[email protected] 73 Posted July 20, 2012 I agree with zetal on this one it would definatley take away from the original idea of dayz and im pretty sure it would ruin the game if they implemented the tools to build an intire underground base i mean c-mon think about it =pI'm not sure I see why, I mean I agree that it shouldn't be an easy process, but if zombie apocalypse were to happen, what would people do? Not everyone is going to become a nomad, some would want to shelter up and defend a position. At least it gives people more creative freedom and more of A reason to endure, play-ability man, play-ability.Besides I don't think anyone can expect the game to remain unchanged, it is only an Alpha, the fundamentals might stay the same but mechanics and gameplay will always change.. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wolfstriked 143 Posted July 20, 2012 Watch this video for a glimpse of underground base attack. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 73 Posted July 20, 2012 what the hell are those things saying? I wanna say "My Chair"... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hoik 415 Posted July 27, 2012 I saw the interview and Rocket seemed very enthusiastic about player-made underground bunkers. He also suggested they could be KILOMETERS in length...he likened them to Capital Ships (I think) in EVE, but as I haven't played it Im not sure what he means - I guess that it is a end game device that will require ALOT of teamwork and involves things like advamced economies and social structures...this makes sence as a end game as it is either this or extinction (for the human race) - I think if there is the 'survival' end of the scenario, there should definatly also be mechanics tp implemented to achive the flip-side of the scenario!!Personally VAST underground bunkers, with hydroponics, advanced electronics and kilometers of intersecting halls and living areas "Like the resident evil complex's" (paraphrasing Rocket from the interview) is so far from how I view dayZ in its current state as to be alien. I will have to wait and see, but for now I will remain pesemistic about the idea. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xDIx Revenge 51 Posted July 30, 2012 I see underground bases as being small holes that kind of just have a light or 2, a few storage places and thats about it. With a very primative style of structure, entrance and more. Maybe a way to store a vehicle inside, with the entrance being as obvious as tents are now.I just see it as a bit of a bigger home then a tent with no accessibility besides items right now. You can walk down in there, where its lit up, and spend some time in the light (which is obscured from above).Rocket also talked about them being instanced, so that they are not server unique. This could create game-wide economies and social structures, to which i say AWESOME.For people who are saying this is not what they saw DayZ as becoming,i ask you to expand on that. Do you not think there would be people willing to rebuild, to reform, and recreate a society that has a working order. And on the other side there are the people who want nothing but self gain, and will slaughter anything and everything in their way.People see the world differently, and would react differently in this scenario. Underground civilisations would be an awesome feature to this game, even something Metro 2033 esque. Abandoned train tunnels being inhabited by players, making trading more usable (no i dont mean i feature, i love it as it is now).Tense situations could still happen, by no means is it some safe haven. You may not like that the guy your trading with wants your M107 for his AKM. This may get bitter, and turn into a firefight/punch up (if melee is introduced as i hope it should be).It would be cool, and useful. It would open up so much of the player interactions that the game is currently missing, without just adding care-bear areas to chill out and afk chat with friends. And at the same time, a single server could entirely ignore the underground tunnels, and the game will continue as normal. Its not something that should be or will be forced, buthaving it as an option will be amazing. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grodenn 53 Posted July 30, 2012 (edited) So i'd suggest some kind of way client side that enables players to save favorite servers in order to more easily access the servers they play most.This already exists in the Six Launcher (just click the little yellow star at the left). Edited July 30, 2012 by Grodenn Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZombifiedShark 8 Posted July 30, 2012 My opinion is that it sounds wonderful and I love it. But first and foremost this supposed to be a zombie apocalypse game. He NEEDS to focus on the superman zombies that teleport, zig-zag, runaway from you, and act like the flash, and run through walls, or fix the zombies that run away from you with flash like speed and teleport behind your ass to down you faster than nazi zombies. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LifeHackz (DayZ) 17 Posted July 30, 2012 I love every idea in this so much, I really hope something like this gets added :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dimes123 60 Posted July 30, 2012 Rocket, being an avid Ex Com fan is already planning on things in the future for underground bases. