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Dr Wasteland MD

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Need some assistance outside staroye. Managed to crawl to the barn with broken legs and low blood, now cant go up the stairs! Broken legs! Any help would be appreciated.


Steam: pippenz


Cant add u on steam. Says "feature not avail at this time" WTF? if u can add me I'll come for u.

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Many thanks to Duny who completely saved me just now. I wish you all the best in your work and hope I can repay the debt some day!


side note - would anyone be willing to help with antibiotics? still cant shake this pesky cough!!

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After Action Report:

Got on to my base server and went Deer Stand shopping (I went reverse of a Kamenka - Vybor route that I know of). Got some basic military supplies. Was really gunning for either a Coyote Backpack or a rifle of the M16/M4 kind but no bite. Did find MP5SD and some ammo for it. I proceeded to deposit what I had collected, switched servers and began scanning the airwaves for any SOS within my area.

I picked up two signals, all within a short distance of each other. Some to and fro communication and I was on my way. Arriving at the first patient's location, I gave him the server and waited. A simple transfusion and he was good to go (though, after treating him, he started to turn around which sent me into Code Red mode where if he had not followed my instructions immediately after a grace period, he would've been shot. Thankfully, there was no need for any lead dispensing.) I bid him farewell and good luck as I quickly went to the second patient's location.

The second patient had gone dark and I was a little worried. When he responded I sighed in relief. I gave the server and waited for him. When I had confirmed he was in, I attempted to communicate with him but he was silent. If it was any time to be a little worried, now was that time. An infected had walked in on our meeting spot and I warned him that I was going to shoot. When I finally saw him, I was ready to pull the trigger if he had failed to respond my last attempt at polite conversation.

He spoke and I sighed once again. Turns out he needed the full works minus an Epi-pen and Antibiotics. When he was all patched up, I again bid him adieu and made haste for what was looking to be a permanent camp site.

At camp, I had been organising for a good 10 minutes the inventory of the tent to accommodate some freshly caught game when I notice something. The MP5SD was missing. Alarm bells went off. But as soon as they went off, they became quieter. Quieter, not gone. I reasoned it was either it had decided to bug out or someone had taken it. And if it was the latter, they would have shot me a long time ago. That or they were really sick. But no bullets came forth. No death screen came. I was, for all intensive purposes, alone where I was.

And that is that. Thanks to both Quickkill87 and ViperRobK for giving me a thumbs up.

Well, that's it for me. Good night all. Good luck, stay safe and godspeed.

EDIT: Looking for a tent as well. I intend for 1 tent to hv nothing but medical related items and another with everything else. Anyone? :P

Edited by kalskirata
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I would like some help at balota, but it would require some risk, alot of morphine, and a few blood bags and bandages. I'm at balota's control tower, but I'm on the smaller part of the building. I have a broken leg, 6k blood, and I have no bandages to fix my bleeding.

So you would have to break your legs for me, and then bandage me and blood bag me, then roll off the edge with me and bandage and morphine us both. anyone in to help me out?

Edited by Grantpro

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In support of the DayZ medical team I would like to ask for support on my thread in the suggestions forums for a Combat Medic skin to be added so we can give Dr. Wasteland and his associates the look they deserve.


and my apologies for the off topic post in this thread.

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In need of assistance. Need transfusion. I have a blood bag.


directly inside the barn next to the red splotch. 2nd tier east side of barn. Currently logged out waiting on response for help. thanks. checking PMs frequently.

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Was wondering if anyone is near Nadezhdino. I am currently at around 3000 blood, which makes trying to find food to heal impossible. I have a blood pack, I just need someone to help administer it. PM me or add me on Steam (same name).


Edited by Whit793

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Simply in need of some antibiotics and a transfusion(my blood bag).

Willing to donate additional medical supplies and a camo suit; really anything in my inventory/bags are at your disposal.

I'm a couple clicks north of the Power Plant and moving inland(don't want to risk getting any closer to Elektro).

