifeless copys.

Those guys sitting in a fire-fighter station just switching between the servers, farming his "starting" gear together? Well it will take a lot longer if they have to wait 15 minutes after their third relog.

5. In MineZ there are fixed spawn-points, 150 people per server and lots and lots of deaths. So the spawn areas are pretty cramped, I'm not saying this is good, but you'd think it is a massacre, because everyone starts with a weapon. In DayZ it sure would. 12 guys with guns in a place? One of the will go nuts.

The death ban increases something like this: 1 min, 2,5 min, 5 min, 15 min etc. And gets reset if you don't die for an hour.

So if some survivor starts going ape shit crazy at the spawn area, he'll get banned for a while after a few deaths.

In DayZ this would also counter those who spawn, collect a basic weapon and then start hunting for other players for the fun of it.


When I say that we should add a "who killed who" message and showing the players name, I'm sure some of you start screaming "This is unrealistic, you wouldn't know in reallife, etc..."

But we all agree that the with the bandit skin we could at least figure out who was NOT a manhunter, those without a bandit skin, and that it is now just "fire on sight".

Games just try to emulate the real world, but they need some "unrealistic hacks" to convey information which they can not simulate.

For example 3rd person is a great solution to make up for the lack of spatial awareness in games.

In DayZ, right now, we can't even tell our friends apart when they have similar skins. This is neither fun nor realistic. Therefore adding names when you look at them would make DayZ, in a way, more realistic.

By displaying informative death messages people who kill a lot will get noticed. Everyone gets a kill once in a while and that won't disturb anybody, but if you see three or four kills by the same guy you be sure he's sniping.

Also going sniping will still not brand you as a bandit/killer, because only those currently on the server know about it. You have to build up a certain kind of "fame" before people recognize you as a bandit. Just like in reallife. We just created something like a "meta-humanity-system". yey

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What if you hate minecraft

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  On 7/21/2012 at 4:10 PM, FrostDMG said:

What if you hate minecraft

i laughed a bit too much at this.

Please accept my Beans.

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  On 7/21/2012 at 4:10 PM, FrostDMG said:

What if you hate minecraft

Nothing cause it has nothing to do with this. Seriously why would you care where a feature came from? Unless you are just looking for any reason to discard the suggestion.

It's like saying we should get rid of guns cause they were in call of duty and you hate it or cars because you hate need for speed. It makes no sense.

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I didn't mean to troll, but I just skimmed over the post and it seamed to me as if you were talking bout MC. I don't mind these things in DayZ, I just don't like minecraft.

Ok wtf am I on about? :\

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I love this, guy makes a post talking about things that should be implemented in Day Z, and are currently in a mod in minecraft. Never mentinos "go play this". Instantly people began saying "I don't play minecraft" in various insulting ways.

As to your suggestions OP, points 1-4 are definitely something that needs to be changed in Day Z.

Point 1 : There have been suggestions of adding a new "shout" channel. We can only hope it comes sooner rather than later.

2 : We've been asking for a new, faster "I'm friendly gesture" for a long time. Find one of the threads about it that you agree with, and support it please. :)

3&4 : This is something that the devs are currently working on, and a fix is coming soon™, just be patient.

Points 5 and 6, we really don't need, they just make the world a friendlier place. I'm not a fan of "friendlier" places myself, as I like the game being brutal. Points 1-4 give us more tools in the toolbox to make our own friends and enemies, but again, 5 and 6 aren't really needed.

Edited by Kophka
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If you hate MC you just lack imagination or are probably an elitist dick. I am a fan of both DayZ and MC. They satisfy two completely different tastes that I have. Having said that, you can't really compare DayZ and MineZ.

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I dont want DayZ to be minez or like minez. If i want minez i'll play minez. This is what is currently killing the mmo genre. Wow was successful, now every firggin game is a reskinned wow. Why cant anyone just let games be different? I understand you are just making suggestions. But so is everyone else that wants to change Dayz into every other game. At the end of the day, you people are just going to kill a game that already has direction and a vision for its future. Luckily in Rockets gamebreaker.tv interview he said just because the public wants something, if he doesnt feel its for the best, its not going in.

Edited by Nyz

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What I find amazing about Minez is that more people are generally friendly and won't kill you on sight which I would like to know why and see if there is a possible way to get that into dayz.

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  On 7/21/2012 at 5:03 PM, Nyz said:

I dont want DayZ to be minez or like minez. If i want minez i'll play minez. This is what is currently killing the mmo genre. Wow was successful, now every firggin game is a reskinned wow. Why cant anyone just let games be different? I understand you are just making suggestions. But so is everyone else that wants to change Dayz into every other game. At the end of the day, you people are just going to kill a game that already has direction and a vision for its future. Luckily in Rockets gamebreaker.tv interview he said just because the public wants something, if he doesnt feel its for the best, its not going in.

What are you talking about? Fixing the alt+f4 issue and adding better communication is suddenly going to change Dayz into Minez? What?

And the direction this game is going at this moment is FFA DM with possibility of grouping on a large map with insignificant angry olympic runners in the background and many ways to grief.

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'If you log out, a copy of yourself stays at your current position. When you log in it vanishes. If your copy gets killed, you die as well. The copy stays for 5 minutes'

This a thousand times.

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Already a very extensive conversation on basically the same topic here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/28671-what-minez-is-doing-right-and-what-dayz-could-learn-from-it/page__hl__minez

When someone murders a fellow player, a global message appears reading "X killed Y" and you see the names of others when you hover over them.

This doesn't belong in DayZ.

Otherwise the things you note are all improvements we can expect in the near future.

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Jeez, I just should have said what I think works and not explain it using the minecraft mod.

Haters gonna hate. ^_^

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Most of them just reads the title, first and last sentence and makes a reply. What did you expect?

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1,3,4 would be great.

5 would be an interesting experiment.

Don't like 2, rather have things emerge from behavior naturally.

6 I don't like. There should be some way to communicate trust and distrust among groups though, or a reputation system, because you can watch someone murder your friend from close range but you can't recognize that player later which is silly. Never mind trying to communicate to others which player murdered your friend. All are things that are extremely easy in real life. But just putting text on the screen is clumsy.

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3 has already been tried, tested and drawn back.

It caused a massive surge of duplicating items.

A person would log out, mate of his would pick stuff up from the bag of the persons copy.

Person would log back in, both would have the same items.

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This post was full of crap.

Edited by uScared

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  On 7/21/2012 at 8:01 PM, Daddy said:

3 has already been tried, tested and drawn back.

It caused a massive surge of duplicating items.

A person would log out, mate of his would pick stuff up from the bag of the persons copy.

Person would log back in, both would have the same items.

Well then he obviously should loose it? It's not the problem of the feature but of implementation?

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