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Dr Wasteland MD

Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

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i need medical assistance, i am dying of thirst...

yeah i know it sounds retarded, im relatively new to the game and didnt bother to grab the soda when i had a chance.

tried adding some medics but all of them are offline.

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Brian @ RMG saved my life. He was very helpful, walked for a full 30 minutes to get to where I was. These guys are great!

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My steam ID is Ryoshikage, If you can drop me morphine I'll gladly give you ammo or whatever you need!

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I'd like to join this medic team/squad :D I saved my first random person today and that felt much better than killing him. Turns out he was new to the game so I teamed up with him. Now I have a new buddy to play DayZ with! wooo~

steam: s0larus

ingame name: Bad Robot / Bad Koala

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Fellow medic needs assistance, badly. For now, I found shelter in a small industrial complex near vybor (the one with the chimney, east exit) but I'm down to 650 blood and no morphine to treat that immobilizing pain in my leg.

/has been taken care of. thanks bumble

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80% off the help needing ones here are probably bandits. So u help them murder other players.

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any medics online: i need morphine x2, steamID: kadskirata1, message me on steam for more info

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I see you registered with us' date=' but you never completed the RMA form... Were on stand-by waiting to help ya!

.. some fill out the form and then vansih and have no response to our emails/ims/skype calls, etc.. I have a handful of RMAs im going to just trash by tonight. If you or anyone else has submitted one, please get back to us.. I really dont like running 9k meters to meet you and then have to go help someone else that is also not online!


I filled one out last night, but didn't see that someone was trying to IM me via your website. I was expecting a skype call, I didn't even realize the site has an IM. Sorry I didn't see it.

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To the Medics, I have one box of Antibiotics and am willing to give them, though, I would prefer a trade. I am also up for running as a supplier or security. Details below.

To all Survivors and, I am somewhat reluctant to say this, Bandits, I am willing to provide medical services so as long as you can guarantee me you will not shoot me. I value what I've managed to scrounge up in the face of both flesh eating undead and trigger happy players. Details below.

My credentials is the one player I gave Morphine to in Komarovo on a NZ/ ANZ server. I actually was just popping over to Cherno to get some Morphine for myself (a lil incident in Pavlovo forced me to use my tiny medical supplies) till this poor fella was begging for a good half and hour. Tempting as it was to ignore him, there was no way he could make it to Cherno before dying to zeds or a player. So, I took a chance, made the short trip, patched him up, gave some food and a spare water bottle and then disappeared back into the hills. Player's name was Tatta-something. I called him Tattas (good thing too, he picked a female skin. Could've been a female but there was no voice so...).

I will tell you this, it felt good to help and I want to do it again. So, I guess that's why I'm making this long post and risking my character's life. Cause everyone ingame deserves a second chance. Within reason of course.


Servers I play - Mostly NZ/ANZ. I can sometimes hit the US servers. Have yet to try a EU server.

Regarding the Antibiotics and other services - pzrapnbeast has me as a friend on Steam. I'll PM him whenever he's free.

Regarding medical help - I'll figure something out. Most likely I'll contact you.

So yeah, that's about it and sorry for the long post. I hope I will be of service to the players.

EDIT: Brian @ RMG, are you guys at RMG recruiting for medics, runners or security? Cause I would like to roll with some players and know someone has my back instead of being constantly paranoid. PM me?

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Thanks so much to Brian from RMG. Saved my life.

Faith in humanity: restored.

At least until the next time I get sniped from 500+ meters.

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Dr. Mewz has done it again! Traveled idk how far, now my bones are fixed! keep up the good work guys!

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Anyone able to help me with some morphine SW of Pustoshka? I would be very grateful as I have some good gear that I'd rather not lose to a broken leg. Have submitted a medical assistance form on RMG but no reply yet. Steam ID is : WilboFraggins. Thanks :)

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Anyone able to help me with some morphine SW of Pustoshka? I would be very grateful as I have some good gear that I'd rather not lose to a broken leg. Have submitted a medical assistance form on RMG but no reply yet. Steam ID is : WilboFraggins. Thanks :)

you should contact brian at RMG. he will help you. he just saved me from a broken bone and massive blood loss. he was out of blood bags so he went into the woods and cooked some meat and got my blood level back to a reasonable level. if you have skype you should msg him.

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I don't suppose anyone could please spare 1x morphine and some food just East of Pogorevka could they? A blood bag would be awesome too as my blood level isn't too great! :(

I can give an Epi-pen in return so you can save someone else :D

PM on here or add me on steam (username hippy)

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Dr.Mew is really really awesome :D He saved me from death; transfused, gave me morphine and bandages! A really great guy.

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I can only say good things about pzrapnbeast. He gave me morphine just when I needed it, helped me back up with a transfusion and even warned me of incoming hostiles.

Thanks a lot dude!

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I received a blood transfusion from Dr. Mews yesterday. I contacted him, he said where/when and we met up. He asked to put my gun down and gave me a transfusion, he the rode off in the sunset. Great guy!

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Anyone able to help me with some morphine SW of Pustoshka? I would be very grateful as I have some good gear that I'd rather not lose to a broken leg. Have submitted a medical assistance form on RMG but no reply yet. Steam ID is : WilboFraggins. Thanks :)

ive tried contacting you numerous times Fraggins. Im out of options here..

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Anyone able to help me with some morphine SW of Pustoshka? I would be very grateful as I have some good gear that I'd rather not lose to a broken leg. Have submitted a medical assistance form on RMG but no reply yet. Steam ID is : WilboFraggins. Thanks :)

ive tried contacting you numerous times Fraggins. Im out of options here..

Sorry Brian, I was afk. If you still have time I'm ready now.

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stuck in stary sobor with only 400 blood hit me help on steam if you can help with a blood transfusion steam name [TEAM FAIL] teenkiller

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Low on blood, I have the supply just need someone to transfuse for me. Berenzino docks, seattle server.

Anyone able to help out?

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80% off the help needing ones here are probably bandits. So u help them murder other players.

This actually made me laugh.

Maybe you should try it first, and you'll realize that most people we help are just trying to make it day to day, not bloodthirsty bandits looking for a quick patch up. Besides, there's no possible way to screen patients for hostility, so we have no choice but to help as many as possible, in the safest way possible.

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