Just name a spot and I'll do the math if I can make it there or not.

Thanks in advance!



Edited by Sequisha

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Thank you so much Duny :D . That I call a medic :) .

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u guys need antibiotics? I got some, and don't really need them. If I would (and don't have) I think I would ask here anyway.

So if you need some, I would be willing to meet up with one of yours (only have 1, but well they're rare).

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Could use a bandaging as I'm in shock. I fell one story inside Rog castle, no bid deal was at 10k, started bleeding while in shock and passed out, got down to 7k blood and 95% through the passed-out hourglass when BAM, kicked for ping being too high. fuck me, load back in and now I have the 3 min. timer or whatever for DC while in shock, which technically I did not do. Let it run out a bit more and got half way and was right under 3k and realized I wasn't gonna make it. I have blood, bandages, morphine on me, but if someone can bring one bandage and then maybe help me with the transfusion. I have and extra NVG and GPS on me, i'll gladly give something away for the help. I've used this service once before on a 10 day+ char, this one is at 20+, would really like to save him. Thanks in advance medics. Steam/TS/Skype, whatever is needed, I can provide the info.

Tuss if you still need help i have a friend who is on his way to you. He's not on the white list but i helped him yesterday and he's a sound guy. I'll pm you details.

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Was wondering if anyone is near Nadezhdino.[...] add me on Steam (same name).

I'm just ~2km away from you. Unfortunately, there seems to be problems with steam search engine today, and I can't add you right now. Try my steam profile link (see opening post or my forum profile) instead.

Edited by Lynx

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I will now be availible in the north for a while. I'm currently at devils castle waiting for a patient but he isnt coming back online atm. If anyones in the area and needs help i have everything from bloodbags and morphine to a couple of antibiotics on me. Give me a shout if you need help :)

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Anyone near Berezino? (NE) I have a broken leg and also need a blood bag. I'm not far from the hospital so I can replenish your supplies for you after.

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Anyone near Berezino? (NE) I have a broken leg and also need a blood bag. I'm not far from the hospital so I can replenish your supplies for you after.

I'm just at devils atm so i can get to you pretty quickly. Just need a few mins irl to get a couple of things done lol. I'll drop you a pm with details when im near the hospital. :)

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I am currently at the Krasnostav airfield watchtower, in dire need of a bandage and blood transfusion. If a medic would come to my aid I would be VERY happy. I don't wanna lose my AKM D:

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sent you a PM Warchilo

*Edit - +Ben+ I am already in Berezino and can help him to save you the trip.

Edited by ketel1

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I'm in dire need of a transfusion! I'm currently sat at NW airfield, but will walk anywhere to get the blood!

PM me please!

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sent you a PM Warchilo

*Edit - +Ben+ I am already in Berezino and can help him to save you the trip.

Ok Ketel, sounds good to me. I'll head up to krastnostavthen instead. :)

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Zurgle and Blackjim, i've sent you both pm's :)

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Hey guys and gals.

Just stopped by to say I admire the good work you're doing and hope to join you as a fellow medic in the future. I just started the game so I'm still learning the ropes, but I'll get there eventually as I learn where to go for necessary equipment and actually learn how the game works :D

I'll become a medic even if it kills me! (which it probably will and many times, but who cares)

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Attn: NW division

I'm in need of a blood transfusion badly (maybe some food as well) near the northwest airfield. I'm in a relatively safe place in the woods. My coordinates are 042052. Please let me know if someone could help I would greatly appreciate it and my skype name is markyxmarkxx. Unless you have another preferred chat method. I'll be on any day this week after 7pm eastern time US. Thank you very much for reading and any assistance. I tried adding members from the nw division thru steam but its been saying for the last 24 hours that the add a friend feature is not available??


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thanks a bunch for fixing the broken leg, would have been a long crawl to the nearest hospital thanks braveheart

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Just got first aid from Woody, great guy who really knows how to get around Chernarus.

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