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hoik 415 Posted July 30, 2012 (edited) I see underground bases as being small holes that kind of just have a light or 2, a few storage places and thats about it. With a very primative style of structure, entrance and more. Maybe a way to store a vehicle inside, with the entrance being as obvious as tents are now.Rocket also talked about them being instanced, so that they are not server unique. This could create game-wide economies and social structures, to which i say AWESOME.For people who are saying this is not what they saw DayZ as becoming,i ask you to expand on that. Do you not think there would be people willing to rebuild, to reform, and recreate a society that has a working order. And on the other side there are the people who want nothing but self gain, and will slaughter anything and everything in their way.People see the world differently, and would react differently in this scenario. Underground civilisations would be an awesome feature to this game, even something Metro 2033 esque. Abandoned train tunnels being inhabited by players, making trading more usable (no i dont mean i feature, i love it as it is now).Tense situations could still happen, by no means is it some safe haven. You may not like that the guy your trading with wants your M107 for his AKM. This may get bitter, and turn into a firefight/punch up (if melee is introduced as i hope it should be).I like the idea of building SMALL self contained shelters underground - but IMO thats as far as I'd go. I dont see why humanity would turn into a society of mole men just because a few (billion :) ) dim-witted, rotting meat-sacks have taken over the place. Its not a nuclear apocolypse, it a zombie apocalypse - the land and buildings are in no way radio active or contaminated. I mean all the inferstructure for new societies/communities is sitting there just waiting for a motivated group to restart them. Seriously, the idea of building vast underground matroplises just seem like a massive waste of effort for the minimum security (EDIT: agains other people, as that is REALLY what we are scared of) it would provide, especially on such a large scale.Is there any other reason to build underground than security?? If not than making them massive cities defeats this purpose - I think that there has to be a number of different construction options each suited to a different stage/size of a group - eg: caves, camps, huts, villages, towns, cities.There are already cities and towns - They are what should be the focus for creating large bases IMO. Why not put effort into making all the building excessible/fortofiable??See this thread for a variety of reconstruction ideas: http://dayzmod.com/f...g-ultra-thread/ Edited July 30, 2012 by Hoik Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jdblair5 170 Posted July 30, 2012 I hope this doesn't happen. I like the idea, don't get me wrong on that. But all you need to do is watch 2 minutes of the above video and you can see the issue's that will plague this whole addition. This game, or engine rather, is absolute shit for walking inside of things, up and down stairs and ladders, etc etc. I don't know, just don't see it happening. Maybe its just me, maybe I have fallen through the deck of an aircraft carrier to many times, or clipped thru a wall. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Badjr 44 Posted July 30, 2012 For anyone wishing to see the interview where Rocket talked about the implementation of Underground bases, security systems, and other ideas he's been thinking of.http://www.dayz.co/rocket-talks-to-gamebreaker-tv-about-underground-bases-and-more/ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xDIx Revenge 51 Posted July 30, 2012 I like the idea of building SMALL self contained shelters underground - but IMO thats as far as I'd go. I dont see why humanity would turn into a society of mole men just because a few (billion :) ) dim-witted, rotting meat-sacks have taken over the place. Its not a nuclear apocolypse, it a zombie apocalypse - the land and buildings are in no way radio active or contaminated. I mean all the inferstructure for new societies/communities is sitting there just waiting for a motivated group to restart them. Seriously, the idea of building vast underground matroplises just seem like a massive waste of effort for the minimum security (EDIT: agains other people, as that is REALLY what we are scared of) it would provide, especially on such a large scale.Is there any other reason to build underground than security?? If not than making them massive cities defeats this purpose - I think that there has to be a number of different construction options each suited to a different stage/size of a group - eg: caves, camps, huts, villages, towns, cities.There are already cities and towns - They are what should be the focus for creating large bases IMO. Why not put effort into making all the building excessible/fortofiable??See this thread for a variety of reconstruction ideas: http://dayzmod.com/f...g-ultra-thread/True, i didn't think that the radiation was the reasoning aha, kind of missed that part out aha.Inhabiting the cities and such would be nice, but as the zombie respawns work now that would be unsafe. Whereas underground would dampen sounds, increase safe travel, and avoid any contamination caused by the infection (RP wise).Though its not necessary, i would love to see subway stations in a future map or something, it would be quite atmospheric. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 73 Posted July 31, 2012 This already exists in the Six Launcher (just click the little yellow star at the left).Yeah I only recently discovered this when I jumped from a straight up install of DayZ to a third party program. Although I've come to the conclusion that "DayZ Commander" is far superior to Six Launcher. