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About fuastus

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  1. fuastus

    Dont know what to think of this...

    That's not what was happening at all. They were speaking to me and directly referencing their ability to walk through walls. It was happening in real time and not due to desync.
  2. fuastus

    Dont know what to think of this...

    I've seen this too... A friend and I were being silly and chasing people with axes and making horrid sounds when the two guys we were chasing started to run through walls and fences and debri. they made derogatory comments about us not knowing "the glitch". Needless to say we were quite perturbed.
  3. I'm still having severe graphical glitches anywhere that soldier bodies are present, beyond that I haven't found anything too bad so far
  4. happened around 6pm PST.... got killed in Cherno by a guy named rocket wearing rockets skin who was invincable
  5. I can't believe that asshat with the .45 shot me.... I numerous chances to kill him when he was running along the tracks and I didn't.... Not to say I didn't think about it but I didn't actually DO it lol
  6. well whatever it is it didnt do anything to me no matter how i tried lol
  7. my friend and I found one and were messing with it and I wanted to see how bad it was so I setep on it and all it did was lift me in the air a little...not matter how I tried it wouldn't do anything but clank lol
  8. fuastus

    Whenever I see a person in a ghillie suit

    I just found one at a helicopter crash like 4 days ago
  9. fuastus

    Minecraft gets it right. MineZ

    That's stupid. You're stupid. Stop being stupid.
  10. fuastus

    Hacker on US 34 Seattle

    Actually I didn't Post twice my browser freaked out while I was trying to edit the first one
  11. A player named CharlieBob killed me and 2 of my friends after spawning repeatedly in the Stary Sobor military camp after we killed him. We must have killed him 5 times and his body would disappear and then a few seconds later he would reappear in the camp and seem to know exactly where people were who HADN'T shot at him. Edit: This all happened at around 1:45 pm PST
  12. A player named CharlieBob killed me and 2 of my friends after spawning repeatedly in the Stary Sobor military camp after we killed him. We must have killed him 5 times and his body would disappear and then a few seconds later he would reappear in the camp and seem to know exactly where people were who HADN'T shot at him.
  13. fuastus

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Logged in once and couldn't see my character model and could see waypoints in the distance with other players names on them and could see those same players on the map. logged into another server and didn't see the waypoints but my ghille suit was gone and I was once again in normal survivor clothing
  14. fuastus

    So let me get this straight...

    Its already been said that these aren't zombies ( reanimated corpses ) but 'zombies' ( 28 days later - Infected and unreasoning but still alive)
  15. We literally killed until they stopped walked out side and watched 5 more spawn in down the road and when one started for us we killed in and the process started over again