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Dr Wasteland MD

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I could use a hand at the gas station in Vybor, my legs are broken. I'm otherwise perfectly healthy :D Can anyone help?

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I could use a hand at the gas station in Vybor, my legs are broken. I'm otherwise perfectly healthy :D Can anyone help?

OK on my way to Vybor, then can help others in the area.

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Need antibiotics in Berezino, hospital wont spawn any.. please help!

I just saw this, I have some if you'd like. I'm in the city, add my steam ID


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Hey, you still need assistance?

Herschel is on his way to take care of it. Thank you though.

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Whitelist Medic up and running for about an hour or so. Post in this thread or PM me if you need a hand.

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Just wanted to let everyone know that Hershel hooked me up and took care of my medical needs. Thank you for all of the replies.

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I could use a hand at the gas station in Vybor, my legs are broken. I'm otherwise perfectly healthy :D Can anyone help?

Still need help? I'm just outside of Vybor waiting.

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I need a blood transfusion.

I had a run-in with a bandit in the hospital (ironically) earlier today. It was brutal, he shot me multiple times with a makorov, i shot back with my pistol, switched to my shotgun and blew his legs off, and then had to crawl up to him (my legs were also broken) and kill him with a shot to the head.

He ignored all "friendly" and "stop firing god damnit" shouts from me.

So yeah, i was in a hospital and am patched up with morphine etc... but my blood is extremely low, 800. I ran off into the nearby hills, am fainting periodically. I can trade you 2 blood bags for the help :/.

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I need a blood transfusion.

I had a run-in with a bandit in the hospital (ironically) earlier today. It was brutal, he shot me multiple times with a makorov, i shot back with my pistol, switched to my shotgun and blew his legs off, and then had to crawl up to him (my legs were also broken) and kill him with a shot to the head.

He ignored all "friendly" and "stop firing god damnit" shouts from me.

So yeah, i was in a hospital and am patched up with morphine etc... but my blood is extremely low, 800. I ran off into the nearby hills, am fainting periodically. I can trade you 2 blood bags for the help :/.

What hospital?

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That was my question.


It seems every few hours I notice another medic has adopted a sig like mine!

To those posting in this thread for medical assistance, it helps everyone out immensely if you include your location (as you can best determine), your status (are you bleeding? unconscious? low on blood? broken bones?), and any other information that helps us get to where we need to be to give you the help you need as soon as we can.

And I'm unable to help personally, as I've said twice already. So stop sending me PMs with the details of your emergency and post them here :)

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I'm on 2700 blood in the North-East big tent at the military base in Stary Sobor. I keep passing out and my vision is always shaky (despite pain killers). I've been waiting for ages for medical attention.

Edited by Killer110

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It seems every few hours I notice another medic has adopted a sig like mine!

To those posting in this thread for medical assistance, it helps everyone out immensely if you include your location (as you can best determine), your status (are you bleeding? unconscious? low on blood? broken bones?), and any other information that helps us get to where we need to be to give you the help you need as soon as we can.

And I'm unable to help personally, as I've said twice already. So stop sending me PMs with the details of your emergency and post them here :)

Its a good sig style. Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery after all.

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Its a good sig style. Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery after all.

Hah, you guys have been adding subtle improvements to it though. I keep having to update mine with neat ideas :lol:

@Killer110 I meant to get to you earlier today when I was near there, but I had so many messages going on with so many different patients that I got distracted and forgot to dig for your post. I'm sorry I wasn't able to respond. If noone here can help you right now, try hitting up TMW or Rated M Gaming from the first post. They're usually available and can often reach you faster than the freelancers on the White List can manage. Hope you get help soon.

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Moving my location more inland and south. Can still hit the greater berezino area.

Steam ID: parachuteskies104

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What hospital?

It was cherno's hospital, i escaped into the hills but as i said im at 800 blood and passing out periodically. It says i'm in Prigorodky.

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I am in need of a blood transfusion at Grishino. I'm at 4000 blood. I can supply the bloodbag + I have a few extra medical supplies for whatever medic saves me. Vision too shaky to go it alone at this point. Steam username: Kiraxa

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Hi Docs!

I got trapped by Zs in Zelenogorsk.

There were at least 30 bodys on the floor and i didn´t see the crawlers^^

I would trade a G17 or AKM with 2 Clips for 2 Morphine and 2 Painkiller!

I have a broken bone and i am in pain. Health is ok.

I am in a black house next to the store.

I don´t use Steam so please PM me here.

Edited by SolarstormG5

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After Action Report

Logged on and made a rondevu with a medic: Tropper Unfortunately hes body guard makes it into the house, i see him trying and im telling him over Ts, not to go up the stairs its glitchy and thats how i died (remember, lost that M14?) anyway turns out my push to talk was a different button and he never heard me, aw shit. Tropper dies and we cant recover his body, his body gaurd decides to look after me while i go heal a patient.

We make it to the patient and he logs on and spawns Zed's, now normally me and my overwatch team would clear any Zeds Danger close to the patient but my new body guard doesnt want to since it would pull aggro on us so i move in with my makaorv, halfway accros the road i hear a shotgun shot and a message on steam, my patient had died. He had such low blood one hit killed him so when he shot it was one opitunity and if he missed he died, and well, he missed :/

I spend the next 5 mins running round aggroing Zeds looking for his body and find it! i take his NvG'S, GPS, Toolbox, Hunting knife and i'll give it to him next time we meet which brakes my heart since 2 months of playing and no NvG's for me, first time getting it :P

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Ok online and ready to help!

I'm on 2700 blood in the North-East big tent at the military base in Stary Sobor. I keep passing out and my vision is always shaky (despite pain killers). I've been waiting for ages for medical attention.

My Steam is Killer 110. I also sent you a PM.

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Operations have moved to the central areas of the map. Helped a fellow from RRF forum earlier and looking to keep helping out.

Steam ID: paraskies

Ingame Name: Paraskies

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Barely surviving with 250 blood outside of electro. North of the fire station. Out of blood bags and food. No broken bones but I pass out every 25 seconds or so.

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Barely surviving with 250 blood outside of electro. North of the fire station. Out of blood bags and food. No broken bones but I pass out every 25 seconds or so.

Add me on steam : parachuteskies104

I'm not terribly close but I can make it fairly quickly.

In the area now, for this as well. Let me know if still need the assist.

Edited by Paraskies

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