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Dr Wasteland MD

Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

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Just wanted to re-iterate that the BEST way of getting a Medic ASAP is to hop on the teamspeak server and join one of the Help Needed channels. I will be there to talk to you within 5 minutes and medics may get there faster if they see you.

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In the vicinity of Cherno with antibiotics, blood bags, morphine, and painkillers. PM here or add me on steam if you need assistance.

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No lingor medics? :(

If I had any recent encounters I could report here for an application, I'd love to assist others playing Lingor.

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Okay, uhmmmm I'm new to this and he told me to do this so here it goes.

In-game name: Bambi Hero

Okay so the situation went like this. . .

I'm a freshly new player xD I spawned at the coast. He tells me Cherno. So I went scavenging around in the city found a general store, he says super market but that place is way to small and I found some food. Upon leaving I hear footsteps and I come face to face with a guy. He says "friendly" by using direct chat and holding caps (which I later find out) and not knowing what to do I just sit there after awhile of staring he fires a shot at me. I think he was using a glock or m9 or something. I get hit, luckily that was his one shot in that mag apparently. So right after him hitting me I run away while he his reloading. I dash to the hills to the left side of the market and pass a little power-station thingy and up a hill to a open plain. Still bleeding I realize I don't have any bandages. I then check to see that I have 3k blood and after about 2 and a half K left I pass out unconscious. The shooter is no-where to be seen (thank god). Then while accepting and waiting for my death a guy (Bambi Hero) I later find out, makes it to me and bandages and gives me a "epi-pen" <---huh? I wake, on the ground prone doing like a switching gun form as he re-fills my blood. He then says, "You okay now? I was watching what happened at the super market and everything, I was posted up at a hill near this one". "Use "," to cycle to direct then hold caps or double tap to keep it on to chat, he types in (I later find out direct chat). After awhile of him and me playing and chatting. He sets me up with some gear he has at a tent, he led me to and said "good luck" and sent me on my way so as to make sure I wouldn't come back and raid his gear.(I guess). He loaded the stuff in that tent into a car he has and took the tent and drove off.

Again his in-game name is Bambi Hero and he seemed really enthusiastic as he was typing to me to do this and what he would reap from it.

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I want to save someone. But searching for guys, who need help, often lead to firefights with even more dead bodies. Sometimes, ofc, luck on my side, but it's rathers exception. Like today in Cherno. Lol, not even saved 1 guy, but killed another, meanwhile patient died. So, PM me today later/tomorrow, name Ur coords and condition, I'll pick server. Can heal anything, even desease.

Have transport. Distance is no problem for me.

Edited by Citizen X

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I know this sounds kinda fishy because im at the NW airfield, but I was trying to shoot down a chopper full of bandits, when suddenly I got overwhelmed by zombies, and knocked out bleeding.

Add me on steam: stealthking95, my current name is "The Operator"

I would really appreciate it!


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That picture's REALLY convincing.

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I was in need of help, and coldbum came a long way out of his way to help, was a very friendly and patient guy. Not only did he save me from running out of blood, but he also helped me gear up and find the coyote backpack, g11, and alot of other nice things. Thanks so much Coldbum!

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I am a ]CIA[ medic offering my assistance to the public. Our medics are fully stocked and will answer the call ASAP. Because we have so many members we are on almost 24/7 and are always willing to help. We mainly operate to the west but will travel. All services are free. There are many ways to contact us. Our Teamspeak3 (Join Arma2>Requesting medical) TS info is Also CIAgaming.org ( our members constantly monitor the forums and Pms. or you can contact me directly thru pm on here or on skype @ CIA.Stoka788. All of our medics are armed and are accompanied by a escort.

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many thanks to shohu for driving all the way from cherno to the nw airfield to save me yesterday. i understand he wishes to join TMW as a medic, I think he'd make an excellent one.

also thanks to all the TMW guys, I find myself on their teamspeak 90% of the time I'm playing Day Z; they are a great bunch of guys to play with.

long live TMW!

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Hello Medics

Im in need of assistens. I got shot while running towards cherno and fell into infinite unconsciousness. Im about 400 meters north of cherno. It should be pretty easy to find me becouse I got some landmarks close bye and I can give approximate GPS cords. I got a epipen in my bag. Only problem is Im in a gilliesuit. Please PM me or wright in this thread if you want to help me. Thanks

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I want to thank Mouse Denton for comming and saving me from my koma, I was infinite unconscious in a no zombie zon in a gilliesuit....I could have been laying there for days.

Mouse is a boss about reading maps, I discribed where I thought I was and he told me the cords he thought I meant and it was spot on. litarary, proper spot on!

Very good job Mouse, Im impressed and thankfull. Thanks for the wake up and blood

I also want to thank Stoka788 for offering me assistence, however Mouse was already on his way to help but thanks alot anyway stoka.

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I'm sorry if I'm not supposed to post here asking for help, but my attempts to contact some of the whitelisted members have failed.

I'm in the woods near the NW Airfield and am in need of a transfusion. I'm willing to meet someone in another location if necessary, but my vision is blurred so navigation may be difficult.

In game name and Steam name are in my sig.

If anyone decides to help me, thank you. :)

EDIT: My life has been saved by MouseDenton. Major thanks man, I really appreciate it. Gotta love the medics. <3

Edited by Tabris07

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Big thanks to Shohu. He ran 10 kilometres for me only to give me a blood pack in Elektro. Not only that he tried to give me a gps and some night vision goggles after it, but he also taught me a lot of the Dayz world and this organisation in general.

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i picked up 2 antibotics they are for any medic who wants them.

im on steam garethjones83

happy helping

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I just wanted to give my Beans to D34DM00S3 (if i remember his nickname correctly), who helped me fixing my legs near elektro after a firefight with a bandit.

hence he didn't have any morphine on him, he ran to the elektro hospital , had to shoot the windows and came back for me and even gave me some other supplies.

thanks a lot dude

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Many many many Thanks to Dispatcher TMW rtm416 and Medic TMW Greylien for saving my sorry ass in Chernarus! Thanks guys! :)

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Hi there, I need a medic again. I'm in elektro, near the hospital. Unsuspected I ran out of bandages. I tried shooting the windows twice, but nothing happend. Since I lost a lot of blood in this time, an the zeds done some damage, too, I'm now near dead and need someone with bandages! who then hooks me up to the bloodpack I got on me and still couldn't use the whole time.

Edited by Fractal

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Fellas, I am in dire straights. I have the sickness from a zombie bite, and while I have some items, I need to have antibiotics administered.

I am a hero with zero murders and +1 in the trading thread, I will not shoot you.

I am in Gorka, and would prefer not to risk long distance travel with the perpetual bloodloss.

Please PM me if you would like to help.

Edit: I was rescued by the boys from ]CIA[! These dudes were some professionals:

I got on their TS server ( and moved myself into the request assistance room. No joke, less than a minute goes by and some very busy sounding guys asks "Where are you at". He is all business, informs me they (the medic's bodyguard and medic) have anything I need, and that they're on their way (6km away) in a truck they've just fueled up. I offer 3 full jerry cams that I just looted, but the offer is declined. Within minutes they're in the barn I'm hiding in, giving me a blood transfusion and supplying me with antibiotics for my sickness. Out of courtesy, I offered to drop my gun, but they declined, and instead I chose to aim it at the ground and not move while they were on the scene.

This was my first rescue-by-stranger in DayZ, and it was awesome! ]CIA[ guys were great.

Edited by klesh

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