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Dr Wasteland MD

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Thank you very much Dutch Miller. Amazing service you guys provide. Wish there was someway I could pay back for the bloodpack.

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Hey guys, I'm in need of a little help.

I got into a tussle with some zeds around Komarovo not long after respawning, and managed to escape with ~8300 blood and a broken bone.

The only problem is that I don't have much outside of the basic starting equipment and a hatchet I picked up just before getting my legs kicked in.

I'm currently lying prone in the grass next to the S-bend in the road just outside of Komarovo, and would really appreciate some medical assistance.

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Hey guys, I'm in need of a little help.

I got into a tussle with some zeds around Komarovo not long after respawning, and managed to escape with ~8300 blood and a broken bone.

The only problem is that I don't have much outside of the basic starting equipment and a hatchet I picked up just before getting my legs kicked in.

I'm currently lying prone in the grass next to the S-bend in the road just outside of Komarovo, and would really appreciate some medical assistance.

I'm in Balota now, I can head down to Komarovo, add me on Steam below :)

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Any medic's online that could help me near Grishno? Sitting at 2.7k blood and could use a transfusion and a can of food.

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I have to say, I'm really satisfied with the service. Seeing a couple of people approaching, knowing they were here to help (and NOT shoot me) felt great.

If I cross paths with you folks again and I'm not injured, I'll be more than happy to provide cover until your job's complete.

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Hey there, Whitelist. How's it going?

If any of you guys are near the NWAF, ill appreciate a blood transfusion. I'm willing to trade some supplies for the service and will restock your medical supplies.

Steam: cruelity1

Skype: Excleration

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Zaebos here on duty and standing by for any medical requests :) I currently work in the NW but I am near Cherno at the moment. If anyone can give me a lift to NW I would really appreciate it :)

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So... I have restocked my supplies and can patch up some people again. Currently I am between Polana and Stary, contact me if you are in need of help.

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The Shaper of Soul's is here and reporting for duty! Add me on Steam for instant response: SoulShaper2

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Hey there, Whitelist. How's it going?

If any of you guys are near the NWAF, ill appreciate a blood transfusion. I'm willing to trade some supplies for the service and will restock your medical supplies.

Steam: cruelity1

Skype: Excleration


We are in the location

please skype me


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Any TMW's that need Support help.. im in Service add me on Steam only if you are TMW.. All the White Listed can ask for Supplys but it depends on if i have a misson for a TMW member or not....

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Hey there, Whitelist. How's it going?

If any of you guys are near the NWAF, ill appreciate a blood transfusion. I'm willing to trade some supplies for the service and will restock your medical supplies.

Steam: cruelity1

Skype: Excleration

I got this one, fully patched up, also gave him a gillie suit.

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I'm entirely out of food (flashing bad!) and just had some zeds scratching the ever-living heck out of me. Could use some assistance. Please message me via steam if you're able to help! Steam name is faintpulse.

Edited by faintpulse

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I'm entirely out of food (flashing bad!) and just had some zeds scratching the ever-living heck out of me. Could use some assistance. Please message me via steam if you're able to help! Steam name is faintpulse.

Skype me

Have pm'd you

Help is on the way. Give location on skype please.

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Thanks again Fraggle!

No prob's, that was good timing!

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Ready to heal people at NWAF

Toss me a steam invite or something.

Also have spare gillie suits and camo clothing for those who I heal :P

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I'm now between NWAF and Stary, contact me of you are in the area and need some blood.

Edited by Antariuk

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I'm around the Berezino / NEAF area. If you need help, hit me up on steam (see signature). (yes, that was an E in NEAF ;))

Edited by Moktor

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