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Dr Wasteland MD

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Big thanks to fellow medic Valkyrie for patching me up, really good of you man.

No problem man, any time again :)

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Well, i was in stary sobor, trying to find a weapon as i had been coming back to my camp after heading south for a trade. A guy shoots me in the back while i was searching the tents, i get scared because i know i'm done for, then the power in my house goes out.

You can kinda guess that i'm annoyed simply because it makes me seem like i wanted to avoid death when i was just going to take it with a pinch of salt and just find some new stuff (or head back to my camp, whichever one happens first.), but nope, power outage.

After resetting the breaker, i turned the comp back on, started up DayZ, and came on to my reg server and found i was unconsious and bleeding out.

If someone's at the military tents by stary sobor, could you bandage me and give me a epi-pen? i also have broken legs, so a morphine injector would be ideal as well.

Power outages really suck. -_- Then again, so does getting shot for no good reason after trying to find painkillers.

Edit: Neglected to include my Skype in order to contact me, it's jteller77

Edited by Blackout

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i need some help in cherno. PM me for more info please.

Never mind. sorry to bother you... i died some how when i was logging in.

Edited by Davirusdb99

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Still on the scene liek a sex machine, heading to cherno for a friend then hit me up please on steam


Or go into this ts, ts.mantisclan.com and go to the mantis medical team

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I can help people tha are near cherno Please pm me if you need help I can help tommorrow

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So, this happened to me earlier today:


Basically, I fell off the hospital roof in Berezino and was screwed. I asked for assistance from a medic who had offered help here on the forums; Valkyrie.

He ran for an hour from south to north to reach me, revived me with an epi-pen, fixed my broken leg, then helped me get supplies in the supermarket and hospital. Above and beyond IMO, was pretty awesome.

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Still rolling around chernarus. Currently in chero party of 3, if you need help hit me up on Skype or Steam, OGSweg.

No Distance is too far, especially since i'm about to get an Ambulance.

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yo, i just broke my legs. i am in the fire station at the NW air fields. can anyone help?

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Me and the Squad are in the air !

Give us a shout if you need medical assisstance!

or hit us up on our team speak! :) ts.dayzmedics.com

Happy Gaming <3

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If you need medical assistance, we are currently seeking patients. Come to our TeamSpeak, address: ts.dayzmedics.com

Send me a poke if you need help.

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Man, I could have used you guys earlier today. My best character in terms of gear and I got hit by a sniper at NW Airfield. I was down to 1k blood trying to walk across the land. Ran out of food, had no friends and couldn't find anything due to vision and passing out. Needless to say I died...right after finding my very first downed chopper, too. :(

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hey guys, im in a need of morphine, i broke my legs while i was lootin a barn near bor, really close to zelenogorskaccidentzg.jpg

im at that barn in the midlle of the screenshot.

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hey guys, im in a need of morphine, i broke my legs while i was lootin a barn near bor, really close to zelenogorskaccidentzg.jpg

im at that barn in the midlle of the screenshot.

Pm'd you. Help is available.

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Im bleeding and out of bandages just north of elektro at the fire station. I entered the shack next to it to pick up a tire, at which point another player walked near and a zombie spawned inside the building I was in. The zombie hit me while I was kneeling and made me bleed first hit. I looked near to see if I could find a bandage but none were around so I retreated to a corner and logged off. I haven't been able to play for almost a week because of this, anyone wanna help me out?

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If anyone is online, I could use some help south of MSTA... Im at 2K blood and cannot see to hunt or forage :((

Add me on Skype: Stonedmonkey0056, or Steam: Orlyy0056. I'd like if you could use Skype more, though. Makes me feel safer.

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