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About Solanum

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  1. First life I went and got mauled by zombies as I tried to figure out what the hell was going on. The second life I got riddled with bullet holes as some bandit took me and the first friendly fellow survivor I met, and was talking to at the moment, down in a hail of gunfire. Never saw him (or them) coming but then again we did make the classic mistake of standing around in the outskirts of a town hacking zombies with our hachets and chatting away. During the third life (and second day of playing if I remember correctly) I started saving lives. Doing my best to join the white list and been trekking around Chernaurus just so that someone else might survive a bit longer. Unfortunately I haven't had the chance to play all that much recently so not too many saves under my belt yet :huh:
  2. Solanum

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Oh now that I remember, I, as a fellow aspiring medic, can also vouch for VoLLi. I was on my way to a patient the other day and as I got there we had difficulties getting on the same server and VoLLi rushed to the rescue in my stead. I realize I never thanked you for that so thanks!
  3. Nice to hear the story of a fellow medic to such extent (I'm still newbie both in the game and being a medic but I have managed to help a few people during the little time I've had to play). I myself happened to read about Dr Wasteland even before I got DayZ and I thought it was pretty cool.I've always been bit of a carebear in all the games I've played as well, never really been interested in pvp so I'd rather go around helping people. When I finally got DayZ less than a week ago and was reading around guides and stuff on how to survive the first days, I happened to stumble upon Dr Wasteland's "Need Medical Assistance?" -thread and knew immediately how I would spend my time in DayZ. My first patient was already on my third life (first life I got mauled by zombies when still learning the ropes, second time I got shot by a bandit while talking to the first friendly fellow survivor I met ._.), I had just raided a hospital for the first time and was stocked and saw someone in the previously mentioned thread asking for assistance fairly close by so I pmed him and he accepted help from a random newb like me and we set up a meet, I fixed his legs and gave him some blood and we both went on our happy ways.
  4. Solanum

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I should be at Kamenka at the moment (at least I was when I logged out last night :D) so I might be able to assist. Gonna throw you a pm as well.
  5. Solanum

    Worst Game Experience ever

    Wouldn't you say that unicorns as a mythical creatures would be extremely rare? Even if you haven't seen one doesn't automatically mean there are no unicorns! :ph34r: Would be a nice "easter egg" to suddenly get impaled by a rampaging unicorn o.O Or not... On more serious note: what comes to advertising, as far as I know there hasn't really been any official advertising of DayZ so you can't even blame the game or the team or whatever and you only have either the unofficial advertisers to blame or alternatively yourself for falling for such a thing.
  6. Solanum

    Instant death upon login

    Is it the same bug I was talking about? Or does he actually get the death screen and lose all gear and stuff? I've only had it happen to me once though :o
  7. Solanum

    Worst Game Experience ever

    Oh yeah there is that. I was thinking of fatigue as in being too exhausted not to run anymore, which you obviously realized but yeah :D You do make a valid point, it's pretty slow as it is to get around especially for a newb like me who keeps taking the scenic route (read; get lost all the time).
  8. Solanum

    Worst Game Experience ever

    I for one got the game exactly for it's variance from the current "norm" of games. I knew it's gonna be tough and the learning curve would be steep and I think that mindset got me through the first deaths when I knew nothing about the game. I've got mauled up by zombies, gunned down by a bandit while standing at the edge of a town chatting to a friendly fellow survivor and probably many other ways as well. Been playing for a couple of days now and I still get lost now and then even with a map on the other screen but that's probably just my terrible sense of direction :D I just had to comment on this. The way I see it, a zombie wouldn't probably be affected by fatigue as humans do. In the end I think "in reality" a zombie would probably outrun a human assuming the said zombie is actually capable of running :D On an unrelated note, I find the fact that there's no fatigue in DayZ slightly surprising given the many other "reality factors" in the game.
  9. Solanum

    Instant death upon login

    I also had something similar to this once. I was logging in a usual and before the screen even loads properly (I'm still on black screeen), I see the text "Solanum has been killed" in the "chatbox". I was like "Oookaayy, bugged. But meh let's start over again.", but the server I joined happened to be in the middle of the night and it was pouring so I didn't see ANYTHING. Anyhow I was still like "where the f am I" and such and happened to check my inventory and it was EMPTY. Not even the usual starter stuffs like a flashlight and a bandage and whatnot. That's when I logged out and logged in again on another server (looking for one where it was day so I could tell where the hell was I) and I had been respawned on the coast but retained all my items. Now that I think of it I don't think I ever got the "You're dead" -screen. o.o I have a feeling I've heard of such happenings even before 95310 but can't be certain as I'm pretty new here :D I was updated to 95310 at the time, I think.
  10. Solanum

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm fairly close to Drozhino myself and am willing to give some morphine for the leg and a transfusion, but as for the tips I'm afraid that's somewhat a nono as I'm probably at least as new as you if not newer :blush:
  11. Solanum

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm also around zub/vyshnoe at the moment, so I'll also be available for assistance.
  12. Solanum

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    @selits, assuming I'll find my way to zub, I'll be close to vyshnoe and would probably be available for assistance after I'll fix up rgregory87 (assuming I manage >.<)
  13. Solanum

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm relatively close to zub, but as I'm newbie I'm not sure how long it would take me to get there :D I'll not dare send a pm yet in case I'll get lost and spend the next few hours looking for zub, so I'll try to make my way closer first and then pop the pm :D
  14. Solanum

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    @Bron89, I'm not too far from guglovo (I think), but then again I'm new to the game and I've been pretty much running in circles (accidentally) for past couple of hours so... I think I'll try to make my way closer and IF I can find my way there in near future I'll send the pm :D
  15. Solanum

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hey guys and gals. Just stopped by to say I admire the good work you're doing and hope to join you as a fellow medic in the future. I just started the game so I'm still learning the ropes, but I'll get there eventually as I learn where to go for necessary equipment and actually learn how the game works :D I'll become a medic even if it kills me! (which it probably will and many times, but who cares)