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 73 Posted July 31, 2012 I like the idea of building SMALL self contained shelters underground - but IMO thats as far as I'd go. I dont see why humanity would turn into a society of mole men just because a few (billion :) ) dim-witted, rotting meat-sacks have taken over the place. Its not a nuclear apocolypse, it a zombie apocalypse - the land and buildings are in no way radio active or contaminated. I mean all the inferstructure for new societies/communities is sitting there just waiting for a motivated group to restart them. Seriously, the idea of building vast underground matroplises just seem like a massive waste of effort for the minimum security (EDIT: agains other people, as that is REALLY what we are scared of) it would provide, especially on such a large scale.Is there any other reason to build underground than security?? If not than making them massive cities defeats this purpose - I think that there has to be a number of different construction options each suited to a different stage/size of a group - eg: caves, camps, huts, villages, towns, cities.There are already cities and towns - They are what should be the focus for creating large bases IMO. Why not put effort into making all the building excessible/fortofiable??See this thread for a variety of reconstruction ideas: http://dayzmod.com/f...g-ultra-thread/During the aforementioned interview, Rocket suggests that they tried tinkering around with buildings above ground, but that the general consensus was that maps would become too "cluttered" by everyone's building projects. Which presumably would have a detrimental knock-on effect to server performance. BOTH would be the best idea surely? I mean, there may well be those that in a real life situation would decide to build an epic bunker, as there would be those (probably the majority) that would favor being above ground. Implementation would be an issue i'm sure though... IMO the first step would be to enable access to ALL buildings in game, I randomly went through "Msta" the other day, 2 barns and a deer stand, out of like 20 buildings were enterable, this isn't realistic lol... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
twix (DayZ) 24 Posted July 31, 2012 Im for underground bases. Personally im leaning to a more claustrophobic environment when im going underground which should induce a paranoid state of either being in a shelther or being trapped in your own bunker. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kostuek 47 Posted July 31, 2012 Some are addicted to dungeons. But there is no reason to dig an underground base if you can just build a wall around yor favorite town. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Coloasia 1 Posted December 24, 2012 To be honest, I think underground bases would add a huge benefit to the game. Why? Because it would give people something to do other than kill players. Everyone knows that the game has become a .50 cal death match with a few zombies as spectators, with a bowl of popcorn these days, however. I have been playing on Wastelands a lot and I seem to find that I spend more time building bases, finding gear to put in it and perfecting my layout more than I do going out and gunning down everybody in my path. It is more enjoyable in my eyes.Underground bases would be great, because then you can make trade havens, safe houses, possibly hostage rooms if you are a bandit. Tents wouldn't become obsolete in my mind, mainly because you will still have to gather all of the resources to build the base in the first place. So tents would be helpful storage containers for the materials. Plus, you could possibly use the tents inside the underground base to store things.These bunkers, or whatever you want to call them should definitely have a locking system, but they should also have a way of re-opening them if you are a hostile player to the bunker I.E. Satchel charge it to kingdom come. That'll be a fun way to enter a 'safe' house. However, I doubt you would be able to log out and back into the game in the base because you probably would spawn in the ground if you went onto a different server... Maybe I am wrong there, to be honest, you'll probably log in on top of where you were originally. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rossums 2190 Posted December 24, 2012 To be honest, I think underground bases would add a huge benefit to the game. Why? Because it would give people something to do other than kill players. Everyone knows that the game has become a .50 cal death match with a few zombies as spectators, with a bowl of popcorn these days, however. I have been playing on Wastelands a lot and I seem to find that I spend more time building bases, finding gear to put in it and perfecting my layout more than I do going out and gunning down everybody in my path. It is more enjoyable in my eyes.Underground bases would be great, because then you can make trade havens, safe houses, possibly hostage rooms if you are a bandit. Tents wouldn't become obsolete in my mind, mainly because you will still have to gather all of the resources to build the base in the first place. So tents would be helpful storage containers for the materials. Plus, you could possibly use the tents inside the underground base to store things.These bunkers, or whatever you want to call them should definitely have a locking system, but they should also have a way of re-opening them if you are a hostile player to the bunker I.E. Satchel charge it to kingdom come. That'll be a fun way to enter a 'safe' house. However, I doubt you would be able to log out and back into the game in the base because you probably would spawn in the ground if you went onto a different server... Maybe I am wrong there, to be honest, you'll probably log in on top of where you were originally.Massive necro.Underground bases are already being discussed for implementation in the standalone by the developers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16190 Posted December 24, 2012 Hello thereIt's standard not to bring threads back from the dead, I'm pretty sure there are newer ones than this. But as it's xmas and you're new I'll just give you a *nose tweak* and ask you to try not to do it again.RgdsLoK Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bammer4444 0 Posted December 25, 2012 You should be able to use crowbar to open locked things. Then crowbar would actually have a purpose. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
colekern 1364 Posted December 25, 2012 That could of been an implication towards this as a standalone game or when its ported to Arma III, if, also the last I heard there was talk of expanding the mapIt's not being ported to Arma 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites