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Dr Wasteland MD

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Fameus just helped me out, came to NW airfield especially for me to fix a broken leg and blood loss, whilst I was unconsciouss. Gave me a blood transfusion and a pair of night vision goggles. Recommended and trusted!

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WARNING TO THE MEDICS OF THE WASTELAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Beware of the Dayz Coma, idk if an epipen will work but if it doesn't the only medication is a bullet to the head. I will update you on a fix for the coma when my buddy gets to me:

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I've got a problem.

I crashed my hatchback into a roadblock Mogilevka, it exploded, and me and my brother need help. I've got 300 blood, and he has 1800. We are near a roadblock on the south road leading in and are bleeding and unconscious. I'll be in the teamspeak.

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Just some advice. When your walking upstairs for example at Zub, don't look away to respond to someone while holding down the keyboard keys lolz. Cuz you'll walk right off like I did and have to run back to your dumb dead body lolz. Such a noob move on my part but Big thanks to Eric for guarding my body yet again ;)

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Hit me up on steam OGSweg, ill help you king.

and no problem grim anytime :)

Edit: operating near Novy, msg me on steam if you need help, no where is too far for Moose and Morris!


Edited by OGSweg

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Hello medics,

Well, this is embarrasing. While transfering some things between camps (mostly munitions) the server restarted and i appeared on the coast. Long story short i'm dying of hunger lol, anyone in prigorski/elecktro area that can give me food?

I'll give you some of the stuff i was transfering (mostly stanag mags, lots of em) for the trouble.

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hit me up on steam OGSweg

Actually forget it i'll make a run for it, should be able to get there before i drop dead.

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Fellow medic in need of help in Cherno across form hospital in the apartments, went looting some supplies in the supermarket and some bandit was in there we fired a few rounds into each other before i managed to land ahead shot. he messed me up pretty bad im on 2800 blood and slipping in and out of consciousness. any supplies used will be returned to you also I'm willing to log onto any server.

Please help.

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Two man team giving free rides/support to Whitelisted Medics. PM with Interest.

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umm i need medical assistance badly i am at 700 blood in elektro, any responders? i can fill u in if anyone can/will help me. thanks

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Experienced killer looking to guard and over watch any medics on their missons.

Got a wide variety of guns, usually run with L85/AS50 in a ghillie.

Hit me up on steam if you want someone watching your back : Saltypants

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Big thanks to fellow medic Valkyrie for patching me up, really good of you man.

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