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Trakz (DayZ)

Gloabaly Banned for running Fraps

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As mentioned before, change the CD Key to one of your newer ones in your registry. All done.

how do i do that i cant figure it out wen i do it on steam it says its not valid?

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I bet OP used a script and got banned and now trying to start a sob story of fraps getting him banned.

i did use the script and i did get banned but it was only 12 hours and then i started playing again and started recording footage for my youtube channel and then i got banned again this aint no sob story i learned my lesson the first time its not worth having some extra weapons and a dirt bike its more fun and exciting actualy moving on in the game and meeting people

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i did use the script and i did get banned but it was only 12 hours and then i started playing again and started recording footage for my youtube channel and then i got banned again this aint no sob story i learned my lesson the first time its not worth having some extra weapons and a dirt bike its more fun and exciting actualy moving on in the game and meeting people

This here, if a overlay gets you banned... I should be banned from ever playing again, I run fraps and playclaw everytime I launch if those aren't running Xsplit or Dxtory will be launched as well as steam..

When you were first banned, did you get rid of all the dirty stuff you had to inject your script?

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BE is utter shit,

No you can't, you're retarded. I use fraps, overwolf AND skype (That's three fucking overlays motherfucker). Stop being dumb.

Maybe you should read up on Overlays or the TS warning in it's setup...

Edited by Gaidoon

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Your obviously lieing and your not the only one with the FRAPS excuse i run fraps everyday so.

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fraps has to be the most common excuse not just for dayz/arma but for bf3, css, tf2 and many more.

You hacked and you know it :)

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Just because you folks haven't had issues with Fraps and DayZ doesn't mean someone else hasn't. Fraps is known to have issues with Punkbuster. I've experienced them myself. Goes without saying the same issues could be present with BattleEye. I've yet to have those issues with Fraps and DayZ, but I wouldn't be surprised if I have them later at some point.

Edited by marik

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Just because you folks haven't had issues with Fraps and DayZ doesn't mean someone else hasn't. Fraps is known to have issues with Punkbuster. I've experienced them myself. Goes without saying the same issues could be present with BattleEye. I've yet to have those issues with Fraps and DayZ, but I wouldn't be surprised if I have them later at some point.


If you are globally banned, read the following rules before sending in a support request. If you don't follow these rules your request/e-mail will be ignored! Otherwise your individual case will be carefully investigated.

  • No one is banned for using non-hack programs (like Fraps, overlays, etc.), picking up or using hacked in-game items, weapons or vehicles, being on a server at the same time as a cheater, or other passive non-cheating activity. Therefore all requests mentioning these things as possible reasons for the global ban are ignored.
  • A shared or stolen cd-key is no excuse. It's your own responsibility to ensure that no one else has access to it.
  • Include your exact (!) global ban ID. The ID is shown in your global ban message ("Global Ban #ID"). If you don't include it your request will be ignored.
  • Do not tell stories. Whatever you are saying about yourself or your situation won't matter. The only thing that matters is the evidence that is gathered for every global ban issued.
  • Do not ask for the evidence behind your ban. No details about it will be revealed. Hackers would love to have access to this information.
  • Do not beg for mercy. If you cheated you will have to live with the consequences. Global bans are permanent and no exceptions will be made.
  • Questions regarding how exactly to get unbanned will be ignored. No support will be given on how to buy a new game or change your cd-key.

Again, if you don't follow these rules your request will be ignored!

Note that you will not receive a response if the evidence clearly indicates that you or someone else using your cd-key cheated. It doesn't matter if you only cheated on your own private server. Cheating on BE-enabled servers is forbidden, period.

Taken from a orlok's post in http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/43071-global-banned/ - Sorry for not asking Orlok

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I haven't been banned from any server even if I would've had FRAPS on at the same time.

Neither have I gotten banned for running Mumble (Mumble has an overlay too) even though I have Mumble on all the time I play DayZ so I can chat with the people I'm playing with.

You used scripts/hacks, you got banned. There is nothing you can do about it except changing the registry key to your new one.

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I direct your questions about Fraps causing globans bans to http://www.battleye.com/support.html

Please don't hack, it is very bad and then if you do, do it please don't complain as there is nothing the DayZ team can do about repealling a global ban apart from post unhelpful memes.

Also posting you have a global ban and swearing your innocence does not convince everyone you are innocent..... Please if you have a genuine issue with the global ban because you GENUINELY haven't used hacks get in touch with battle eye (link above). Failing that it just wasting your time posting on this forum, as we can't help you with global bans.

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so in other words im Effed and no point even thinking about it?

Did you even read the posts?

Edit your registry and replace the CD-key there with one of the versions you purchased.

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no problems with fraps until now,

do i have to worry to get banned?!

just filmed with fraps some bugs (f.e.) jumping with a quad over electro like 200 mtrs

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Hacks rhymes with fraps (well sort of) but there the similarity ends

Edited by {SAS}Stalker

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I run FRAPS or BANDICAM every day with no issues. It worries me that it may lead to getting banned but so far it hasn't happened. Reading the more sensible posts in this thread it would seem I have no reason to worry either. Sounds to me like another hacker swinging a sob story in order to get unbanned? Typical

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Hmmm.... are you this stupid? BE added support for fraps in 93*** and only kick before that.

I record all of my play time (100 hours last week) with fraps, no ban.

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Ive been globaly banned for 4 days now after running fraps i did some research online apparently im not the only one this has happened to i tryed buying a new version of the game on steam and still global banned i baught 3 diffrent copys of OA and still global banned on all of them im out of idea i dont know what to do...

You are probobly the most pathetic cheater i have ever heard of...


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Here's a little tip* for those of you who wants to run Fraps, but are afraid of getting perma banned by BattleEye, don't be an effing idiot and cheat you sorry ahole while you run Fraps.

*This tip also applies to chat overday programs.

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You either cheated and got banned or you're just... Screwed. You know you can export import keys for OA in regedit if you did buy those copies.

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ugh...so many idiots here helping this hacker get un-banned.

The only idiot here is you. No one can help him get unbanned except BattlEye.

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They don't ban for FRAPS. I've been kicked for running PlayClaw a couple times, but never got banned.

Edited by KizUrazgubi

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