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Dr Wasteland MD

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I can help you out, im not a medic but im close.

add me in steam pls

or tell me your steam name

i am at first floor and it is totally safe !

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Mobile and available again, and once more happy to rush to the aid of those who cannot rescue themselves.

Operating in the right half of the map if you draw the divide from Kamenka to Berezino.

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I'm in Mogilevka with plenty of medical supplies if anyone needs help (trying to build up credit as a medic).

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The Dr. is in! I'm operating a MASH unit west side of map. Add me on Steam if u need me!

Just throwing this out there. man, I just found 2 vehicles within a km of each other! Woot! But, they both need everything... wheels, engine, fuel... bummer

I'm still looking to medic someone, west side of map

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10000000 "thank you"-greetings to pizzaman, fast delivery and customer satisfaction was a fat 10 of 10 ! :) if ever in need contact me, i will try all i can to help (also to other central european players.....contact me...i am no pro and great pvp-player but i know how to find stuff :) man, i could take orders....think that could work ? like travelin merchant ? *g* .. i will think about it ! (or are there some already??? pls info if so!)

man you really safed my ass, as said i got shot down by a guy i knew and he stole all my stuff including my m4 silenced and then laughd, i had helped that kid with his computer for hours and ....wah i am so pissed....so if someone has a guy named adamkryy running through his scope .....do me the favor and shoot him. or cut him to pieces with your hatchet. and dont forget to send me a screen so i can make a poster out of it :)

game got a new component : manhunting ! niiiice !

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This is Soul reporting for duty, got any medical issues on the NE side of the map? Hit me up!

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Guy called Kowalski responded to my earlier post back a page or two, was en route within 10 minutes and gave me a much needed transfusion and piece of food within 20. Top bloke, professional, very helpful. Would give him my beans, deserves a whitelist spot!

Glad to help Sam -

And what do they say about Karma? I found a Ghillie in the first apartment block I went in before I found you.

And my zombie kills went up quite a bit getting out of that building!

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Unconcious and bleeding in one of the hangars in NWAF i'm at 2k blood. Need to be bandaged, blood tranfused and i am also infected so i'd need some antibiotics(optional).

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Unconcious and bleeding in one of the hangars in NWAF i'm at 2k blood. Need to be bandaged, blood tranfused and i am also infected so i'd need some antibiotics(optional).

Sent you a PM.

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Hello,i need an Epi-Pen im unconcious and the Timer is bugged,it would be great if one of you guys could come to me.

Greetings TheZombieHater.

were you at i got some

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Firstly I'd like to thank Trooper for coming to my aid numerous times in the past, for giving me some great tips and equipment, and just generally for being fantastic!

I'd also like to thank bernd and zaebos for coming to my rescue today, they're great guys, very patient, very generous and very entertaining! Definitely people you can trust, and they're definitely worthy of beans. I hope to work more with you guys in the future!

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Once again, TMW´s are my heroes. Soul rescued me once again. Without him i would be dead already. I owe you something once again. Thanks

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Hey. I got attacked by a zombie and broke my leg. Im at the northwest middle of vybar and puthoshka(?) please help i need morphine.

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Firstly I'd like to thank Trooper for coming to my aid numerous times in the past, for giving me some great tips and equipment, and just generally for being fantastic!

I'd also like to thank bernd and zaebos for coming to my rescue today, they're great guys, very patient, very generous and very entertaining! Definitely people you can trust, and they're definitely worthy of beans. I hope to work more with you guys in the future!

That job was amazing!

A quick recap: bernd and I make our way to vybor and decide to move along the tree lines away from the open fields. We cross an open field to a hill. At the is time we were talking about if we ever came across decent, nice players when a guy in a ghillie suit jumps us and tells us to freeze. We state we are friendly and inform him we are trying to save a patient in vybor. He decides not to shoot and we get chatting. He runs off to get a vehicle and some supplies for us. This is where things get real interesting. After bernd and I have some connection issues, dogmaster tells us that shark (the ghillie who jumped us) gave him some medical attention and is off to find his friend to secure the town for us! Bernd and I reach vybor and with the aid of shark and his friend grant he secure vybor. He stand by the store picking off zeds. Shark tells us to take whatever we want from the ATV. I was happy to accept until I saw what he was giving away! An AS50, range finders, and 2 ghillie suits! I felt so bad taking them but he insisted! And to top it off he said we can have the ATV too! All of us were in total shock after this!

I want to thank the 2 ghillie players that helped us, Shark and Grant. 2 of the nicest players I have ever met!

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Nvm - Someone else on it.

Edited by MrKraken

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Hello I am in elektro supermarket and am on 3K blood I just need a transfusion, I do have a blood pack and will also pay you for it, I do have some pretty useful loot. Thanks.

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Available to provide a protection service for any medics in the NW and NE area. Able to provide effective overwatch for any medic who needs it.

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Bandits killed: 1

Reward: Vehicles to add to my collection!

It was weird though. I was riding my bicycle along the west (as you do) and noticed a white car. I went up to it and suddenly this guy in a ghillie suit pops up infront of me (must've just logged on) and I panicked, ejected from the bike and unloaded my AS50 into him before he could even aim at me. I wasn't guilty at all when I saw he was a bandit :P

I'll probably be on for a bit later to help some people in need.

Edited by .Trooper.
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Hello I am in elektro supermarket and am on 3K blood I just need a transfusion, I do have a blood pack and will also pay you for it, I do have some pretty useful loot. Thanks.

I'm able to help you.

Add me on steam:


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I also need help in elektro...first game I'm doing well in cept for all this blood I seem to have lost.

I'm Num43 and I'm near the docks. got all sorts of stuff to pay with

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Hi guys, looking for some morphine outside Zelenogorsk (West/SouthWest) as I have broken legs and seem to be a long way from a hospital. I can't offer much in the way of a reward other than basic provisions. Would be much appreciated.

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Hi guys, looking for some morphine outside Zelenogorsk (West/SouthWest) as I have broken legs and seem to be a long way from a hospital. I can't offer much in the way of a reward other than basic provisions. Would be much appreciated.

Pm me. I will get on and notify you of the server.

I carry blood, food and morphine ( thanks to the amazing Shark and his buddies).

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